They Could Save the Planet, Why do They Choose to Starve it? The Right Question Gets You Half Way to the Right Answer...

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

This post aims to shine a light on a much overlooked truth about the world we live in I was recently reminded of while listening to some older truth music.

Global control has rendered the masses lethargic; They could save the planet, why do they choose to starve it? There's long been a cure, why they fight cancer? The right question gets you half way to the right answer. - Payday Monsanto, Just Off the Coast

Sometimes when listening to music, one single line of a song can be so powerful that it stands out & above all the other lyrics & just sticks with us for awhile, and for me one such line has actually inspired me to make this post today.

They could save the planet, why do they choose to starve it?

cost to end starvation meme.png
2019 US military budget meme.png
(Screenshot source w/sources - thanks @kevinsarpei)

The US spends more on its military budget than approximately the next top eight countries combined, so it could quite easily cut its war budget in half and still have the #1 largest military budget on earth with more than enough left over to end human starvation around the whole world in the next ten years or so. They could be feeding the whole world but they choose not to, opting instead to bomb it. They could be saving the world, but instead they choose to destroy it. See graph below, representing 2016; our spending has only continued to skyrocket in the last two years:

Starvation by economic sanctions

Not only does the US government choose to passively starve the world by consciously spending nearly triple the estimated cost to feed all the hungry in the world on just its empire-building war budget alone, it is also actively engaged in starving the world through economic sanctions and also by supporting military blockades which hinder or completely cut off the food supply to entire nations and peoples. So while it is true that US bombs create massive death and destruction around the world, the simple fact remains that the US government kills far more people abroad by intentional starvation through sanctions, with the civilian death toll caused by starvation and preventable disease epidemics due to military blockades and economic sanctions far surpassing the number of civilian deaths caused by the violence of war.

From Cuba to Venezuela, from Iraq to North Korea, and from Syria to Iran; the US has a long history of regularly using economic sanctions to starve entire populations to death, a sordid practice still actively used to manufacture starvation to this day.

The economic sanctions imposed by the Clinton Administration on Iraq in the 1990's after the first gulf war are on their own estimated to have starved over half a million innocent Iraqi children to death, as many as a million; but to the psychopaths behind these war efforts, this is simply an acceptable sacrifice which they say is totally "worth it" to achieve their goals of geopolitical world domination and global corporate profit, even after this mass human sacrifice failed to achieve its intended goal of inciting the people to overthrow Saddam Hussein. It makes one wonder, just how can any human sacrifice possibly be considered "worth it" even after failing to achieve its intended purpose? Just listen to then-ambassador to the UN Madelyn Albright's words for yourself, from a 1996 TV interview found in the following 2-minute video compilation on this insanity:

US government leaders have apparently become so unashamed of starving the world with their sanctions that they now openly tell us this is accepted US policy, and we don't even have to look very hard to find it. They even seem to gloat over it, the fact that their sanctions are intentionally starving innocent civilians with the goal of making their living conditions so miserable and deplorable that the hungry citizens are forced to become willing to join a foreign-backed violent revolution intended to topple and overthrow their elected government (regime). This is naturally orchestrated with the end goal of installing a replacement western puppet leader who will bow to the Zionist US Empire and their mighty petrodollar.

The 'they' I am referring to in this current example is none other than the warmongering Rudy Giuliani, and the citizens currently being starved in this case are the Iranians. However this formula is nothing new and has been repeated time and time again, taken from the exact same playbook they have been using for decades, as can be seen with the above example from over 20 years ago. The relevant comments can be heard in the following 3-minute video compilation put together by @tlavagabond (@ min. 1:30), which also exposes John Bolton and Nikki Haley's claims that US is not seeking regime change in Iran to be a blatant lie & pure propaganda:

The sanctions are working, the currency is going to nothing. We see signs of young men and women saying, "give me some food!" We saw a sign of a man trying to sell his internal organs for 500 American dollars, probably a fortune in Iran today. These are the kinds of conditions which lead to successful revolution. - Rudy Giuliani, during a speech at the 2018 Iran Uprising Summit in Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2018

This has now become so blatant it is as if they are intentionally rubbing their hatred of humanity in our faces, praising the fact that their sanctions are collapsing an entire economy and causing young people to starve to death, relishing in the suffering caused by punishing the civilian 'victims' of a 'brutal regime' for the 'sins' of the 'regime.' This is the most outrageous of hypocrisies and amounts to nothing less than the intentional oppression of the very people we claim to be fighting to free from oppression, in a likely futile attempt to incite them to revolt - not against the government causing the suffering mind you, but rather against the government seeking to protect them from the government causing the suffering.

Sound insane? That's because it is, all for the sake of the US global Empire, Israel's geopolitical ambitions, and control over Iran's oil. If they really cared about helping the suffering and oppressed peoples abroad, they wouldn't be intentionally starving them or bombing them to death. And it isn't just the US sanctions responsible for causing widespread famine and mass starvation abroad, with military blockades imposed by US allies which receive the full support of the US government also responsible for the suffering and deaths of millions more.

Starvation by military blockades

Yemen: 18+ million people are estimated to be currently starving there right now with millions more projected to die by cholera due to a lack of medicine and clean water, all caused quite intentionally by the US-backed Saudi coalition's sea and air blockade on the country with a little help from bombing campaigns. Living conditions are so horrid in Yemen that the UN has termed it the largest humanitarian crisis on earth, with one Yemeni child currently dying every ten minutes from starvation, preventable disease or US bombs. The US-backed Saudi war on Yemen is nothing less than genocide, from the relentless bombing raids targeting civilians to the military blockade hindering food & medical supplies, to the systematic targeting of water treatment facilities largely responsible for the cholera epidemic.

Since it first began three years ago, the US/Saudi/UAE war of aggression on Yemen has always primarily been a war of terror against the civilian population of Yemen, with the blockade alone responsible for killing as many if not more Yemeni children and other civilians than any other cause since the start of the genocide. By the end of the year it is projected to be the #1 killer, with 18 million starving Yemenis facing imminent death by December. The US fully supports this war effort in almost every way possible, and if that support was withdrawn the Saudi coalition would be absolutely incapable of continuing the slaughter. The US knows all of this and yet still refuses to withdraw financial or military support from the Saudis, because, "as you know, they are a strategic partner in the region." (source) Strategic partner in manufactured starvation and disease epidemics that is, and slaughter, oh and stealing oil of course...

Yemen, where those who escape the bombs and the bullets are dying by the thousands from starvation and disease, 144 children a day, with the full support of the USA. Since I just wrote all about it in my last post filled with links to sources, I'll just leave that link for those interested in reading or researching more on this tragic genocide:

And then there is Israel, which continues to impose a 10-year naval blockade against the tiny Gaza Strip, creating deplorable conditions for the 2 million Palestinians crowded into the impoverished open-air prison which also often comes under fire by Israeli attacks. Any boats attempting to break the naval blockade to deliver much needed medical supplies are intercepted and violently hijacked by Israeli soldiers.

gaza meme.jpg

The land border with Israel is sealed with a fence guarded by Israeli tanks & soldiers, blockaded with only one main crossing open for the restricted delivery of goods, with many basic necessities including construction materials and fuel outright banned or seriously rationed. This in turn effectively hinders the rebuilding of an infrastructure which is in ruins, decimated by years of Israeli airstrikes targeting the besieged coastal enclave, ensuring Gaza will never be able to be rebuilt. Electricity is sold by Israel and heavily rationed. The passage of people into and out of Gaza is also heavily restricted by Israel - no one gets in or out ('legally') without Israel's permission, which it frequently denies. Egypt rarely opens its small border with Gaza at all. Exports of any kind are strictly prohibited, and the Gazan economy is being crushed.

While not so much causing a widespread famine like in Yemen, the siege has still created a dire humanitarian crisis which includes some hunger, high numbers of internally displaced persons, an extreme shortage of clean water, heavily rationed Israeli-supplied power, hospitals which rely on generators to run their equipment, lack of adequate medical supplies, untreated sewage entering the sea, rampant unemployment, and a lack of sufficient infrastructure for the quickly growing population. These conditions are quickly deteriorating to the point that the UN estimated the Gaza Strip would be unlivable by 2020, but since then has noted that the de-developing of Gaza is happening quicker than expected, with some Gaza residents estimating the already close to unlivable conditions will become completely so by the end of this year.

And what do you know, the US continues to throw its unwavering support behind Israel, giving the Zionist entity $10 million per day no matter the human rights abuses carried out by them, and no matter how poor the living conditions in Gaza created by the Israeli siege become. $10 million/day to Israel while homeless families are going hungry here on America's streets... Adding insult to injury, the US also recently pulled all of its financial aid to the UN Palestinian refugee program (UNRWA) which delivered food to Palestinians in need, was responsible for employing a good chunk of Gaza's residents, and which ran many of the schools in Gaza, further deteriorating the economy and living conditions of the Palestinian population trapped in Gaza.

The US claim to the inefficiency of this "flawed" UN program may well be the truth, but the fact the US withdrew its funding of Palestinian aid while continuing to fund the violent Israeli occupation responsible for the oppression of the Gaza residents at over $10 million/day demonstrates they care little about easing the humanitarian crisis of the Palestinians in Gaza caused by one of their most powerful allies. If they truly did, they could also withdraw their foreign aid to Israel at the same time, or at least condemn the siege and unchecked Israeli violence against Palestinians... Instead, they also cut additional Palestinian aid by $200 million while the Trump administration seeks to increase Israeli aid by $200 million for 2019.

To be fair I would say pull all foreign aid across the board and keep American dollars in America, for Americans, but that just isn't what is happening at all, showing America's true colors.
saudi israelimerika.jpg

Bringing us full circle back to the original question:
They could save the planet, why do they choose to starve it?

The right question gets you half way to the right answer.

Seeing that the US has more than enough money and could indeed easily end world hunger while still maintaining a large military budget, and seeing that they instead choose not only to follow the path of perpetual war over world peace but also to play the leading role in actively starving the world through their foreign policy, all that remains to be seen is the answer to our question. Why do they choose to starve the world when they could be saving it, ending world hunger?

If it hasn't already become obvious, a few more questions should make the answer plenty clear.

Why did Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other US officials continue to endorse the Saudi genocide on Yemen even after it became public knowledge that a US bomb had been fired into a busload of schoolchildren, slaughtering 40 innocent children and sparking widespread public outrage?

Why was it "worth it" to the Clinton administration to sacrifice half a million innocent Iraqi children just to oust Saddam, and why are US sanctions against Iran currently starving Iranian civilians for the sole purpose of regime change?

Why is Gaza being reduced to rubble, a naval blockade still being enforced after failing to achieve its 'goal' of crushing Hamas after over 10 years, and its residents held as prisoners without any hope of independence in sight?

They could save the planet, why do they choose to starve it?
The answer should now be clear:


Yes there are those behind the shadows pulling the strings who orchestrate the madness and they are to blame, but the root of the problem is still greed, not the Illuminati/Deep State/Zionists/NWO. These psychopaths ruling the earth love money & power more than human life, and that's greed. It's greed, and without the puppets infected with greed who are willing to sacrifice humanity for more money, power, land or natural resources, the puppet-masters would be powerless. Greed is the invisible fuel which feeds the destruction of humanity, and if America freed herself from the power of greed, the destroyers would lose their power and the Deep State construct would implode.

From plundering opium and lithium in Afghanistan to genociding an entire nation for an oil port and an arms deal, human sacrifice is the crime and greed is the culprit. From the Zionists thinking they got dibs on a stolen nation to the billionaire who buys a 20-room vacation mansion while the homeless are starving, greed is the problem and it is destroying humanity. Greed is destroying humanity, and it is time for America to rid itself of this cancer before it is too late, and the greed has killed us all.

Tupac Shakur understood the problem well, and so I will leave you all with a short clip where in an almost seemingly prophetic fashion, all the way back in the 1990's before his murder, Tupac chose to use Donald Trump as an example of the greed which was destroying America. Now Trump is president, the greed & mass murder it is causing is much more obvious, and I don't think Tupac's words could ring more true:

Thanks for reading and a have a great day. Peace.


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It gets even funnier when you think about it this way:

If I were a rich bad guy, I’d want everybody to be well - they’d be more productive, as in, there’d be more entertainment options (art etc.), more technology/science advancements, and a better environment (especially if people also wouldn’t have to worry about their survival 24/7).

THANK YOU for entering @freedomtribe's TRUTH challenge.

Yep - starvation by sanctions and the US war machine are both devastating truths and terrible lies - the latter in terms of how it's sold and presented to the public. Wanted to resteem but unable to do that for a post out of its reward window.

Good luck with your entry!!

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