The Unaccountable Steemit Readers

in #twominuteread6 years ago

Hey everyone. I feel odd writing this. I mean writing like we are actually having a conversation. I am used to scribing poetry and stories that this feels like a different write. And it is a different one. A heavy one.

One that might get me in trouble even.

That said, this is not a rant but just a minor concern. I am not that good at writing though I try. But... I have a strength in reading and I read a lot of what is posted here on Steemit.

This ever amazing platform has some skilled writers, people who make me question the 'wordsmith' on my bio. It is the hub of everything I love to read and more.

Some have earned their places as being whales and dolphins and keep coming up with ideas to help minnows up that ladder. It is humbling to watch and be among those lucky enough to get that needed support.

Others are minnows rising with a wave of newcomers reminding every steemian how important community is. This is the beautiful side of Steemit.

The ugly side is the obvious imbalance between greed and the core values of this site. Due to my love of staying in the shadows or my fear of downvotes, I can't touch on that part.

But. The few months I have been here, Steemit has translated to me that difference can be made. Lives indeed are touched and changed by strangers living miles away.

Most people here are kind and positive, they inspire you to grow and be better at your work. Or do they?

I will speak as a reader and I must confess something. Even as contests to become better writers continue to flood this site, I doubt we will become better writers.

Writing is painful and I know. It requires a heart that can withstand being ignored and sometimes ridiculed. One has to have patience with their skills and do their best to harness them. Reading should be a part of your life and so will criticism at times.


But here we rarely use constructive criticism to better a writer for the fear of downvotes. We upvote (some blindly) grammatically incorrect posts and the author keeps them coming.

If you are like me, you read one sentence and your reading mood is ruined. You scroll down to check if there is anyone who saw the mistakes you have just seen only to be met by praises of how good the article was. Your heart sinks.

You start typing a whole paragraph in the comments sections voicing your concern but when you look at the author's rep or the tonnes of 'positive and uplifting' comments, you long press delete on your keyboard and move on. I know, the fear of being the accountable reader.

Praising good work is great but so is constructive criticism if Steemit is to produce better writers and deserving authors especially when it comes to those of us growing. Give honest feedback!

All I am trying to convey I think is... Let's cultivate a community where authors can actually grow. Not just good ones but great authors. And as growing writers can we please embrace a little criticism, it is healthy for your wrining career.

I am growing so please leave your thoughts on the structure of these random thoughts below. It will be highly appreciated.

Also. Let me use this opportunity to say that as a growing scribe, I have found out I have a strength in writing good stories when inspired by either a prompt or art.

I am leaning more on art and if you draw (like @steemitadventure does) and you don't mind me writing a piece on your art, tag me in your art posts. Help the author I am struggling to be rise to her throne :)

Thank you for listening and for coming by.




Be real woman. If it bothers you, correct it. Don't do it in a shaming sort of way but you may be surprised many don't know anything is wrong. I help a few people who don't speak English correct their post. I often over look the grammar in mine.
I don't really feel grammar is overly important if you can understand the message. My are here for the social media aspect of steemit and some want professional blogs. Hard to have both.

First of all old friend, I'd have you know I am a real woman. I want also to clarify I wasn't shaming anyone... I just shared my thoughts and it seems that didn't sit well. I am not a perfect writer so I am relying on Steemit to advance those skills. I don't have a 'professional blog' but I plan on writing books if possible in the future. This was addressed to those planning the same journey. Apologies if it felt like an attack on anyone and thank you for your thoughts.

Oh, I know you're not being mean. I meant if you see it don't feel bad pointing it out if it is someone who appears to care. That is the big problem around here, no-one cares unless it hurts their money.

Have you ever used ? You can write with more than one person at once.

Oh. Totally thought you misunderstood my point... seems I misunderstood yours. Thank you for that clarification. Will look in because I don't have an idea what that is old friend :)

I have a lot of the same feelings as @jorlauski—I'm not worried about a downvote as much as I don't want to discourage a writer who is still learning. On the whole, I prefer only to give constructive criticism where it explicitly asked for, or where I know the author well enough to know they are open to it. If I really can't get through a piece because it is badly written, I seek another piece to read. Does that leave me clicking away from/not engaging with people who might benefit from it? Perhaps. On the other hand, we all have different levels of education and want different things from this platform. Those seeking to become better writers will engage in communities that will encourage that, and those who aren't interested will do their thing too.

On this issue, I'm pretty live-and-let-live.

I get where you are coming from but my point was directed towards those that want to grow. Allow me to quote this...

Those seeking to become better writers will engage in communities that will encourage that, and those who aren't interested will do their thing too.

My concern is the communities that can encourage that are encouraging bad writing. Thank you for coming by and more for sharing your thoughts.

you are very right - many times I have seen articles that were very thin on content , has horrible grammar, and sometimes the sentences that don't even make sense - yet - the comment section is filled with accolades - and I think - what are these people USED to reading if they think this is good?

In any case - kudus to those who try - especially for those where english is not their native language - I have to give a lot of credit to those who write in a second language - If I tried the same , I'm sure my spelling and grammar would be horrible.

That being said - I always appreciate constructive criticism because I want to improve my craft and get better at what I do. I would love to see more people open about constructive criticism so we can all get better at what we do. I admit that I shy away from it myself unless solicited for advice - since I really don't know their story and would feel like a tool if I criticized someone only to find out that they are still learning english-my big thing has nothing to do with concern about downvotes - what I want to avoid is discouraging people - I would hate that my words made somebody give up on a potentially lucrative writing career.

Your soul resonates with mine. This feeling of wanting to be better at this... To make a career out of joining words and moving other souls while at it. Those writing in English as a second language deserve accolades without a doubt but for us who studied English since baby class, it doesn't make any sense.

If I have learned something in writing, it has to be praised are not all that healthy if you want to grow. And I want to grow! Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts.

This is so important! I squint, sometimes, at things that have lots of upvotes but little to "deserve" them. I try to read every piece, scrutinize every photo before I upvote, as well. Thank you for speaking on this.

I am glad you look at it from the same perspective. Currently, I am having mixed feelings about sharing it. I so want to grow as a writer that I believe we all do. Thank you for your thoughts and the ever-flowing support.

Never be afraid to live your truth.

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