My Very 1st "ULOG": Four Things I Learned Today From TERRY @surpassinggoogle and TAELOR @dynamicgreentk

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I want to dedicate my very first ULOG to these two blessed persons of Steemit with the grace of supporting new Steemians and others who are in need of help. These kinds of people, I must say, are the real HEART of Steemit community - Terry aka @surpassinggoogle and Taelor aka @dynamicgreentk.

We all have different roles in our own lives - at home, at work, and in the institution/society we are involved in. Some have just a few responsibilities while others have countless ones.

But, when can you actually identify if the job/role is your call? Or when do you know if it's time for you to lend a helping hand?


This morning, when I checked my recent blog here, I saw Terry's upvote. My initial reaction was "Wow! Even if there's no single name of him from this post, he still noticed me and supported the contest I currently have for everyone especially for minnows."

Screenshot (1894).png


Right there and then, I got inspired to write something about it. I am proud of you, Terry for having this sense of "unconditional and genuine heart" because when your heart tells you to do something, you do it right away no matter who the Steemians are and no matter how far we are from you. Your heart is actually the mind itself that prompts you to do the things you're eager to do. You're silent about it but your action clearly speaks for itself. Your heart doesn't just physically exist in you but it sure does communicate effectively to anyone's hearts even to those whose hearts seemed to be sleeping or broken. It certainly conveys your message for everyone - to help when ever you can and love without expectation and limitation. Love and care unconditionally.

I was there when you had a talk show on #Steemgigs Discord with your theme "Dreams and The Power Of A Steemit Post". That was the first time I've listened to you because one of DynamicSteemians members, @symonp sent a message that you're talking live on Discord, I immediately jumped off there and listened to your message.
I wasn't able to capture my name though, that can prove I was really there, hence, my heart vividly remembers the message that has struck to me the most.

I clearly remember, I commented on the chat section and the host at that time was @maverickinvictus while Terry's internet connection got interrupted, the host caught my message and said it out loud and clear to all those Steemians who were present at that moment. I said:

I was teary-eyed when I heard @surpassinggoogle was talking about "dream building". It's just right in time that I needed to hear those words today. Vison and imagination of your dream and put them into action. Little steps it may seem, but I believe I will achieve my goals in life.


The other reason on the other hand why I made this blog is because I felt this "calling" to help the founder of #DynamicSteemians, @dynamicgreentk with support of @dynamicrypto who are based in the US, the latter is responsible for @dynamicgreen and @dgi upvotes.

Taelor asked a favor from me this morning if I could be of assistance with his group. Without hesitation, I said I'm willing to do it.

However, there are a lot of thoughts going on my mind,

Why me??? Lol.
I'm not even fluent in English. How can I help him?
Others might bash me.

But my heart says, as long as you have the heart and passion in lifting up and helping others out, of course you can! But I gotta be honest with you @dynamicgreentk, bear with me if I'm annoyingly persistent. Lol. I may not be the best fit for the role I've got in our community, but all I can offer is the best what I can do as long as we're doing the right thing and with a good cause.

How did I get started to be a member of Dynamic Steemians?

I started to be a member of this fun and helpful group of @dynamicgreentk, when he reached out to my sister @evlachsblog as she caught his attention with her blogs that all are of quality content. She joined in and my sister invited me right away.

As the days went by, I got more active and have gained new friends. I'm glad to have met people from different countries namely, @rabiujaga, @mritsnobigdeal, @dhaarmiie, @sebastiaaan, @preshey, and @zoneboy from Nigeria; @suheri and @yati from Indonesia; @sherbanu from Bangladesh; @adam.tran from Vietnam; @eaglespirit from the US and of course my newly found fellow Kababayan Filipino friends, @antonette, @baa.steemit, @guri-gure, @veejay, @lovebooster and @symonp.

And as I got more visible in the chatroom, a lot of people were messaging me in private telling me about their frustration towards Steemit. I honestly felt sad for them because most of them really want to earn money but their posts could hardly get noticed.

We all have different goals with different mindset when we first joined Steemit but my advice for minnows, don't just depend solely on Steemit as your source of income. If you have the passion to write and express your thoughts however, make this as a good outlet and explore some other blogs that you could learn a lot from. When I first joined Steemit, my personal goal is to express myself - my experiences of joy and happiness I found, whether the day may favor to me or not. It doesn't matter if I could earn money here or not because at the end of the day, what matters to me are the things that money can't buy. I'd be grateful if there is, of course, but this is just basically my outlet and my way in sharing the greatness of our God since day one I became part of this community.

Dynamic Steemians was created last March and so I asked the founder what his Vision and Mission were -


To help people on Steemit with basic advice I wish I was taught when I first started and to create a community for the new users I found to grow together

  • To teach the basics of Steemit to new users in hopes the proof of brain concept is not lost upon new Steemit users.
  • Help those willing to learn
  • Establish a worldwide community of Steemit users that will help support each other
    All 3 are intended to help increase Steemit user activity and retention

To get to know him more, please refer to this link below, a conducted interview with him by @soushi888:

I checked @steemgigs page and here are the Vision/Mission Statements:

Improving the steem economy.
Improving steemit growth.
Tightening the bond of our existing steemit community.
Unveiling the "human behind the steemian".
Unraveling the wealth and depth of our existing steemit community.
Imploring steemians to practice their profession & hone their expertise.
Instilling in the steemit community, the culture/art of "giving and receiving".
To create a more fun atmosphere even in the face of overwhelming events.
Add an organic reputation system (SteemGigs Success Testimonials) to our reputation score system.
Expanding the vision of steemians, with regards to the scalabilty/capability of the steem blockchain,
Sparking more creativity thus, more solutions to real world problems.
Beautify steemit/steem in the search engines.
Connecting steemians in need to steemians indeed.
Keeping inactive steemians in the steem economy by means of live SteemGigs.
Providing non-blogger steemians with incessant ways to earn steem/SBD
Burn SBDs
Gift humanity with a least one breakthrough product/solution
Attracting the freelance industry, recruiting agencies and powerful organizations to the steem economy.
We will accomplish all the above while disrupting Fiverr's centralized system and infusing blockchain decentralization into the freelancing & recruitment industry. We are tackling this in the most practical, unconventional, creative and fun way, using 5,000 or more SteemGigs posts and an eventual steem-powered interface/website to hub the beauty we create.

With these kinds of awesome people with a kind heart, Terry @surpassinggoogle and Taelor @dynamicgreentk, who have a broader mission and vision, and if there are other whales who are capable or rather, who are aggressive as they both are in helping minnows, I believe we'll grow altogether and we'll all be successful eventually. They have the heart for people who are striving and thriving through their journey here on Steemit. So minnows, there are always good things here and people like them who will support and guide you.

Four things I learned from these two admirable men:

  • Be true to yourself, vision out your dream and make it happen.
  • We may belong to different races, come from different locations, and speak different languages, but to survive here in Steemit, our common language is our love and we do it with our heart.
  • Always be an inspiration to do good and be kind to others even if some people are not.
  • Help when you can, when you're able, and when you know someone needs help. Unity and love for our community whether you're in a different group, is the key I believe in order to succeed our journey in Steemit.

Let's continue on supporting each other and this kind of leaders who are passionate about their mission. Keep sending your #ULog and #Steemgigs posts where Everyone has something to offer as a support for Terry's platforms.

No matter how small or how big you can do for others, do it anyway. It would certainly make a difference in someone's life. - @dynamicshine

Thanks for reading! Steem on!

Be updated on our WEEKLY CONTEST!

Join our Discord community ( if you want to message me directly and of course to meet these awesome and creative people behind #dynamicsteemians, namely:

@dynamicgreentk ("the founder"), @dynamicrypto ("the investor"), @baa.steemit ("the graphic designer"), @thundercurator





Check out interesting posts by @evlachsblog (my sister), @ryl, @dangerousangel, @futuremind, @scarletmedia, @ntowl, @eaglespirit, @pkalra, @honeychum, @bunnychum and many more!!!



If you wrote this article in English, I would say you are proficient. Please don't be hard on yourself. You did a great job and I'm sure you will continue to.

I'm American. I've seen many times how native English speakers do not care about grammatical mistakes. Especially online. I know my grammar isn't perfect. I think folks who speak English as a second (or third, fourth...) language are more careful about writing in Engish than us native speakers.

Again, you're doing great. Keep it up, sister :)

Aww thank you for your kind words. This is also because with the help of my sister @evlachsblog. She corrects my errors when she has time. I'm proud of her. Thanks @nikema. 🤗😊

You are very welcome. The kind words are true. That's awesome that you help each other out. Your sister, @evlachsblog is a great writer :)

@dynamicshine just always sells herself short, always underestimating her own capabilities. I also tell her all the time not to be too hard on herself. She needs to increase her self-belief.

Anyway, thank you @nikema for the compliments (for both me and my sister). As for me I know I still have lots of things to learn when it comes to writing or blogging. :) And as a big sister to @dynamicshine, I am always willing to support, guide and help her in any way I can. :)

Steemgigs alongside the Dynamic Steemians commumity are blessed with the awesome-st individuals. I don't regret joining any of these communities.
Kudos to SteemBulls too.... My second home 🤗

Thanks for the mention @dynamicshine.

haha yea they are awesome indeed! I love Steembulls family too! you're very welcome @scarletmedia! :)

To be mentioned in the sane breath as @surpassinggoogle is inspiring! Thank you! You're very capable of many great things Mrs. Shine! Also, note @dynamicrypto and I are far from whales. Although my friend @dynamicrypto is potentially a dolphin

I am a stocky minnow 😉 i read somewhere 5,000SP is no longer a minnow 😲

To me, when I see good and kind-hearted individuals, I see and perceive them equally. So continue to be a good one as you'll go a long way. Hoping for your success not only here on Steemit but also in your life journey. 😊 be more prayerful.

You really are an amazing person

aww thanks dear 😗😍🤗

@dynamicshine this little time i have met you, i have met an intelligent lady,strong and fearless.
Let me quickly say this,you have inspired me to be great.
Thanks for mentioning me .

Thanks for your kind words! I love your blogs. Keep on shining! 🌻

You are doing an amazing job writing your articles, your professionalism is top notch. I also must say that considering English is not your first language, you are doing a fantastic job getting your points across. Right on sister, and also thank you for your support of Dynamic Steemians and @dynamicgreentk, much respect.

Wow... thanks for the compliment! Why is that when somebody compliments me, I couldn't believe it? hehe... im always surprised honestly. That's why I'm thankful and grateful for people who believe in me. And im thankful with my sis @evlachsblog for always teaching me.

Well you have my support sister!

Aww how sweet of you to mention me! I'm glad to have met you as well.
I'm also glad to be a part of the dynamic steemians group! :D
It's true, even if we all belong to different parts of the world, we are here in steemit to inspire each other! Let's all steem to the moon! :D

yea.. I find you nice and your works amaze me so much! And your display picture reminds me of Shin-Chan. I miss him :(

HAHA! thank you for visiting my blog :)

Wow thank you so much! I'm very flattered!
Especially when you said I reminded you of Shin-Chan! XD
What a classic!

@dynamicshine, kababayan, thanks for the mention. I agree with you, even though we have different groups, we can help one another thrive as a community. Hope all is well with you.

@dynamicshine nice to see you become a ULOGGER....You see this two persons, they are the reason why Steemit is Interesting, When a person doesn't have a heart, then i wonder what he/she can do alone,@surpassinggoogle et @dynamicgreentk are the hearts of steemit truly, I agree with you, Even though i joined @dynamicsteemians yesterday and i can't say much about @dynamicgreentk but i Can still say Little about @surpassinggoogle. They are wonderful Persons.

Wow welcome to Dynamic Steemians! I missed you yesterday...if you're going to visit the chatroom, youll find out why I have said that @dynamicgreentk is really a nice person like Terry. I admire them both and also the other founder of dynamicsteemians, @dynamicrypto who have been really helpful to its members.

I admire these persons including Terry who have been my inspiration why I am still here in Steemit even more.

Definitivamente el mundo cuenta con personas de gran corazón, que siempre están allí para ayudar a los demás si esperar nada a cambio, excelente publicación @dynamicshine

Ellos son de hecho! Gracias por leer mi publicación. :)

Gracias a ti , por compartir ! tienes la dicha de tenerlos.

De nada y gracias por leer mi blog.

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