I don't carefully plan my posts...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Some of you are SHOCKED...

Eh, probably not so much.

I don't even know what this post is about yet.  I usually just open my post screen and type whatever is on my mind.  When my screen remained blank today, I decided just to type.  We shall see how that goes.

I know everyone loves to speak of "Quality Content", but I hated English 101 and every writing course I took afterward.  The funny thing was if I had a proofreader I did pretty well.  When I first started on SteemIt, many if not most of the articles read like little essays written for low-level English Courses.  It drove me mad.  A helpful Steemian once told me if I centered my pictures I could earn more.  I still do not know how to center my pictures.  My comma usage is spastic and sometimes my fingers don't finish typing words that my brain spits out.  

In the Corporate World I had an assistant to fix my errors on important communications.  In email we joked that Grammar was for entry level employees.  The CEO had a habit of sending us long walls of text with no punctuation and in all caps.  He blamed his phone.   The other day I saw my CEO on TV right next to Trump handing out awards to Olympians.  He did okay, despite not having a grip on the written language.  He was also one of the most engaging and interesting speakers I have ever listened to.

The reader is currently wondering where this is headed, and I have to admit, I am curious also....

I do have some standards though.  If I feel like I need a secret decoder ring to understand what you are saying, I probably will not try that hard.  Perhaps I am lazy.  I know I am messy and it shows up in many areas of my life.  It's a nice kind of messy though.  

Anyways, I like engagement over quality content, and I think it is unwise to make the platform intimidating.  There are a limited number of people out there who are aspiring Authors, but limitless people who want to make a connection.    I sometimes wonder if SteemIt is the most anti-social social media site ever.  I say that with humor and not distaste though.  I like tough people and if you make it on SteemIt you are likely pretty tough.

Hmm, I don't think I will do this like this again.

I can't waste these words though, I don't have that many.

Please forgive me casual reader.



inglish iz jast e languej.
not iven e gud languej, it iz e lauzi languej.
languajes wer invented onli sow det ppl wil b eibel tu komyunikeit wiz ich ader.
languajes wer not invented sow det ppl wil test or b tested ebaut dem.
it iz not important ez long ez ppl komprihend wot u sey or rait.

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This reminded me of a thought I had earlier. I "think" in words. I wonder if Helen Keller thought in sign language or ....

My roommate's cat is named Helen Keller but we call her Helen Killer because she's a jerk. She's the only HK I know...and she thinks in ankle slashes, not words

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Are you sure you didn't plan to write thing at the beginning? Look, you already wrote a good article which is 1000% better than my planned articles :D


I wish people would use Steem more like this to be honest. Sure, we have some great contributors in terms of developers and nerds, but I think that it's completely fine, good, well, and great to treat this platform like MySpace or facebook. That's kind of the point of it too, in my opinion.

Drop your thoughts, let it rip, whatever. This is your blog! Your little slice of the pie, do with it whatever ya want. I think people lose sight of the goal of all of this a lot of times. Sometimes they just need a little reminding. It's a weird platform (because it's a completely new and complex concept), but when it clicks, it clicks.

Yes, SteemIt is messy, the money factor makes people feel entitled to judge everything that everyone does. I love many things about it, but not that so much.

Sometimes I feel like there is a pressure to "post every day" but really, the only person holding us to any standards is ourselves. Steem doesn't care.

This post has a point, even if it didn't start out with one. Contribution to the social platform is more important that the method in which we contribute.

Post what you want, when you want, and let the chips fall where they may.

Well done for a "meaningless post" haha

Yes, it is true. I have an agenda, to make steemit a friendlier, easier to use site. Where anyone can come along and make friends, a little reward and post what they feel like without 20 people shaming them.

I have a dream.. (said in Martin Luther King's voice)

Unfortunately, it feels like any online community has that 5th grade bully mentality. The fact that we are behind a screen thousands of miles from the people we are picking on gives a sort of carte blanche to treat anyone we want to like crap.

People have to decide to grow up and be better in order for your dream to flourish. I hope we can find that place. In time.

First of all, for centring an image, you use <center><img src="link to your image"></center>. I only do this if my images are less wide than the max width of the average display.

I'm an aspiring writer. I write many stories and I have a serious inability to plan out my posts. I think that I have only planned out one story. It came out pretty well, actually, but so do most of my stories, lol.

I don't think I've been "successful" with the meaning that I'm not yet even a "minnow". I'm still plankton, but I've been very satisfied with my progress overall.

My way of structuring things to that they look "better" is to use paragraphs with two or three sentences. If I want them to be more readable, I limit them to 3 lines or so, and if I want them to look more literary, I go for around five to seven lines.

For grammar and such, I use Grammarly. I've found it to be pretty decent and I wish I had money to pay for Premium, lol, since I use and abuse it for lack of a proofreader (or time to proofread much myself).

I liked your post, regardless of how casual it was. I like reading people's thoughts.

I like you cryptosharon. I just realized I haven't been following you. I like your casual, but well-spoken comments. :) I like that even as an aspiring Author you read my jibberish and responded in a nice way.

I also use Grammarly, it would be a terrible experience for the readers if I didn't. I am a terrible speller. Sometimes I misspell the same word several different ways in one article. I am glad you mentioned it.
Let's see if I ever center a picture, I will let you know! :)

Alright! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I'm pretty good with formatting on Steem, so if you want to align things to the right, justify or change the size of your text, just reply to any comment or post and I'll gladly help you.

And yeap, I'm usually nice, you seem to be nice too, and you wrote a post that is very similar to the things I always tend to do (improvising and writing about anything I want without a care in the world).

Good luck! c:

This is quality content. I like reading stuff like this. It's kind of the inner workings of the mind. I don't think anybody is that concerned with things like formatting your paragraphs correctly, as opposed to just putting something interesting out that people actually want to read.

Well, maybe the grammar police are, but not me anyway.

haha, well, I take that as praise, from someone who really can write. Thanks

I tested out of college English, but had to take 7th grade English a second time. I pride myself on my punctuation skills, but am old enough to know that judging others on such trivial nonsense is meaningless. Your article was an enjoyable read and I thank you for taking a moment to write it.

Thanks Chuck, I understand that there is a time and place for excellent writing, but it isn't on social media... IMO. :)

My opinion as well.

When I first started on SteemIt, many if not most of the articles read like little essays written for low-level English Courses. It drove me mad.

This is my niche.

The other day I saw my CEO on TV right next to Trump handing out awards to Olympians. He did okay, despite not having a grip on the written language.

Sure about doing okay?

I am in the category of 'let it flow' without too much research (read almost zero). The reason is that I value human experience over textbooks. Which is lucky since I hardly read. I like to take small bits of information and expand it out, pull it apart a little in my own way and see what I find. MY writing is an extension of this process.

Many people seem to think that it is useful and valuable to get spun content from a biology class or debunking of things that were debunked 30 years ago. Most good students are terribly boring writers, perhaps it is because they haven't really lived. They are almost as bad as people who learn in writing classes.

I like the rambles that allude to real experience. It is where I might find overlaps that connect me to the writer that start a relationship.

Haha, about the doing okay... He always had political ambitions and unique ideas he is a master at spinning a story vocally. He makes everything relatable. That was one of the keys to our success.

Whatever you do, it works for you! I like your writing style and you come across in a personal way that I appreciate.

Spun articles about shit I could google if I cared about are my least favorite, but that is just me.

Reminds me of the Joker! We dont meed plans at all?

lol, hmm, I've never watched or read the joker. I know who he is of course.

In my case sometimes I take days planning my posts, but I think it is necessary to make an audience (i only have 3 months in steemit), then I plan to be a little more natural with my loyal followers.

I did more planning at first also. I guess now I feel entitled.

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