[ahmadmanga's Ulog] Re-Sharpening My GameDev Claws

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)
In this post I'll talk about my GameDev life, why I don't talk about it & some of my games that are available online. Plus other things~


My first ULOG

The initiative by @surpassinggoogle to let people talk about themselves. Ulogs are posts a person writes about themselves, their day, their life. Making them as personal as possible, as opposed to people following the famous, the message here is "We are all special."

ahmadmanga as a #GameDev

In some of my posts before I probably said I'm a hobbyist #gamedev, yup, I am:

Some of my games are on Itch.io
My Other games are on Gamejolt.com

But if you saw that, you might be wondering: Why I don't talk about it on steemit? Why I don't have +20 posts about my achievements in game development, if I already post every short story I write here?

I also wonder why?!

Like everything I do in life, I go to Gamedev on and off, usually with an idea I think I can make, I spend days or weeks developing the idea (sometimes planning and sometimes working.)

In the process I learn many tricks, make a big amount of assets & usually I end up with a playable game of one level but not polished enough before I lose interest.

I have a good respect for people who polish their games. the final %10 is the actual %90 of the project!!

I have the source code for most of my games and I return to them from time to time, but it's been almost two years since I last tried making a game seriously. So by the time I started here writing on steemit, I had forgotten about serious game developing.

Maybe, that's why?
for the last few months, I spent all my creative energy on STEEM after all.

The Discipline Problem

I'm not really good under pressure, the expectations leave my mind numb... and one of the problems is that when there's no expectations from me, my mind creates them for itself. To become a good (hobbyist?) game developer I have to learn discipline...

If You Know How? Please Tell Me!!

Re:Sharpening My Gamedev Skills

While I haven't made any serious development the last two years, I have tried to develop some projects, I worked Twine with Monogatari to create interactive versions of my stories. I played with RPG maker few times too.

The last 2 days I got motivation again, and started playing with GameDev again. In the last few days I tried to make Game Maker Studio's Android Export work (that alone deserves its own post.) Learned a bit about terminal in my Raspberry Pi, then I returned to my beloved Construct 2!!

Me working on Construct2

Construct 2 is the engine I made most of my games below with, I know Construct 3 is out now but I haven't bought it and I want to get a better PC before buying a new gamedev engine. So with C2 I have looked up few of the games I've made before... I made a playable game inspired by a picture I found online, but for now, it's too incomplete to put it on the internet.

I'm glad I returned to gamedev space even if it's for a short time... I hope I stay doing creative things longer though.

List Of My Games That You Can Play

"Games, Games Everywhere."

Cloudy: Make It Rain (Itch.io) (Gamejolt)
Pictured above, a game where you play as a rain-cloud and water trees.

Air Pistol (Gamejolt Exclusive)
Shoot 'em up, made with the original game boy limitations.

Procrastination Simulator (Itch) (Gamejolt)
An interactive novel written with twine. A rare completed work by me!!

Ward Adventure - Basket (Itch) (Gamejolt)
A "catch falling objects" game with my original character from one story I wrote in arabic مغامرات ورد (lit: ward adventure.) One of my oldest projects and is almost complete, needs few tweaks and sound.

Ah, if you found that some of my games have no sound,
It's not a bug, I usually leave it to do it last and never go around putting it.

So, That's All For Today

I'll probably make more Ulogs in the future, and probably talk more about Game Maker's Android problems I faced recently. I might write Ulogs about my gaming life but I feel they'll be like lower quality versions of m reviews. I need opinions about this so tell me what you think in comments.

Cover and second images are me taking photos of my own works with mobile camera, last image is edited screenshot of my page on Gamejolt.

Yes, building discipline is the first thing you need to do if you're working on a project. That's what I read when I look for 'tips' about becoming gamedev. Buuuut I can hardly keep up with the rule I made myself lol. I've been stuck on two objects I created in Blender for months, but then stopped.

For someone who 'haven't made serious development', seems like you have a good start (I mean, you've made 4 games already). Try to watch this video when you have time. It may be very very basic, but it's good to know these tips.

Thanks for the comment, I watched the video before and rewatched it now. Yeah, being an indie is way harder than "Make a game and they'll play."

For now I don't have a goal to be an indie, I just want to become a hardworking-hobbyist (as opposite to hobbyist-hobbyist I am now.)

About the video: I like the part where James comes to visit and indie developer and finds him dead, because he spent all of his money making the game, and starved waiting for his first paycheck.

That looks pretty cool! I would have to go and try it! Do you usually go back to these games to make new levels?

Not usually but not "never," if you played my games, which one did you like the most?

I played the cloud game a bit, simple but quite fun

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