True stories: The Story of my life part two

in #truestories5 years ago

Inspired by the kind of writing @slobberchops :)

I continue with part two of my life story

We had a quite easy life in Nieuwegein, my parents had a rich social life so there was always something to do around our house. My brothers and I went to a school nearby, had a lot of friends so things were running smooth.

Attic for rent

Suddenly, out of nowhere, my parents told us that there were going to live some people at out attic (we had quite a big house and some room left). It was an couple where my parents got along very well. They often visited us downstairs and then had (together with my parents) had a lot to drink… I am still convinced that that was the moment that the drinking problem developed for my mother.

Although we didn’t had any complaints I knew that financially things could be better, that is probably also the reason why my parents rented the attic to some ‘strangers’. I never asked, so I am not sure. The first renters left, and the second renters came in. It where Erik & Ellen from Utrecht. Erik played in a band called “Arkus”, it was an symphonic rock band. Soon my father got involved with the band, first for arranging things like a manager, later on officially as the manager. So we got a lot people at our house of the band, to meet and to discuss music. Again with the usual amount of drinks… Me and my brothers where used to the late nights, the drinking that was done etc. We didn’t thought it was a bad thing cause it happened quite often. It was also the time (I think) that I developed a piece of my musical taste, because we listened a lot to different kinds of bands.

A funny thing to mention is that, in Nieuwegein, we used to live next to an Family from Argentina. A father, mother and 2 sons. I still remember them well, I played a lot with the oldest son ‘Santiago’, his parents worked at the University of Utrecht. Santiago recently contacted me through FaceBook. After all those years we are in touch again, he is a professor now to (just like his parents) and is very busy with religion. To me a proof that social media, in every form, can work to bring people back of closer together.. Funny isn’t it.


The family from my mother’s side all live in and around Zutphen (the city where I live now). So it was always quite an operation to visit, and when we did we had to visit the whole family. My grandmother & grandfather, my aunts & uncle’s etc. That time my father drove an Ford Taunus station wagon, a red one. We we’re always lying in the back sleeping, without safety belts. For that time no problem, today you aren’t getting away with that anymore (and that’s a good thing).

With Arkus my father often went to gig’s in and around Utrecht, sometimes my mother was going with him, but mostly not. She often goes to friends from work (she worked at a magazine distributor part time, VNU).

Radio Noord

Besides the management work my father did he was also involved in a local (illegal) radiostation called “Radio Noord’. In Holland they called it an “Ether-pirat” but I don’t know if that is correct English :) . This radio station broadcasted illegally over the FM frequency. It was a very popular radio station in Nieuwegein, my father hosted the transmitter of which the shows were transmitted through an big antenna. The station became so popular that local companies wanted to have commercials on it, my father arranged all the contracts. We had several raids by police, but they came back every single time.. It was a kind of fun, but for my mum and dad sometimes stressfull.


Than one day, I was about nine years old, my parents told us that we were going to move to Zutphen. My mother was getting tired of all the traveling to her family and got homesick when she didn’t. So they decided to leave Nieuwegein for Zutphen….

They sold the house and bought a house in Zutphen en off we went….

Thanks for reading, you can read the other parts here:
Part one

Have a great day,


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You can thank the 'strangers in the attic' for your musical preferences and tastes!

Absolutely. It has broaden my horizon a lot and gave me a view and ear for different music.. :)

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Ja, piraat of vrije radio, een fenomeen van de jaren 70-80. Zelf had ik ook een zendertje in elkaar geknutseld, ons hebben ze nooit kunnen pakken (gelukkig). Wij zaten op een oude verlaten school en alles was op voorhand opgenomen. Op locatie stond enkel de antenne, de zender, een microfoon, mengpaneel en 2 cassette decks .
Op de invalswegen hielden we dan de wacht met de CB (ook nog een illegale zender toen) in aanslag in geval van een op komst zijnde raid. We oefenden zelfs op de "ontsnapping". Binnen de 2 minuten was alles verdwenen (op de antenne na)
Was wel fun en spannend...Denk er nog vaak aan terug, en met de glimlach... Net zoals jij

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They say moving at a young age forms you and I think it’s true but the memories stay

I think it does too.... Certain things you just don't forget ... :)

Wow, you had so many diverse influences from when you were growing up! It is really interesting to learn all of this about you!

I love to write and process at the same time... This is kind of exhaust for me..

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