How to Grow a Blog/Ulog ~ Ulog: Day 28

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

If you are a person that thinks other people have an easier life then you, you might not know their whole story. Many people do not talk about how hard their lives really are. Many people keep all the bad things that happen in their lives to themselves.

Keeping all the really bad things that have happened in your life to yourself is a personal choice. Some do it because they don't want false sympathy from people. Some do it because they don't want to be known for what has happened to them but want to be known for who they are.

Blogging or my new favorite term Ulogging is a way to get to know someone. People will share many things in a blog/ulog if you look and read close enough.

Some people take the easy road and will not think twice about plagiarizing someone's posts.

The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Do you know how many hours a person puts into working on their blog every day? Do you know many hours they don't sleep because they want to get a post out? Do you know how long it takes them to come up with an idea to post about?

No. You are not them. You might think you have an idea but really you do not know for sure what a person goes through, how much work they put into making their personal blog as best as they can.

"Do not steal someone's shine" as @surpassinggoogle likes to call our lives.

It's Stealing. Plain and Simple.

What really goes into making a Steemit Blog/Ulog account.

Answer: A lot of time, hard work, learning, commenting, writing, rewriting, time and hard work.

If someone is able to say this is not true I, personally, would find it hard to believe. I'm not saying it can not be done but very few people ever receive the golden ticket.

In the video below I used gardening as an analogy to making a blog/ulog.

Music by Aquaerials

Here are a few highlights if you don't have time to watch the Video

Everyone has a life. You might not find your life interesting but if you are honest and write from your heart about your life, what you really feel, people see and feel it. They will come back to your blog to read more.

Building a following takes time and hard work. We all have things we have to overcome to be able to get to where we are in this world. No one's life is easy. Try to keep that in mind while building up your Steem account and your blogs/ulogs.

Share a smile today. It cannot hurt!



On a personal note: I have a lot going on in my real life right now. I will be checking in but it might be a few days before I can get back to you to answer comments. I'm very sorry but as of right now this is how my life is going.

I will ask if you can, take the time to make someone laugh today while I'm not able to be here like normal. I have a quota that needs filling and I will not be able to meet it so I'm asking for your help. 😉


Vote for Witness Enginewitty!

Vote for Witness Steemgigs!

SG witness.gif

Sweet footer made by @enginewitty!


Hugs to you and hope all will get easy for you!!

I sure hope so too. Not sure what's going on lately..........

Hey Snook - fabulous post as always. You're so right- so much goes into building a blog, and no one knows what "real-life" is throwing around in the background. There's nothing sadder than someone picking your flowers and stealing them for their own vase.

Lovely film - thanks for inviting us into the beautiful garden you've created here. Sending you love for whatever you have going on - and I promise to throw lots of extra love around Steemit for you while you're away. E x

There's nothing sadder than someone picking your flowers and stealing them for their own vase.

I so agree. I really don't think people understand how much work most do every day for their blogs. Thank YOU for being YOU!! You have a way to bring joy in your comments. It's wonderful to see!

Wanting to send you a hug... but how to do that digitally is beyond me :)
Hope you have a lovely day x

This is such a beautifully laid out analogy! I love the highlights section!

Please bear with me here, but we have been very successfully using the 'low-hanging fruit' strategy to mitigate theft.

Our small town is full of food! We joke that even the beggars are chubby. Its because we live in an agricultural zone, and some low hanging fruit is never far away.

Some larger land owners are offended by this. Recently, one of the biggest decided to cut down all the guava trees that bordered his farm for generations. Ledis tells me she remembers snacking from them as a kid while walking 3 hrs to town with her family.

The lack of these trees in no way mitigates people's hunger, they just have to walk further or deeper to find food. I believe this is cultural, a deeply socialistic (regarding food at least) culture makes sense in a geographic dead end like our mountain valley, there'd be no one to save landowners from hunger riots here!

Since the biggest land owners don't actually 'live' here, it doesnt seem like a problem to them to plant hundreds of acres of zero food (coffee is inedible). They are sure we little people (plankton, minnows, dolphins) will work things out between us.

While seeing plenty of evidence of 'hunger theft' starting out, we continued planting our food forest! After all, I can't be sure if its an armadillo or a human who pulled up those mantioc, but both are hungry and basically unwilling to negotiate.

We now have such replicating foods as sugar cane and bananas placed strategically near the enterances. More guavas are coming (what a slow tree! Think twice before cutting down one of these, the next tree will feed a much older version of yourself, or your kids!)

How does this relate to your story? I think the low hanging fruit is all the community driven work done with ulogs, steemgigs, thealliance, etc. Sure, once and a while somebody will walk into the middle of your garden and start grabbing golden raspberries, but then we will blow the trumpets.

They will eventually learn that its best to grab the low hanging fruit, propagate the seeds, learn new techniques, and maybe one day have their own uniquely beautiful garden! And many more will never steal or even feel like they need to.

I love you!

This is such a beautifully laid out analogy!

Thank You!! I worked hard on it and was hoping it was easy to understand. I love all you added to it!!! <3

Es una propuesta interesante y bien explicada... saludos

Thank You :D

Your posts always bring a smile to my face. And I made @brisby laugh today!

He did! :) @Snook, would you rather drive Ecto-1 or the Batmobile?
I was able to make two people laugh when I tripped on a snake in my yard! My girls were crying with laughs at the look on my face!

Batmobile!!! cuz , well, it's the Batmobile! :D

and I'm sorry you got hurt but happy your girls had fun? LOLLLLLLLLLLLL Only you @brisby!! <3

:D Thank you and

I made @brisby laugh today!

Made me so happy to read today!!! :D grinning from ear to ear

True, blogging takes tons of effort! Hmmm..your garden is lovely but doesn't have enough vegetables. ;) Can't forget those!

nope, I can not but here is another side of the backyard....... hmmmmmm :D

@snook the best real celebrity

Thank you!! I hope it helped too!! :D

HI @snook, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Fiber Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here

Join us on Mondays for Creatives' Coffee Hour at 1pm EDT in the Steemit Ramble on Discord or view it life on Rambling Radio.

Thank You!!!!! I'm so sorry my reply is so late in coming!! it's been a bit crazy here .......... as '#youknowwho' for more details LOLLL

and to make your ramble makes me so happy. I wasn;t sure how or if people would get my analogy.........not that it was bad but sometimes you think you have this great idea and then people read it and all go WHAT?????? LOLLLLLLLL miss you!

great to be reading your post again. I was really caught up with the poetry challenge that I forgot i have another personality as well. Great ULOG

Thank you for stopping again. That poetry challenge was really hard!! I know a few people that did it and by the end, it took up all of their time!! and never worry. I'm not going any where LOL

p.s., take care dear. sending you positive vibes

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