ULOG 10 Don't Make Excuses Have Courage

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I take a lot of photos of The Running Man of Thailand. He is on signs to tell you where to run if you have an emergency. But not your own personal emergency. There needs to be an emergency for everyone in order to take advantage of his service.

In this case, at Pier 2 of Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok Thailand, there will also be a fire. I stopped to take this photo and also a little bit of a break on the long walk to the Immigration checkpoint. At 1 AM I was exhausted from a long day of travel.

Pier 2 Running man emergency normal fitinfun.jpg

I did not think I would have trouble getting into Thailand as I had all the things they need here, including the Visa I left the country to get.

But I was wrong, and ended up in the secondary checkpoint for a couple of hours longer. I was lucky enough to be passed through, but I will not push my luck next time. Instead of using this airport again, I will soon depart for Malaysia on a train and stay there for some time into the future.

How long?
I don't know.

Where will you live?
I don't know.

What will you do there?
I don't know. Keep working.

If I was a color, I would be green.

Pier 2 Running man emergency retro dark fitinfun.jpg

I'm supposed to be posting my weight loss tips and have been struggling with a post about food for days. It's turned into 6000 words and needs to be 15 posts, at least. Here is:

  • part of the outline
  • part of the advice:

Weight loss good Ideas fitinfun (1).jpg

In my efforts to cut, I decided to focus only on the "Do's" and not the "Don'ts" for a few/many posts. I have support from steemiteducation, if I will only complete and publish the posts.

I am now ONLY working on the words of advice for the bolded line in that graphic above, and I do not even want to count them now, because I'm sure they are too many. This keeps happening when I write about food - the very thing obese people want help with!

Here are some words I used to help someone today:

= =
I lost "half my size" with natural methods 8 years ago and now coach others, blog, and write books on the topic. I am currently blogging my methods and you can find my posts on my profile here. In general do all of this daily:

  • get over your personal excuses
  • eat "clean" and nutrious food you enjoy
  • exercise within your limits
  • be kind to yourself
  • never give up

I will be glad to see you on my feed and I answer all pm's from anyone who contacts me. I was a fat 4 year old and lost weight at 50 while sick and near death. Now I am almost 60, still thin, and healthier than I have ever been in my life. Shockingly, my weight had never been a problem again. My new habits are not hard or expensive and the old ones do not tempt me.

It is my goal for the rest of my life to help others have this same success I did and you can easily be one of them. We are lied to by everyone in the mainstream, but there is a way through this mess.
= =

Blah, blah, blah...

I normally coach this information one-on-one. I feel really conflicted about writing my food tips in all their dense complexity. I know how it is when you are obese and feel hopeless. Someone tells you how to eat, and you say, "Yeah. Right. I'll do that." But you won't. It is in one ear and out the other.

Today I got a notice to update my success story on SparkPeople and I went in to do that. There are less than 200 people on the "success story" list. Meanwhile, 80% of Americans are obese or overweight. It's not like I lack a market.

And in other news...

I need to make train reservations from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur and have checked the schedule many times. I can't make myself push the reserve button and pay the price of the ticket. What are you going to do, Sharon? Walk out of the country?

And the people get farther way.

Pier 2 Running man emergency festive light fitinfun.jpg

I'm worried sick for me and for my son @bxlphabet. I should not be in this position. I lost "half my size" over eight years ago. I have coached, written books, and blogged all about it. I have helped many others lose weight too. But my lack of focus on money and success has driven me into poverty and taken my son with me.

How did I think I was going to survive? How did I think I was going to help my son?

I don't know.

I'm back where I started, but even more tired, with less money, and with even less focus.

Pier 2 Running man emergency festive dark fitinfun.jpg

This is my first post on the ulogs.org platform. I have done ulogs before, but not from here. This seems like as good a place as any to try to regroup.

I want to do something like this. I want to help people change. I want to make them know that beating obesity is important and worth all of the effort.

Stop making excuses. Start getting educated about your opportunities. Make the most of them, and lean into them. Use your wisdom to create success.

Words of wisdom I give to others, and also need to apply to myself.

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

I am blogging about weight loss to help others get thin and healthy like I did. If you or anyone you know is struggling to beat obesity, please follow along and you can do this too.

Let's Pretend to Lose Weight - Deciding to track your weight and face reality
Yes, You CAN Lose Weight! - Finding out your BMI and getting over excuses
Weight Loss - Let’s Get Started Today - First steps to successful weight loss
Portion Sizes and Nutrition How big is a portion of food?
Weight Loss Bad Ideas Don't try these!
Easy Exercise - Stretching and Walking If you are fitness walking, stretching before and after will help you in many ways.

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If you would like to help my son @bxlphabet and I stay on steemit, but your upvote is just not enough, here are my wallet and PayPal addresses where I will be so grateful for any help. Any input or ideas will be so welcome.

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Litecoin - LTC




PayPal Thailand:

[email protected]

PayPal US:

[email protected]

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


I read your blog. I read a woman who's brave with an inspiring story that can uplift others. So, you're traveling alone? And your son? Take care I hope you'll get to where you're headed safe and sound. Thanks for your post <333

Thank you so much for your kind and supportive comment. I am here alone in SE Asia and my son is alone in California. I will not give up and intend to succeed for both of us

You're absolutely welcome @fitinfun. I admire your undertaking adventure. Who knows maybe someday I'll do travelling or something like that and see what experience it'll be for me. Have a beautiful day.

I like it your all post. ★I always follow you -please support me★

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I have this older post of ideas on how to do better on here. Do not vote for it, but it has some good ideas that may help you.

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Also this one is old too, but gives you ideas for better upvotes.

Minnow Tips! Get Upvotes Now!
steemit minnow tips get upvotes now fitinfun.jpg

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thank you so much! You give me hope every time I see you. I will go over to your post and check it out to see who else needs better upvotes too!

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Great post, love the photos

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