I Have Changed My Position on The Bid Bots

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

To succeed you must adapt and in that spirit I am changing my approach to the bid bots. I still think they can cause issues with the value of the content that is visible, as subjective as that may be. However, I am seeing some progress being made in that area and the market has spoken.

mindset.jpg Source

I previously made the case that we should mark promoted posts as ads through the code with a little "ad "tag similar to the way google does it with their search results.. Honestly, I was just being a whiny little bitch about how I thought everyone should act. Now, I am of the opinion that they are marked well enough based on looking at the upvotes and the comments left by various bots.

I think most people will still be bringing good content to compete effectively, so fuck it, let's do it. This is just a crypto/social media experiment anyway so it's hard to say exactly what makes good content.

The simple facts are that some different stuff will make it to the top based on many different strategies and relationships and it will be interesting to see what becomes the cream of the crop. I personally, will just be bringing the kind of content I like, just raw honest truth, like I'm talking to you in my living room. It can be as simple as this nice little free flowing post from @whatsup.


As you might have noticed, my creative juices had quit flowing very well recently and I think that little post helped me relax a bit. Thank you for that @whatsup. I like reading stuff like that from cool, down to earth people like @whatsup and @seablue.

Let's Be Honest

I am also swayed to use the bidbots by my desire to capitalize on this useful way to promote my content and increase my SP. The market has spoken and I will engage in this experiment. I will be using @booster and possibly other bots to promote my content and content from The Steem Experience community

I'm Going to Use Booster

Booster is my choice for many reasons. Some of them being that I really like the @frontrunner votes and I really like the team behind the project - @fyrstikken and @inertia. I also like some of the content I see @booster supporting.

Real Talk

I used some medicinal herbs :) tonight for the first time in a while and realized I've been being kind of a dick in a few ways. Sorry for all the preaching, it was probably annoying as fuck, but hey, maybe I learned my lesson and got it off my chest.

Love y'all, Peace


If you can’t beat them, join them! I agree and haven’t changed my mind that bid bots are a bad thing. But would I use them? Yes, otherwise you are just not going to be competitive!

Haha, after reading your post, by the tone, it seems that you were fervently against the use of upvote bots. Would you share the link of some of that material from your blog if I'm right?

Thanks @richardcrill! Yep, I kind of agree with you on the video: the use of bots gets a little far from the original idea of the Steemit experience, as well as it can promote low quality posts that can go on trending.

Though, what I have learned since my account was approved just ~30 days ago, the most important indicator is the reputation score. What I've seen is that usually, people that have a better score, will post better comment...

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

smartsteem payout in the amount of $61 STU, $129 USD.
booster payout in the amount of $51 STU, $108 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value of $112 STU, $237 USD before curation, with approx. $28 USD curation being earned by the bidbots.

This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @richardcrill and is by no means a judgement of your work.

Real recognize real brother, I appreciate your honesty. 👍

"This is just a crypto/social media experiment anyway so it's hard to say exactly what makes good content." .. seems like a cop out to me, but admittedly I havent followed your argument against bots before.

The monetary aspect of Steemit dominates all other aspects and only "players" with enough skin in the game ie investment can play the bots effectively. No one ever said it has to be equitable or "socialist", but any idea that content matters becomes a joke when any trending post only gathers steem, hehe, when the blogger plays the bots to get attention. The idea that the content of the post matters becomes a joke, that's the main problem with it imho. You say that its hard to define good content, well take the bots away and see what floats to the top .. the payouts would be much less fersure, but the content would be the driving force .. don;t you think?

Well, we've seen it both ways and there has always been plenty of shit content at the top for other reasons that I mentioned. What I realized though was that it doesn't matter so much what I think. I am in the minority and the market has spoken. I will continue to express my honest views and now I will play with these a bots a bit even though I personally don't see them as the best way. My goal as always will be to bring content that I think is valuable and speak truthfully about my experience. I'm sure I will have more to say about bots in the future, lol.

Hi, realky been a while.
I accepted it too. @whatsup also had a lot to do with it. It is normal, steemit must evolve and the bidbots do have their advantages.

Of course they do, as does some integrity.

I've stated in the past that I think the bid bots are much better than what used to happen. People would come into Discord or steemit.chat, chasing whale votes. Begging and generally doing indignant things to get a vote.

This system seems much less degrading to the individuals seeking support. It is a clean commercial transaction. The influencer gets a reward. The content creator doesn't have to beg for favors.

Will they always be a part of Steem? I don't know. Times change. Old strategies become ineffective. I expect that in a year from now, we will see new dynamics on the platform.

Honestly, I still feel mostly the same way about them and I hope that last sentence of yours is true.

Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

pray for you further progress

ha ha,,its good,best of luck

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