My life as a vampire... Ulog 23

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Growing up...

I always wondered why my canine teeth were so sharp! And now, I know. As Dracula put it so eloquently, "I vant to suck your bloooood."

Hahahaha - ok not really, but the thought of healthy blood piques my interest and I find myself fantasizing what it would be like to have 8 pints of round, plump, red blood cells coursing through my body. (Totally normal fantasy, amirite?) A friend of mine teased me recently, talking about how iron-rich their blood was, and I have to admit - I wanted to beg for 2 pints! (just 2 pints! Come on! What are friends for??)

My pale, shriveled red blood cells (RBCs) are happy enough, oblivious to the fact that they're simply not doing a good enough job supplying my body with the nutrients it needs. We tried a diet of iron-rich foods, and doubling down on my iron pills - but turns out, my body doesn't really like metabolizing iron the normal way. When I lick my cast iron pan for my daily dose of Fe, (joking, please don't do that...) my body looks at iron and says, "Oh wow! Look at that - Let's get rid of it!!!! Woo hooooooo! High fives, everybody!" (or something to that effect, I actually don't converse in Cell-speak)

So instead, we intravenously blast my body with bags of molasses-colored, metallic tasting Iron. (nope, it doesn't pass over my tongue, but when it goes through my veins, I can taste it.) Interesting, but annoying. I mean - it's cool that we live in a world where we can do that, right? Don't get me wrong! There is a treatment for my condition - believe me! I am happy about that. But a teeny bit of an annoyance to be hooked up to the Matrix (my affectionate term for the treatment facility).

My body has compensated for this a long time in a depleted state and has pulled from other resources to create alternatives, so it's hard for me to always know when my iron stores (and lots of other things) are completely depleted. Sometimes, my numbers show that I should be kinda dead-ish, but unbelievably -I feel fine. Today, it was time to test again and they pulled 11 vials to run all the specific tests.

Ironic that they took so much of my blood. (haha...haaaa.😒)

Most people couldn't imagine me have MORE energy than I do right now, but... I actually could. The iron infusions usually take about 8 weeks for me to feel it (takes most people 2-3 weeks) which brings me right back to my fantasy. I wish, oh how I wish for a bag of instantaneous energy. No need for my body to process anything! Just fat, red, iron-rich, donut-shaped gems- floating through my veins and arteries doing exactly what they're supposed to do! I was born in Pennsylvania, but I think it should have been Transylvania.

If anyone is still looking to get me a birthday present, I'm O+

Vampire, edited by @dreemsteem

Oh man. I mean, Oh woman!
At least, the good news is that they can give you a metalic tasting vein syprup. But...
Hugs to you and I am even more in awe with what you all do!!!
I seem to get tired before I get half of what I want to do done.
that was a crazy sentence - but life just is that way 🤪

Hugs to you!!

metallic tasting vein syrup! hahahahahahaha

I'm trying to refocus and stay on top of what i need to do - and your crazy sentence made PERFECT sense to me. i wonder what that means? are we both crazy? hehehehe

No way!! Not you and I!! 🤪 We are just super smart - and maybe a little tiny itty bitty crazy 😂

teeny weeny itsy bitsy!!! LOLOLOL

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thank you. will send some over as soon as I have it.

I often wonder if took the career right turn into a Lab technician would my life be any different as oppose to being a Gothic nurse. ... perhaps not.

hehehehehe hmmmm i wonder if that was you - undercover- yesterday ;)

Let me say, That I sunburn easily. Pass the SPF 150 please.

Wow! I appreciate you sharing this. I know that any ongoing physical concern can be draining (mentally as well).

Praying that the transfusion kicks in sooner and that you will be filled with even more energy. Blessings!

Thank you!!!!! Happily... My body hasn't decided to make me feel too much yet! Hehehhee

Hopefully we will start the iron infusions before my body wants to tell me something different hehehehe

I knew it! You are a vampire! I had you pegged a week or two ago!

...but it sounds serious, hope you are able to find a long term solution. I re-read your post and can't seem to see if they had diagnosed anything?

I think I have to go into hiding... I'm O- ... I think that means I'm food for you!

no no no.... the negative means no good for me! you're safe! :)

it's bit of touch-and-go right now. they thought one thing... treated in the hopes that it wasn't the other thing - turns out that it might be the other thing - which caused some unrest for my liver...

but better to do that and fix the liver later than to keep forcing my body to do what its doing now.

i'm not being cryptic. (well, i am- but unintentionally so. LOL) long story short - i'm sure it will be fine and dandy and sweet as candy - as soon as we figure out a master plan :)

Master plan sounds good... I think I'd better go and check what blood type I am, my mother is a nurse, and she tells me that I'm a universal donor. So, I think that was O-... probably something to know earlier rather than in a desperate situation!

Are you allowed to stay at home? I hope you aren't being kept in a hospital.

oh - not negative.... negative is really rare :)
you're O+ probably ;)

Yep... Back to being food material again...

But robots probably have blood to spare.
Why don't you come sit next to me for a little while.........

I am B+ we are 4 in the family my older brother is AB+, me B+ next brod is A+ and the youngest O+ all the types . I wish I could give you my extra fats, energy, nutrients but sad to say not the blood. Get better soon

Hehehehehee you're sweet! I'll be just fine! But I do still get very excited about healthy blood when I hear of it hehehehe

So even eating liver daily (or taking dessicated liver capsules) doesn't get it up even a little bit?

Seems to not help no matter what I eat. Even when I do get extra... Seems like my liver likes to take it back out of my blood lol

My mom has the same blood disorder .. didn't realize I had it until later in life. Now they're playing detective with what works for me

Wow- the thought of you souped-up with extra iron and energy- hold on to your hats people!!

You know, I dont even know what blood type I am- but if we're a match, you're very welcome to a couple of pints, my vunderful vampyr friend 😗

E x

I vant to velcome you to Calivornia!!!!hehehhee

I was just about to ask you where your energy is coming from!! Hahaha.. maybe you have Drac's bloodline..

Yes! It doesn't show especially if we hear your giggles.. hehe 😀😂

By the way I am type "O." I wished im just around the neighborhood.

My energy is a facade... Lolol my body just turns on the adrenaline and lets it go for 5 months LOLOLOL

I think there is no off button in your body.. you just charge a little and your back at it again! 😀😁

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Hehehee that's actually very true! I often say that I wish my brain had an off button !!!! Lolol

Dont say that.. i love what's going on in that brain of yours! 😜😀😁

Posted using Partiko Android

hehehehehe awwwww thank you! please tell me this every morning when i wake up!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Hahahaha just keep writing whats on your mind.. you have ways in capturing us to be hooked up in all your posts!! I enjoy your everyday convo with your boss.. or the way you blame murphy for everything.. hahahaha.. i wonder when will captain jack comes in.. 🤣😂😙

well - Captain Jack is in the comment section of my latest post! hehehehehe go see if you can find him LOLOLOLOLOL

We have the same blood group honey, coincidence? I think not :D Much love and health, I can not send you my blood but happy thoughts are on their way 💚

Maybe when I come to Croatia... 😂😂😂😂😂

Thank you for the happy thoughts my fairy friend!!! ♥️

The stories still haunt me

Hehehhehee just think of the sparkly vampires.... Like Twilight lololol

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