
in #ulog3 years ago (edited)

1)ring a bell:使某人想起某事,使人回忆起

2)to be stoked:to be excited 对某事感到兴奋

3)to beat someone to it:此处beat means "defeat";I want to do sth., but you do it first 我想做某事,但你捷足先登

4)to lose one's bearings:very confused; to lose your direction 迷失方向

5)rest my case:I've proven my point with clear evidence, and now I'm done talking. (so that's the end of the argument/story)
Non-lawyers use this expression in their daily life

6)fall on deaf ears:当做耳旁风;未加理睬

7)down in the dumps:垂头丧气;情绪低落

8)food for thought:something to think about 引人深思
例如:The school principal wants to abolish the use of exams in the classroom. Some teachers don't agree but say the idea is food for thought.

9)let someone off the hook:放过某人
allow wrongdoing to go unpunished;no longer have to deal with an unpleasant situation

10)hit me up(for sth.):ask me for sth. 请教某人某事

11)get around/round to:抽出时间做
I said I would write to you, but as usual I never get round to it. 我说过要写信给你,但像往常一样总是抽不出时间来。

12)go out on a limb:put yourself in a weak position, not very sure, certain, strong 处在一个虚弱不牢靠的地方;to make an assumption/make a guess 姑且猜一猜(有可能全猜错)

13)talk your ear off:He talked so much so that your ear got tired and eventually fell off. 听的好烦,耳朵起老茧了

14)to get on like a house on fire:一见如故 to immediately start a good relationship with someone

15)bail on someone:you're leaving that person in difficult situation 背弃某人

16)trade lives with:to envy sb. so that you want to live their lives 想与某人交换(想过某人的生活)
例句:Sometimes I'd like to trade lives with my cat. She seems to be enjoying herself all the time.

crush:think of a can (a sound and no liquid, usually an empty object); Crushing is usually done with one quick motion;a car can "crash" and the front of the car can be "crushed"... 压扁,压坏(快速地)

smash:think of "glass" 撞击,通常与玻璃镜子相关

squash:usually involves liquid coming out;When you see/hear the word "squash",think of stepping on a banana. 看到/听到squash这个词时,想想踩到香蕉的感觉

18)split the difference:妥协;折中

19)to be fresh out of sth.:刚用完;刚好没有;刚卖掉

20)stick a fork in me:I'm done 我完成了
...you insert a fork (or a toothpick) into the center of the cake...you'll able to see if it is finished/done cooking把叉子或(牙签筷子)插入蛋糕中,看看是否粘叉子/筷子,如果不粘,就知道熟了(超级有趣,不是吗?)
a)you're physically/mentally exhasted
b)when you're frustrated and you don't want to do sth. any more

21)over the top:over-exaggerated 极度夸张的

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