Why truth is important

in #truth6 years ago (edited)
Truth is important, as it helps us when making meaningful decisions while moving through life.
What we determine to be our truth helps us in creating our reality. Essentially, we filter our truth through the lens we create.

One man’s truth is another man’s lie, which came off the top of my head and sure enough when I referenced Google lots of people have said this. I found this one, especially to the point.

One man’s gospel truth is another man’s blasphemous lie. The dangerous thing about people is the way we’ll try to kill anyone whose truth doesn’t agree with ours. –Mira Grant


The truth and children

Our family teaches us our truths as children. Growing up in my era, there were no such things as social media, Internet, or access to great minds, except through books.

My family never owned a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica’s, so my truths came through what people wanted me to believe.

I think that is one reason I want the truth today, there is so much propaganda to get people’s money by telling them untruths, even if it injures them.

When I see people that just go along and never challenge their beliefs, I think they are missing out on a lot of interesting subjects.

Science helps prove history is not always true

Forensic analysis of some of Johann Sebastian Bach’s best-loved works proves they were actually written by his wife, an academic has claimed.”

Can science be right? Could a woman write music as acclaimed as Bach’s?

It is dangerous to accept another’s truths as our own, most likely those truths were fed to them.

One of the truths growing up that I had to rise above is also in the area of math.
My father often told me boys do math not girls, so I moved my interest more into the creative side of reading.

A 2016 movie called, “Hidden Figures” is an example of what women could and were doing in math that was kept from the masses. It could have just as easily been titled, “Hidden Truths”.

”The incredible untold true story of Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) & Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae)—brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of an astronaut.”
The quote is from the youtube clip about the movie.

Many people today, I am not saying any of you are one, are afraid to look at the truth. It would make them question their reality.

After all most people just want to get out of here safely when they die.

I think we can all agree, the meaning of words change, depending on language, cultures, and programming through the media.
Definition of truth

Oxford dictionary online.

The quality or state of being true.
That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

There are many more areas that can be explored but for the sake of brevity, I will leave it here.

The answer to the question, “Why is truth important” is because it helps us know more of who we are, and why we are here. Afterall, our truths create our reality.

image source

This post is written in response to the writing contest by @krnel

The winner receives $1,000 delegation for one week, allowing funds for curation. What a wonderful concept for a contest. Kudos to @krnel

Thanks for reading my post.

Your friend in the blockchain,



It’s nice to meet you, beccabe! I’m glad you raised awareness concerning this topic.

I would like to see this popular usage of the terms “your/my truth” sworn off by earnest truth-seekers. I understand it’s often used to indicate our inherent subjectivity, but it’s used just as often to support the fallacious notion of the subjectivity of truth.

This concept is disasterous, as it implies there is no such thing as actual truth, only personal perspective and perception. And though it is unprovable that anything objective exists (thus making it a moot point), consistency and consensus of subjective experience yields de facto objectivity and real knowledge about the world.

This needs to be respected over mere opinion and unsupported belief - particularly as it regards morality (the logical and observable cause-and-effect of human behavior). I don’t get to have “my” truth about your inherent human rights, and I should be told so in no uncertain terms.

You may be interested in my articles, as I write often on the topic of truth. Try this one if you have time: Going All the Way

Enjoy your evening,

Thank you for your comment.
Nice to meet you. :)

Like your post about truth. You make some good points. Hope you are well. 🐓🐓

Yes, I am well, the same to you.
My dog as a few things going on so am dealing with that.
He is getting better.

Yes, truth is very important in our life.
It has a great knack become life successful.

thanks, agreed

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