Weight Loss Bad Ideas

in #weightloss6 years ago (edited)

Weight Loss bad ideas fitinfun title.jpg

I saw this post in a weight loss coaching group today and want to warn you off from it or any similar bad idea. I was working on an exercise post for you, but this made me mad, so you get this post instead.

Weight loss Bad Ideas fitinfun.jpg

First and foremost, the idea of a 30 Challenge is a bad one if you have more than 5 pounds to lose. What are you going to do after 30 days? And oh yeah - get a friend to go through this with you so he/she can fail too.

My reply to this post?

  • Burgers are not all bad.
  • Chips might be your comfort food and can be made healthy.
  • Ice cream can be healthy.
  • Fast food can be healthy, and may be your only choice at times.
  • Chocolate can be healthy and the good stuff is actually really good for you with great health benefits.
  • How can you stop eating white bread if that is all you eat now?
  • How can you stop drinking soda if that is all you drink now?
  • Cakes, donuts, cookies, and candy, can all be made in healthy ways.

This challenge is the exact reason people fail in weight loss. One day, out of the blue, you see something like this and decide to change your life. Just stop some random bad habits right now. No prep, no planning, no thinking. Then you dream of all these foods for 30 days and want them more than ever because now they are “off limits” to you.

If you make it all 30 days it will be a miracle, and Day 31 is not going to be pretty. A 30 Day fantasy "plan" of hardship is useless.

Instead, I want to to follow along with the ideas I have already given you in my previous posts.

Remember your food goals:

Weight Loss Food Rules fitinfun.jpg

The key words in that graphic are "less" and "more." You do not need to change overnight. You cannot change overnight and have the change stick. Don’t think of banning certain foods while you are getting started with weight loss. Maybe later, when you have some nutrition going, some exercise going, and some success, you can cut back or eliminate that “bad food,” (and join an exercise class) but now you are easing into a new lifestyle that you can handle for the rest of your days.

Here you begin to track your weight and face reality:
Weight Loss Let's Pretend

Here you find out your BMI and start getting over excuses:
Yes, You CAN Lose Weight!

Here you take first step to successful weight loss with small steps regarding food and exercise:
Weight Loss - Let’s Get Started Today

Here you find out how big food portions are:
Weight Loss Portion Sizes and Nutrition

  • Do you know your BMI now?
  • Do you know how long it might take you to lose the weight you want to lose?
  • Are you doing 10 minutes of exercise each day?
  • Have you looked into food portion sizes and compared them to what you eat?

That is how far we are at this point, and there is so much more to come. I will help you if you contact me by comment here, or at these places if you want to stay anonymous:

I answer all private messages, and will connect with you if you ask me.

Weight loss is a complicated matter with all kinds of pitfalls you can avoid. I hope you are using these steps to make things easier on yourself and avoiding needless struggle.

I remind you of a story I already told in an earlier post. Diet soda was something I knew was bad for me and wanted to stop. But I did not stop, and could not stop until the end of my weight loss time. Once I got healthier, diet soda started to taste bad and I could no longer drink it. Before that time you would have had to pry it from my cold, dead hands. Now I have not had one in years and don't plan to.

Once you get to a point of 80% less crap and 80% more nutrition, you will feel better and be able to fight the larger battles.

Once you get to a point of 80% less crap and 80% more nutrition, you will be a new person and the big battles will be small.

Whew! I feel better now, and I hope you do too. Here is a short and easy exercise video as a preview to my easy exercise post coming up. Let's do it together. I like these girls, but I have to modify this video and you can too. Just do the moves as best you can and it will still work well!

If all of this is just too much, try my one-on-one coaching, online or in person.

I want to work with you! I offer renewable packages, designed for you, in 1 month, 3 month, or 6 month terms.

Weight Loss online coaching fitinfun.jpg

Weight Loss live in coaching fitinfun.jpg

All pricing is negotiable upon consultation to determine your needs.

I accept PayPal and all major cryptocurrencies.

If you are on Steemit, both SBD and STEEM are accepted.

Find my books at Amazon and at Selz for those of you who do not like or have access to Amazon.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg

I was fat all my life until the age of fifty. I have been thin for the 8 years since then without trouble. You can do this if I did.


I can actually say something like this worked for me, I've done this a couple years back. Eating just based on science and dropping any kind of junk food, meat, bread, dairy products,... for 30 days just eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds while taking some supplements and drinking a lot of water. After the 30 days I felt great, but relapsed pretty hard which made me feel the difference in a short time frame and made me realise this was the way to go.

I guess everyone works in a different way and this kind of no bullshitting yourself approach really works for me.

Were you able to get to your goal weight after this experience? Do you still eat "a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds while taking some supplements and drinking a lot of water?"

"Eating just based on science." Is this something you came up with, or is there a group or plan for it? In the case of the post I showed here, the person was not giving ways to replace the "bad food" but only telling people not to eat it, so then what?

I'm really interested to hear what happened for you by giving this method a try. We are on the same page about no bs :)

Thank so much for the comment, and please let us know further information.

To me it has never been that much about the weight since I see it as a side effect of a healthy lifestyle. I pretty much struggled all my life losing some weight (I never was obese my max was 83kg and I'm 1.72M, but did not have my eating under control). I went from around 72kg to at my lowest 59kg without any real effort or the feeling I was on a diet. Now I'm steady at 62-63 kg without counting any calories or having a feeling that I am missing out on something.

Even though old bad habbits are not 100% gone yet, I do actually still stick to the whole food plant based diet and it works for me and brings about very little mental conflict. I still take my supplements (B12 | D3 | Omega 3) and only drink water (along with some oat milk and tea at times)

"Eating based on science" is not a group or plan but mainly something that makes most sense to me and it's the only thing that actually works long term. In a way it's something of a brain hack and understanding how the brain works was really key for me. Pretty much what you can do is to submit yourself "to science" (I mainly use nutritionfacts.org as a reference) and connect this concept to your reward center. (There are different ways to do this). Once this is done it all goes without much effort. I do plan on writing about it some day because it's the only thing that ever worked for me and I haven't read about something like this anywhere yet.

Wow! Great job and many congrats to you! You put in a lot of effort that many people would find very difficult. If you decide to post this, I suggest a series of posts since I know you are WAY over most people's heads with your knowledge. For example, I worked with a girl that did not know that your can boil eggs at home - much less how to do it.

You are also fortunate being outside of the US. The regular food there is highly toxic, damages bodily systems, and has addictive additives. I help people visit the FDA site where all this is clearly spelled out. The term they use is "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). Then they give long lists of all the side effects and unknown issues with this "safe" additive. And they do not mention the substance is banned in most other countries.

You can switch to a whole food diet much easier than people in the US since you are not as bombarded with poison in any other country.

That "no effort" part happened for me too, and I was morbidly obese at the time. Once we get the poison out and the nutrition in, our bodies spring to life. You can have some "bad habits" but as long as you are doing the right thing most of the time, you can succeed long term. Over the eight years since I lost weight, I have been in a range of weight based on where I am, what I can find to eat there, and how focused I am on exercise. But my weight has never gotten out of control again. This is a big shock after a lifetime of obesity.

Thank you so much for all of this information I use nutritionfacts.org and do not count calories at all - I count nutrition instead. Did I get my Vitamin C today? Etc.

I have trouble keeping up with people here on steemit. If you decide to do posts about your changes, please send me links so I don't miss them. You made my day with your comment :)

I know what you mean with not being able to keep up on steemit, I will send a link for sure once I start posting about it!

@fitinfun exercise is better in early morning or night? Plz tell me
I do exercise daily in morning at my room before breakfast and take 1 glass milk with 3 bananas after exercise, after 30 mint I goes to bathing,

Are you trying to lose weight or are you already fit?

Generally speaking, exercise can be done at any time. The only point I would make it not to be too vigorous right before bed.

I recommend stretching morning and night to get the kinks out in the morning and ease out the tension of the day at night. So I like your idea of a morning routine.

I agree with you that you need to eat less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff. It's all a question of slowly going to a healthier diet. In 8 months I have lost 8 kgs by exercising daily, cutting on meat and eating more veggies. Juicing greens is what helped me the most and I am amazed myself how I crave fir juice now. I did not drink soda or eat burgers so that was maybe easier for me, only eating less cookies...

lol - You can find healthy cookie recipes if you crave them.

I have been watching your progress on getting fit and you are a great example of the theory I believe in. If you tried to go on a juice diet 8 months ago, you would have failed, but over time, it has become something important and enjoyable. I see everything that you are doing and it is in moderation and growing over time. I think I need to feature your success and methods in an upcoming post :)

I watched a girl do this juice trick back in the states too. She had the juicer for years and never used it. Then one day she decided to make juice on Sundays to give it a try. After only one month, the juicer was up on the counter and she was making juice 4-5 times a week with all kinds of recipes. Kale was here "go to" green and she could not believe it. Our taste will change to be healthier if we give it a chance.

I can't bake so I eat cookies in moderation now.

Concerning juicing, I was inspired by the movie & book "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead!" >> https://shop.rebootwithjoe.com/products/fat-sick-nearly-dead-dvd

I watched the movie on Netflix and first I said, "No way! No way I can do a 7 or more days reboot only on juice." I thought about it and juicing veggies was not appealing.

Later, I decided to try it and as my taste buds got accustomed to it, I have one as lunch every day now. I am not hungry, I love the juice and feel much better than when I was on meat and cheese!

I just added that in my diet instead of doing a reboot and I think it has the same effect.

The drawback of this is that it takes time to shop for produce, clean them and juice them. That is something I would not be able to do with a job.

You are free to use anything I have on Steemit about weight loss and juicing. I have the category links at the bottom of each post now for easy access.

I can't recommend juicing enough!

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I think you are right, the article may be trying to get people to change their relationship with food, which I think could be the main issue in a lot of situations. You are absolutely right when you say that people need to eat less crap and eat more nutrition...Look forward to hearing more posts.
Regards @run.vince.run

Food and our relationship to it is indeed the problem for many of us. My issue with that post is the focus on "no" and the lack of focus on what to do instead.

Thank you so much for your interest and I am posting weight loss info daily now. I will be so glad to see you here.

Great Information

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I love your idea of weight loss! Less crap, more nutrition. This is more doable!

Article really informative...!!! Hope i follow some of it :)

Stay fit.. Stay happy

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