Freedom or Safe PlacessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #uglydebates7 years ago

In response to the drama show @techslut 's post is creating.  You can't have Freedom and a safe space at the same time.  You have to pick.

We can't say we have an immutable platform and also say that we require all of our citizens to be nice and kind.  

The post I am referring to is here.

If you were the boss of SteemIt, would you choose to try and make everyone act like good citizens or would you lean towards allowing everyone to say what they would like to, even if it bothers someone else.

There is a difference between defending someone's behavior and defending their right to behave badly...

The blockchain promises visibility not payment.  (flagging away rewards does not equal being silenced) 

Let's talk about it...  


Can't we just..Get along ?

Um, no. lol

The blockchain promises visibility not payment. (flagging away rewards does not equal being silenced)

No, flagging removes visability, obstructs and suppresses information so it is "being silenced" and censorship.

One of our most flagged of all! :) Hi, waves

~waves back~

no, flagging can remove easy visability. It takes merely a click to be able to see the post. It's more like a cloak being dropped across it than silence. Since the blockchain stores everything, there is not censorship. Censorship is the removal not the cloaking of information.

It is interesting to me that i adressed all your points 9 hours before you made them.
Censorship is the suppression, obstruction or probition of information. there is censorship on steemit and if you would like to have the debate on it please read the post i made and re comment your situation in the comments. I think your point is the first i address even.

Its almost like you made the comment after reading my post knowing it was already proven wrong. lol

i don't ever read your posts and I'll be polite enough not to comment why. You are entitled to your opinion no matter how many knots you put yourself in to get there.

i don't ever read your posts and I'll be polite enough not to comment why.

Virtue signal much?

You are entitled to your opinion no matter how many knots you put yourself in to get there.

I agree with this but this discussion has nothing to do with opinion it has to do with the actual meanings of words and the misuse of them. it is also about the lie people are pushing about censorship on this platform.

Oh wait was i even talking to you? i only said that to shadow because 9 hours after i made a post directly adressing the points shadow made they sent me almost a direct copy of the the points i destroyed with actual facts on how the steemit system works and the actual meaning of the word censorship that they are trying to ignore and it was easier then filling this posts comments with copy pasta from my post when i could just leave a link..

The fact you think this conversation shadows and i are having has anything to do with opinion could be the main fault on your part and why you are jumping in to virtue signal just like my post said people do when they are on the pro censorship side.

That is great that you wont look at the post that addresses every point you are trying to defend. Go take another blue pill and tell me how there is no censorship on steemit tomorrow.

"The blockchain promises visibility not payment."
that is a hard concept for people to see when you cant see past the money you could be earning. People like myself come for the un-censorship and enjoy the few cents I can make. Its a natural thing people today to want a safe space. Its also why facebook and others are so popular, they censor the few for a higher stock price. We need to be cognizant to the fact that if people want a safe space that other platforms are promising it might not mater how much you can make. Steemit is not competing against other platforms, Steemit is competing against censorship.
This makes me think, correct me if I am wrong, SMT's; if a person issues a SMT say a whatsup coin and the creator of the coin has 51% of the coins could that person flag and "control" the payouts and "visibility" of the posts in the whatsup coin posts on Steemit? Do you get what I am trying to say?

I do and you make several interesting points. The blockchain promises visibility not payments!!!" I loved that line.

I didn't see that at first either. It was like the concept had to grow on me. This isn't what I am used to and I haven't had a lot of chance to practice it yet.

The 51% point is also interesting. Yes, in this world 51% would rule.

So do you think SMTs will fix this "problem" of flagging if you just write a post and only except or use your own coin that you own 51%?

I think communities will be the first big step in helping the problem. A mod probably can't delete a comment from the blockchain, but with smart development they could remove it from the community. Maybe a moderator could "Out Flag" a flagger. Mostly though it breaks people into groups that fit their own level of tolerance.

exactly what I was hoping. I do not think the moderator will be a problem, it will great to have a wall for the group to keep out unwanted flaggers

As I always say, "save the drama fo yo mama"

but my momma so poor she cant pay attention!

now whom to choose

Choose wisely choice is yours ;p

Yes ...., an interesting message, of course there are always problems and SteemIt I think, too, is no exception. Of course I hope that such cases are more likely an exception, but we all need to be more careful. Thank you @whatsup, it was interesting to know!

Freedom doesn't mean we should say whatever we want, we should spam whatever we think, we should scam whatever person! Freedom is something much more powerful than that thing! Flagging on such people won't work! but sometimes I do flagging too! Once I didn't flag anyone, but now I do!


I also flag now, not usually just because I disagree, but once in a while. We are humans trying to figure this out and there are plenty of gray areas.

Yep, in most of time just after flagging I feel bad about that action :/ So, in most of time I do unflagging of it as well :D


Few minutes ago, I was receiving vote for vote and follow for follow request. I tried to explain how steemit work so the guy find it helpful and also make steemit a better place. But they guy unfortunately made me shame with replies.
I should say they need more time to read and observe steemit before post.

there are certain rules of the site, and when a person registers he agrees with these rules. I think that it will be effective to punish the violation of the rules not with payments....

Every where in the society we can find all types of people; good, bad, neutral, hates, appreciates, critics... etc..
We have to keep that in mind and act accordingly and be ready to face anything on the way.

But most importantly you have to remember that you also falls into above categories.

Good point.

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