The Two Most Amazing Days Of My Entire Life: Ulog #11

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!

As many of you may know by reading my last Ulog, my husband was recently hired for a new job, and was to meet his new boss on Saturday to fill out paperwork and be shown around. Well, things didn't exactly go as planned.

First off, the place to meet was an hour away. Jared had no clue how to get there, and we have no data on our phones, so no Google Maps. Before he left I drew up the directions online to print them. Problem with that was - the printer wasn't working. With no other options available I wrote the directions down for him by hand.

Now, Jared has never been the best navigator. In the last 16 years of us being together, it was always me who knew the course, and if he was driving, I would be his co-pilot, telling him which way to turn. After he left, I was a little worried that he wouldn't get to his destination without any hiccups. Sure enough, there were hiccups.

He called me on the road 2 1/2 hours later an hour away from where he and his employer were supposed to meet. He got turned around and had just gotten directions that set him on the right course. He arrived there very late, as a 1 hour trip took 3 1/2 hours. This certainly doesn't make a very good first impression.

Walking up to this man's house and shop, Jared noticed that the man, Victor, and his wife were dressed much like Mennonites. The wife had a bee stuck in her bonnet, and Victor was trying to help her get it out. Jared said, "A bee in her bonnet! I've never been able to say that before!" This kind of broke the ice. Victor showed Jared on a map where he was turned around. The atmosphere was peaceful and positive, and he felt like he had stepped back in time. Victor and Jared sat down to start talking, and Jared was planning on only telling him that which pertained to the job.

They ended up talking for 3 hours. Victor and his wife weren't really Mennonites, they had been, but they ultimately found their own way for themselves after being jaded by the church. Since they were Christians, Jared couldn't help but tell his own testimony of when he was born again. He spilled out the whole story of everything we went through, including the bad. Our breakup, how he got into meth, his transformation and recovery, our remarriage, and his recent depression, how the house was going to be foreclosed, his current anger with God, and much more. Maybe it was because of a combination of this along with the fact that he was so late, Victor said he couldn't hire Jared at this time. Jared apologized for oversharing, and Victor said he was happy to hear his testimony. Victor also said, in a fatherly way, that he thinks about me and the kids, and that Jared should find something closer to home so he would be able to be with us more. Jared said he was scared to go home and tell his wife that he doesn't have the job.

That's right, he wasn't hired.

Victor said, "Jared, I really like you. We've gone through a lot of the same experiences when it comes to institutionalized church. I think you're smart, articulate...I can't hire you, but can I help you out? How much do you owe on your mortgage?"

Jared said he doesn't really have the pride to not accept help right now... $1400. Victor walks inside his house and returns with a checkbook. He wrote out the check and gave it to Jared, saying, "This is a gift." It was for $2500!!! Jared started welling up and said, "I've never been given a gift like this before from someone I don't even know." Victor said, "It's not from me, it's from Jesus. God loves you Jared."

When Jared got home, he told me what happened. He said he knew that Jesus put it on Victor's heart to write this check, but it still doesn't make him want to seek God at this time. He was still angry with God about his depression.

Well the check wasn't for Jared, it was for me.

I've been feeling an incredible amount of guilt lately. I haven't been taking care of my kids right. I let them fend for themselves while I spent hours a day on Steemit. A couple of them are losing weight. I wasn't taking them out to play. I wasn't on top of their hygiene. When one jumped up on my lap I would get irritated and told her to get down. I wasn't building any kind of relationship with them. Sure I loved them, but I was incredibly self-absorbed as well as depressed myself. I didn't know how to change. Even though the amount of guilt I had made me cry, guilt doesn't get anything done. Guilt didn't change me. I always thought I was a Christian before, but now I know that I wasn't.

I was thinking to myself So really, Jesus gave us this check. Jesus gave us a check for $2500. I thought about Him and what he does. He forgives. I started crying all by myself in the kitchen and thought the question, "So you can forgive me right now for all of this? You can forgive me?" Suddenly I felt all the guilt and shame disperse from me, and it was replaced with this incredible sensation, first it rose in my chest, and expanded through. Immediately, the eyes through which I saw my children were transformed, and I saw them accompanied by an incredible amount of love. This was real. This was life changing. I'm different now, and will never be the same.

I was born again!!!

Since this has happened the phenomenon has not gone away, and already there are positive changes in the children's demeanors. I was gifted the holy spirit, and Jesus has been guiding me along the way. Instead of being selfish, I've been kind to them, spending time with them. I actually want to read the Bible for the first time ever just to learn more. My husband has responded in a positive way to this as well, and I know I'm here in part to help guide him back to God.

This may cost me some followers, but I really don't know how much I will be on Steemit in the future anyway. I love you all, but I have a husband and 5 kids, and they come before Steemit now.

Chloe's birthday!!

In other news, My daughter celebrated her 7 year birthday yesterday!! We had so much fun and here are some pictures!

Since this has happened to me, I know there are many more amazing days to come! Thanks for reading!

Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy spirit. Eph. 1:13

In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. John 14:20

Love, snowpea ❤



Hey there snowpea!
Even though I´m not on your spiritual path, I´m really happy for you and I´m totally supportive of your faith!
Whatever makes you happy, helps you change for the better, and brings you closer to universal love, is a good thing!
Also, do not worry about your steemit followers that much, it´s not like its your job or anything! Relax, live your life, you will always have a core of loyal followers, even if you don´t make an effort to feed them posts daily.

Well the check wasn't for Jared, it was for me.

Sorry my friend, but I disagree. Jared overcame the things tormenting him, driving somewhere he wasn't familiar with, got lost, was late and instead of blowing it off he still met with the man. Opening his heart, he exposed his trials sharing his testimony and through all of this it touched this man into having a strong gesture with Jared. This is his triumph, and I applaud him for seeing it through and receiving a gift no one could have expected. That check was definitely his for overcoming all that he did.

Now having said that, this kind man who was compelled to help out gave a different gift to you other than that check. He gave his light that allowed you to look into your heart and recognize it within yourself. It was there all along, I saw it as well as so many on here. But that wasn't helping you if you didn't see it. I am thankful that this served as an epiphany for you, and no worries on how much or little you will be on Steemit. Those who are meant to be part of your crew will still be here when you post.

Yes, I understand you reasoning, but the spiritual gift that was intended to be imparted fell to me, whereas Jared remains cold towards God, and is getting depressed again. He hasn't even had the gumption to cash it yet whereas I have been transformed. For those who wouldn't understand that, maybe I should've said, "Not only for Jared, but for me too."

Victor walks inside his house and returns with a checkbook. He wrote out the check and gave it to Jared, saying, "This is a gift." It was for $2500!!! Jared started welling up and said, "I've never been given a gift like this before from someone I don't even know." Victor said, "It's not from me, it's from Jesus. God loves you Jared."

This brought a tear to my eye... the generosity of this man is overwhelming. @ironshield

Am still overwhelmed with this presently, about to cry, this is what Jesus alone can do. Am so happy for this great impartation of God towards your family.
Keep on Shinning.

I can't remember the last time I read your blog and didn't I do so happily.

This may cost me some followers, but I really don't know how much I will be on Steemit in the future anyway. I love you all, but I have a husband and 5 kids, and they come before Steemit now.

We thoroughly understand dear, feel free to drop by anytime.

Happy birthday to your little girl... Nice knowing she's has a great mom

I'm glad to hear that God is really working in your lives! That's so great that the family was able to help you out as well as give you a glimpse of God's love for you. I agree about Steemit not being a priority. I also learned that recently and have spent way less time on here. It's addicting! I'm glad to hear an update from you. I hope to see more great posts from you in the future, but just know that God will never leave you or forsake you. Blessings!
Mark 16:16

I'm so happy for you @snowpea!!! Now... to the bank!

No, I'm kidding! 😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣

I'm sincerely happy for you, that will help you and your family a lot! Best wishes!

I am happy for you! But most of all, happy for your children. They will reap the benefits of this awakening. That kind and giving mother was inside, ready to come out. Steemit will survive without you but your children have only one mother like you.

The only thing in this whole world that matters is family. Take a break from everything else and love your family. I'm having trouble with 2 of my kids now too, and steemit is one of the things in my life that that I've had to step back from a bit.
Good luck @snopea

Wow @snowpea that is the best news in weeks I've read! I am so truly happy for you guys, reading these kind of things makes me see the good in people again. Although I did see it in more and more people last 6 months, It also is a good boost for my own feeling by only reading (not even experiencing this) stories like this. I told my boyfriend when I read it, and he was just as wow-ed as I was :) I do agree with @practicalthought though, he overcame his fears and this was what he got. But I do understand because of the feeling and emotions that you felt after hearing this yourself, that this can feel like it was to help you. But you are much stronger than you think girl! Like practicalthought said, we saw it, but you couldn't see it yourself. And now you do again! In the end it doesn't matter for who it was meant, as you are married and this super generous gift will help your family like a lot with the mortgage! This man is a blessing and you should really show a gift of appreciation once the mortgage thing is behind you, send him a card or flowers with a thank you. It doesn't have to cost much, but these little gestures will make him feel he did the right thing for sure. Again, just wow reading it.. enjoy your family !!! Don't worry about your followers, you'll be here when you'll be here lol

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