Some Thoughts and Strange Coincidences

in #ufo6 years ago (edited)

First off, I’m not a great writer or researcher but sometimes I write and speak about personal experiences and my thoughts on some of these experiences. A few weeks ago I was on YT watching a live feed when I recognized someone in the chat room. I said hello and continued listening to whatever it was that I was watching and listening to. I may have been watching a Qanon video but I honestly don’t remember for sure. What I do remember is hearing about Donald Marshall for the first time from the individual that I recognized in the room. I’d never heard of Donald Marshall before and said I would check it out. I read some interesting stuff and watched some interesting videos. Still unsure how I fully feel about the whole story but I certainly believe it is possible.

Plane that flew over as I was writing this post.

All my life I’ve experienced strange things and coincidences as have other people in my family. I wrote a small piece about a possible alien encounter. You can read it here as it pertains to my next strange coincidence.

I initially wrote about the experience for a friend and in my post I mentioned about seeing a city in the sky as did a sister. The other day I was on YT on my phone which I rarely watch on my phone when this came up in the feed.


It’s an old story but it talks about the city in the sky! In the video MrMBB333 also mentioned chemtrails. I definitely believe in those. I’ve always believed that they not only contained chemicals but were also being used to hide things in the sky so we could not see them. In the video MrMBB333 states the exact same thing. It gave me some validation for what I believe I saw and my thoughts on chemtrails.
Anyway, I also saw there were lots of posts on steemit about Donald Marshall and cloning. Some really great posts that really get you thinking. So this morning I was watching about ten minutes of local news while I was getting my son up for school when I heard the word cloning. Turns out a local woman had her dog cloned and they did a story on it. This is the story here.

I know they were talking about animal cloning and it’s a far cry from human cloning or is it! I know they have already grown body parts in labs from stem cells. Source I personally know someone who received a major blood vessel from stem cells and it was a hard process for her but she pulled through and it worked out splendidly for her. This is public knowledge now and old news. What is going on that isn’t public knowledge and possibly has been happening for much longer? You can bet if people have been talking about it for a while now that it has been going on for a very long time. Then you throw in possible extraterrestrial help. Alien life has been represented in paintings and such for an extremely long time even before well known events that our government still denies even happened. You can either believe it is possible or it isn’t. I’m not going to argue with anyone as these are just some of my thoughts. I try to keep an open mind and many times question the official narrative. As I’m sitting here writing this I heard what sounded like a low flying military plane over my house a couple of times or maybe it was a couple flying over. Weird coincidence right?! I grabbed my phone to try to get a photo which is posted at the top of my post. Not a great photo but I have a bad foot and couldn’t get out there as fast as I would have liked. Anyway, have you heard of Valiant Thor? Phil Schneider spoke of him and a book was written called Stranger At The Pentagon. I won’t cite any sources but you can google it and there are plenty of articles and videos about him and the book. Is he real? Very possibly I believe. There is not only information out there but plenty of disinformation also. I personally believe in Alien life but I also believe there are good and bad Aliens like there are good and bad humans. I wouldn’t put it past the elites to join forces with the bad ones! My last boss has a sister who is a “higher up” at the Pentagon. She was going to visit her sister and I asked her to ask her sister about Valiant Thor. When my boss returned she told me her sister laughed when she asked about it. Now I’m sure the sister would not be allowed to say as it would be classified. Funny thing though is that she laughed but never answered the question. .just a little laugh was the answer. When I pointed that out to my boss, it made her think about it too. I don’t know if we will ever really know the full truth about cloning, ufo’s and such but you can bet our government won’t be forthcoming. They never have been and love to cover up and hide the truth. Possibly soon they won’t have a choice as more and more people are “waking up”. Ufo sightings have also really ramped up lately as well. Maybe those cities in the sky are real and that is where they take people when they extract them while they sleep. All this talk about cloning and such can really make you think and wonder. What if Donald Marshall isn’t so crazy .. what if he is telling the truth!




I've seen shit...

Thanks so much @fishyculture! I think a lot of people have but don't talk about it for fear of being labeled. I've felt like that and only shared a few experiences.

I have had many experiences

It is good to know that many people have similar experiences or just strange experiences in general. I can just picture sitting around with everyone telling our stories..over a Corona of course! ;)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

That was pretty cool you captured the plane flying by as you were writing!

Thanks Liz! The timing was pretty good. My husband said they were probably A-10's and that he's seen them a couple times fly over. They make a heck of a sound and I mean that in a good and interesting way.

This is something to think about. I think you are lucky for having experienced these things, it is not for everyone to have it. I think you have an extra sense for those things. Just embrace it for you are blessed in different way.

I've always found it easier to believe that alien life is out there rather than not. We live in a huge universe. I also believe it is being hidden from us.

Like you said, aliens have been talked about for a long time in our history. I'm also no so sure that we are not the aliens, at least in part. Our own evolution seems to have taken huge leaps over time, and so has our technology.

At the very least I think they enhanced us by modifying our genetics.

Thanks Deb! I do believe we think alike on many things!!

Your last sentence.... "what if he is telling the truth"... most people brush off, ignore, call others crazy, label them as conspiracy theorists or the best of all... the tin foil hat club when speaking of things of this nature.

But really... is it fear leading them to not believe? Is it being close-minded? Is it the underlying possibility they were taught and told to believe whatever the government and others in the media have told them?

Regardless things are happening and we would be even more scared to know the truth versus only suspecting what we are thinking and researching.

Thanks @goldendawne! People may think me crazy for believing some of the things I believe but they are my experiences. Been having them all my life. It doesn't bother me to be called a conspiracy theorist but I prefer to think I'm more awake then them. Reading some posts about Donald Marshall has been fascinating and makes me rethink some of my own experiences and how the things he talks about could relate to those experiences.

I would be the last person to call another crazy; or think their viewpoints, opinions or even experiences are lacking what seems out there. I have my beliefs; whether spiritual, mystic, the unknown and more- I think if I were to write a post about my beliefs... some people would look at me and say huh? seriously?

I like to have concrete evidence and facts but there are some things you just cannot explain. You have to use your intuition/gut instinct to guide you.

Thanks @goldendawne! There are definitely some things that can't be explained. Some people don't believe in certain things because they haven't experienced it the paranormal. Not all of it is bad. I've experienced both good and bad. I have a couple of in-laws that I don't even bother talking about those things to anymore. We have a place in Maryland known as Aberdeen Proving Ground where it was suspected that "strange" experiments were going on. I knew someone who worked there and I was told that I would be shocked to know some of the things he knew but could not say what. I don't think I would've been as shocked as he thought I would! I do think they were doing cloning experiments amongst other things. I thought it then and maybe even more now. I've always been a little hesitant on talking about all of my experiences but it is good to know that quite a few people believe in some of these things as well!

Interesting post, Dee. You had amazing experiences & sightings.
Many believe this planet was seeded by aliens and they gave us their DNA. Perhaps they come back to check out how we are doing. ❤️
I never heard of Donald Marshall until now. Sounds horrendous if cloning is being used in this way.

Thank you @redheadpei! I had never heard of him either until a few weeks ago.

hm for not being a writer..theres is LOOOOOT of words in here missy ^^like more then 5 or so? Hm il say,- you think you, belive you & thats alllll that matters :D <3 great work hun :D

Cloning has come a long way since Dolly the sheep, and her offspring, (yes she had little lambs), are according to what I could find on Google, aged nine and doing fine still. Average age of a sheep, is 10-12 years old or close to that. Also there were 4 clones made of Dolly and they all are doing fine also. BTW that was back in 1996 that Dolly was cloned. 22 years ago.

Thanks @bashadow! Hard to believe it's been 22 years now. I didn't know that they made 4 clones and lol on "she had little lambs". Time sure does fly!!

Yeah there's def a lot going on than most could imagine

Thank you @chelsea88! I totally agree!!

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