Some interesting manifestations this week and important lessons learned

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

The spirit of gifting is spreading!  Two members of the Stewards of Terra Mater team are now delegating their own steam to other people to help them get started as well.  Bravo to @cheneats and @skycae for paying it forward with delegations of your own.  What a wonderful and generous gesture!

I also had a very interesting experience with a user whom will remain anonymous.  I had a few steem left over, so I delegated the little steem I had to them and it caused a fantastic discussion which resulted in me taking the delegation back and learning an important lesson.  One thing I did not realize is that some people here don't want to be helped and I totally get it.  To accomplish something on ones own has specific benefits as well.  The struggle and time it takes to build a following and write a blog takes a lot of time and hard work.  Some people want to go through that challenge and do the hard work.  It is personal and I applaud the individual for having the awareness and courage to explore why my gift did not 'feel right' and to ask that it be withdrawn.  

So this brings up an interesting moral dilemma.  Even when gifting, we need to be careful that we do no harm.  Some people just want it easy, so they beg for hand outs because they don't want to do the work.  Gifting to them would feed into their slumber and not build any strength, character or the social skills required to participate in a healthy community.  In fact, it would weaken the community.  Tough love would dictate that we confront these people about their slumber ways.  If we give to them, they will atrophy which would not be healthy for them at all.  Others, like the individual I just spoke about, are driven and motivated to do the work because they know the experience will bring them strength, confidence, accomplishment and other non-tangible and tangible benefits.  By gifting to them, we would be taking away those opportunities for personal growth.  

Now I am confronted with finding the individual who is motivated, working hard and has the desire and determination but just needs that bridge built so that he / she can find the success that they are working hard to achieve.  They are not begging but instead are actively participating and commenting on posts, writing meaningful high quality blogs, interacts with people, working hard to write engaging comments and demonstrates an over all commitment to excellence, self improvement, self-governance and a genuine commitment to the community.  

The old saying goes:  

Feed a man a fish, feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish, feed him for a life time.

I want to focus on the later part of that saying.  But it also requires tools, skills and opportunity, not just teaching!  The man may be a master angler and have the best gear, but if there is no water to fish in, how can he put those skills to use?  We are all responsible to ensure that our brothers and sisters have all three components to being self-sufficient.  We may need to feed the man in an emergency to preserve life when he / she is in immediate danger.  But the long term goal is to help one another acquire the tools, skills and opportunities.  The WILL to fish then rests with the individual and it is that WILL that I look for.  

I think it is really cool that some people want to build their own fishing pole, figure out how to fish for themselves and are willing to walk a thousand miles to get to a spot where he / she can try it out.  Bravo to those individuals!  

I believe that every Steward of Terra Mater are individuals who possess the talents, skills, desire, strength and determination to feed themselves.  I pray that my gift provided the resources so that they can build their own bridge so that the opportunities for success are presented to them.  That is my intent, but some times I don't see very well.  :)  From what I can tell, it seems to be working for the most part.  Here is the latest update for the team.  We will have a minnow within a week, who can swim in a much larger ocean and who built the bridge all by himself!  


Stewards of Terra Mater:  There is an invitation to you to join @pennsif on his new show.  If you are open to being interviewed for about 15 - 20 minutes, then contact @pennsif to make arrangements. You can catch his first show on his blog to get an idea of what he is looking for and the format of his show.

For those of you who like to debate:  This weeks debate has been upvoted by a few whales so the prizes are considerable this week.  You may want to get involved with this weeks debate.


Yes- when I have been doing my delegations, some days I get a headache. I have so many questions I ask myself as I look through profiles. I look at daily posts, comments and replies, interaction, etc. I almost need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all.

Maybe I am over thinking and analyzing, but... yes, there's always a but... I want to make sure my decision and choice is the correct one.

Indeed. I actually lean on my heart to make that decision. For the most part it has worked out really well. The times it has not is when my brain got in the way. lol

Oh, that dang brain! Always causing trouble!

lol I know right!

Wait for me in the next few days...
I have to be with @cheneats ... I'm not going to leave you alone
Thank you brother @wwf ... I'm going to work day and night in order not to disappoint you.

I don't want to be alone, @yagoub. :-) I am so grateful to have known you here on the platform. Thank you for your friendship and together we can make it happen! Now take care and go back to work "day and night". ;-) By the way, please don't forget to rest from time to time in order to be creative.

this what i see ... Your success is part of my success.


Haha ... very true! Your success is part of my success, too!

All of our successes are tied together, and thats awesome!

It is a teamwork! I love it!!!

I love this team. <3


My dear brother, this is not about my expectations, so there is nothing you can do or fail to do that would cause disappointment. Please don't do this for me. Use the gift for you!

Wow, this seems like a chain reaction....very good for Steemit and the Steemians. I hope #stewardsofgondor keeps spreading to become one of the best #minnowsupport projects here at Steemit. Very good job @wwf. @fulltimegeek, You're a visionary. Steem On!

P.S. : Congrats Steemians on minnow adoption:

Bravo to @cheneats and @skycae for paying it forward with delegations of your own.

P.S.S. This one is one of my most favorite sayings

Feed a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a life time.

First of all Bravo to our amazing Stewards @cheneats & @skycae who did really great in recent past and forwarded the delegated sp to others here on steemit, Weldone Guys <3

Thank you so much @wwf for providing a very detailed graphical contribution at one's end in all these days. I am the youngest Stewards of Terra Mater but let me tell you guys i am really much confident and motivated to promote Peace and harmony all the way. I will lead by example and will upvote as much as i can just to bring the harmony ;)

I am really Thankful to all of these amazing steemians who are always ready to help others in anyway BRAVO

I am not that learned to comment on this post but i still have something to say...
There are people who would not work hard and would eye on easy money, i get it
Then there are people who would work hard and would not ask others for help..
I consider myself as kind of a person who would build herself a door if opportunity doesnt knock..from grade 3 onwards, i continued my education on my own.. couldnt afford school but would never miss an opportunity to make friends that were school going (i could know the annual examinations trends and the patterns to appear)...i did not fall in self pity or tried to band my head in a wall instead, God taught me thinking smart. Then i got, as part of our culture, married at the age of 18 and I never left my education even then, i just took masters part 1 exam when my son was 2 months only..being mother of a 9 month now, I am more than happy to have taken smart decisions always. Not all kind of help is through money, at times right guidance can help you make loads of it whereas the guidance is merely a quality time given by someone...
On that note, I admire you for the words you shared especially the fishermen ones..i am more than willing to learN how to fish.
Thank you @wwf
Looking forward to hear from you more often

@naima94, I think what you did for yourself is brave and admirable. Bravo to you for not giving up and doing what ever you could to educate yourself. You showed grit and determination and that is what I love about your story. Kudos to you and I applaud your courage to share your story here on this post. It fits in very well with the subject matter. May you inspire others to do the same. Thank you.

Thank you for taking time out to read it. Its is not very easy to share stuff from personal life and i've done it twice under yor posts lol (God knows why). But i am positive as long as it contributes in making me feel better and those around. Thank you sir. I was a big fan of facebook since ages and now the focus has been shifted from there to steemit. A lot to learn here. The model is so good. Kudos to all.

How interesting about the delegation being refused!
I think my husband would be like that if he joined steemit, not into "handouts". He was given a log splitter and still chose to cut most of ten cord of wood with an axe, if that tells you anything <3
To each their own! I admire his strong will.
Good job spreading the love Stewards!

Thanks for sharing this experience of you.

I guess the person is really interested in writing blogs and express his views through that, so he definitely needs to invest his time for that.
May be the SP delegation means, we need to devote time for utilizing that for a better use by rewarding posts through curation and that means an additional requirement of time.

If we can't spend time on curation and wholly want to devote for blogging, then the delegation purpose will not be fulfilled.

With my personal experience, I want to publish atleast one blog per day, for which I spend 3 to 4 hours, and I utilize other time for curation as part of the SP delegation I got. My intention behind telling this is, we need to spend extra time for curation which is like going an extra mile as this is adding value to Steemit and people like you and @fulltimegeek and many others are willing to support the cause.

I agree. It has been a challenge for me as when I started I was dedicating a lot of my time writing high quality blog posts. Now I'm 4 months in and I find myself spending 80% of my time responding to people and I reward people who engage in meaningful dialogue and that is the bulk of my curating. I found value in delegating my steem so that others can take advantage of the influence where my time is now so limited as a result of my own success. Even now, I'm only catching up to comments that were made 4 days ago. Please forgive the delay, but I want to do my best to respond to everyone as that shows my intent and appreciation for the relationships that I'm building here. Thank you so much for honouring me with your time to write and build a relationship between the two of us. I appreciate that very much.

Oh, no need to apologize sir, I have got to know about you by now and I can say, you are one of the nicest persons I have interacted on Steemit and I have seen you responding to even some least comments with just few words.

So, there is no chance of misunderstanding and thinking that you won't respond.

Appreciate your keenness to respond to each and every message in a meaningful way and encourage others through those replies.

Great to have these interactions with you. Thanks again and have a wonderful Day :)

You have a wonderful day too my friend. Peace to you.

Oh, that was so quick. Thank you!!

lol Well, I'm getting caught up now! hahaha

I agree. It has been a challenge

lol, nice one. Love that, thanks for sharing @r351574nc3

Big respect to the unnamed user who wants to build up the following him/herself.
It's true that you need a certain level of suffering so that you can build character and it's admirable that the person understands that and decided otherwise. Hopefully we can hear in the future who this was and can see how the experience benefited them on their journey!

Interesting post and it's good to hear that more influential users are helping people get there foot in the door.

Being able to get up to the 500SP milestone is a great first step to becoming an influencial figure on the platform and it's something everyone should strive to do if they are here for the long run!

He actually wrote a post about it. You can read up about his experiences on his blog.

The 500SP is the goal for anybody that I invite into the Stewards of Terra Mater. We had our first steward hit that mark yesterday. I will share more in my next update!

That is great, thanks very much for the link.

500 just makes sense, being able to split your votes is very important. More smiles on people's faces throughout the day!

Thank you @wwf and @fulltimegeek for your most generous gifts to help me get started. This world has become a better place to live for many because of you! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear brothers <3

Yes, thank you for the wonderful opportunities to grow and flourish and spread the love. Thats all I really want to do, and none of this really feels like work haha, its engaging and fun and challenging and I want many people to feel the awesomeness of it!

when you find that your work is fun, you have found a calling my friend. Steem on! I'm so happy for you!

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