TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people

Welcome to another TribeSteemUp Curation, where I get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 16 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Some are smaller than others, but it is the message that is important. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Analyzing The Absurd Anti-Logic Of "If you don't vote, then you can't complain"


One thing I hear this time of year is "If you don’t vote, then you can’t complain."
"I vote so I have the right to complain."
A more accurate translation of this statement might go something like this:
I’m giving permission to a random sociopath to boss me around and take my stuff, and also boss you around and take your stuff. I do this so I can complain about people bossing me around and taking my stuff, but you don’t give your permission to anyone to boss you around and take your stuff, so you don’t have a right to complain about getting bossed around and having your stuff taken…..

Are We Asking The Right Questions?


We are living in a time, were a lot of time, energy and money is being invested, into finding the answers to all the so called problems in our world today. Problems that we have been told exist, that the media chooses to portray. Yet so many of us now know that there are far more things happening in the background, that are cause for concern. We know that things can not continue as they have been, that we are coming to the end of an era. Yet what awaits us, what will be born out of this.

Plant Walk #5: Grindelia, Stinging Nettle, Bristlecone Pine, Quaking Aspen


Hey y’all, I’m sitting here on a cold morning in Northern California, cooking breakfast in my camper. Sweet Potatoes with fresh onions and fresh eggs from my friend’s chicken herd. It’s the same herd I’ll be giving my compost to later today. I’m trying out my first Steem post on an iPad with a keyboard, a new addition to my digital nomad set up. Well, I’ve had the iPad for awhile but no keyboard. My computer often dies and I can’t recharge it on my solar set up (for now, changing that soon with an inverter!)
This is Grindelia. Grindelia spp. It grows wild on the west coast of California and in the interior Rockies.

Looking for Plan B? How to Cut Expenses, Gain Practical Skills and Travel the World Doing Something Meaningful (feat. "")


Many people are hitting rock bottom these days. They feel there is a discrepancy between their inner calling to do something meaningful, maybe even transformative on Earth for humanity, and the thing they are actually doing every day. Pressures abound in our age and the vast majority of them have to do with completely artificially created conditions and impositions.
I do not exclude myself from this - finding a way to balance the heart's wishes and dreams with the dreaded necessity to earn a living for a small gang of thugs calling themselves the central banking system and the political system of "representative democracy" can be tedious.

How The Seasons Guide My Garden Work


Fall is in full effect here, and most of the leaves have fallen from the deciduous trees.
When we grow a garden that works with nature this phenomenon acts as a teacher, as does the rest of the forest. In the same way nature chooses to drop down the leaves in layers during fall, I will also mulch my garden with wood chips in layers during fall.
The idea is to view a pattern in nature, then mimic that pattern or function and apply it to your garden.
When we work with nature the system supports itself and us, but when we go against nature we then have to be the one to fill any missing functions.

Europe A Tale Of Two Cities: How The Left/Right Good Cop/Bad Cop Routine Is Stealing Free Speech


A few months back I wrote a lengthy article (which can be found here) that detailed my belief that the architects behind the engineered European migrant crisis were using the migrants as a pretext to justify their takedown of western freedom. I displayed how the crisis is being manipulated to destroy freedom of speech, to justify an increasing police state and spy grid, to ferment societal unrest (order out of chaos) and in the march towards a globalist controlled one world government, destroy the nation-state and redefine it as a fascist ideology.
Within my post I also highlighted how they were utilising the left/right mind control paradigm to fracture ever greater splinters of division. As with everything I write there were zero propagandic images, no pictures of invading migrant hordes or of displaced children clutching teddy bears.

🌿🍆 Men play a vital role in fertility & conception too.


The infertility rate here in Australia is estimated to be one in six couples. However the focus on fertility treatments always seems to be skewed towards treating the female. Marketing of fertility treatments seems to be directed at women, reminding them that the clock is ticking. Even in IVF, a lot of stress is placed on the woman to follow strict schedules. Somewhere along the line, it is forgotten that men too play an equally important role in conception.
On the other hand, holistic fertility treatments focus on both men and women, never assuming that the inability to conceive is due to a woman’s age or egg production alone. Studies are showing the increasing effect of the male on all conception, embryonic/foetal/infant health and pregnancy issues.


Recently, my body decided to take a slight decline its ability to fight off illness. I took it upon myself to create a medicine which will allow my body to continue the good fight. The medicine that I made was an elderberry syrup. Elderberry is a very potent preventative and curative medicine. One of the most potent effects of this medicine is from the compound globulin, which effectively coats cells with itself to prevent viruses and other microbes from penetrating the cell and allowing them to reproduce. There are many other factors that go into the strength of this incredible medicine, but I’m not going to cover much of that.

Tunnels of the Shadow People - Episode 3 - Dark Tones


This morning and early afternoon, I went on a hike to look for a body double for our main character, the stone. It was a nice walk to the forest and back. The recent rain had created some new, small waterfalls and the color green is slowly but steadily returning, a year and a month after the huge fires.
As I planned to film in the night ( I just finished ) and was awaiting episode 3 to appear on YouTube in the ( late afternoon ) , it's more than logical that today was a day almost entirely focused on our film project.

Birth Day Blessing


Spinning Around The Sun
Many years ago on this same day, I emerged from my mothers womb. This is according to our Gregorian calendar system. A life changing and life creating event took place. I had been embodied up to that point, yet contained and merged with my mother. I emerged in this physical 3d structure, I was born. Today I became a brand new child, alive and clueless in this miraculous world.
It's an extra ordinary opportunity to celebrate this, the gift of life. Literally being gifted life. How often do I actually stop and think about this simple fact?

Comparing Communities - Values and Responses to Threats


I've had community building on my mind today. Part of that comes from seeing how different blockchain communities make decisions designed to foster more healthy communities.

In seeing the different decisions that were made, you can also see the problems they've identified, things they feel are a threat to the community they are trying to build.
You also see what they value.

Meeting Scorpio Halfway -- Inner Work with The Lunation in Scorpio


Scorpio is about coming clean.
You have several weeks here to really work with and consider the things the Scorpio lunation puts on the agenda in all our lives ... but specifically for how it applies to you.
Scorpio is about facing difficult truths, bringing previously hidden information to light. It's about solving mysteries and puzzles that may have baffled you -- or worse, hindered you. It's time to uncover some and put them to rest. The Truth washes away a lot of confusion -- and releases the energy you spent either searching for answers or keeping them hidden from yourself.

I care about what people think.



I know it’s cool to say we don’t care what others think. People say it as a kind of declaration of self confidence. Not caring means being strong and independent and focused on doing things our own way. But can’t we be strong and independent and focused and still care what others think?
When I say I care, I don’t mean that I feel any self doubt when others doubt me. I don’t mean that I’ll change the way I do things just because someone disapproves or no one understands. I don’t mean I’m going to cave in or give up. I just mean that I care.

From a slave to a master chapter # 34 - The illusion of “doing” and other common beliefs Part II


By nature, the beliefs that we hold manifest themselves in our actions.
As long as we are single or experience a non-satisfying relationship or a dual one, we are pushed to do something. We realize that True Love is not going to show just like that, out of the blue, and the ever-lasting flame within us agitates us to act. Our friends and loved ones also advise us to take responsibility and to “do something” about our status because “God doesn’t help those who don’t help themselves”.

Master Number 11 Events And The Shift Of The Ages (Part 7): The 11-11-11 Day Is Here!


The earth is a magical place. We have been conditioned from birth on that this is not the case but the truth is surfacing after thousands of years of deceiption. This is a gradual process and cannot be put on any single day. However, powerful days like 21/12/2012 will be the corner stones in the transformation that the earth is going through. Today is such a day: November 11th, 2018 is reduced in numerology to 11-11-11, a triple master number 11 day, forming the powerful master number 33, for the first time since over one hundred years.

Big Tech's March to a Dystopian Future


Mega corporations greatly influence the world. The advent of social media monopolies brings even greater influence to those seats of power. Facebook has already shaped much of our modern interactions. And the future they are setting out towards looks bleak and dark.
Facebook has filed two patents of concern this year. One is for emotion recognition technology. It's supposed to recognize a human emotional state from facial expressions, determining if a person if happy or anxious at a given time. All it takes is a webcam or phone camera. Artificial intelligence drives the analyses through complex algorithms which then decipher facial expressions.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Thanks for including my recent #naturalmedicine post.

Feeling pretty chuffed that I got included with some other very fine stories!!

Been having a lot of trouble finding the time to write, post, and read my Steem feed. Having these kinds of curation posts helps me find the stuff I like!

Posted using Partiko iOS

it's a great post @metametheus and definitely a topic that deserves more attention and discussion, it was a pleasure to include it in the curation xxx

Another amazing collection, @trucklife-family. The assemblage of talented thinkers in this group is simply stunning. I'll be back late tonight when my VP has recovered so I can start upvoting them. TYVM for the list -- and for including me in it. I'm honored.

thank you @enchantedspirit always a pleasure to include your amazing content xxx and I agree there are so many amazing thinkers within the tribe xx

Thank you for the feature trucklife-family <3

you are very welcome @paradigmprospect, have a great weekend xx

Thanks for featuring me and my work once again. I really appreciate what you're doing for the tribe. This selection helps me out a lot, it's a true time saver.

I wish you a lovely day full of positivity :>)

Hugs from Portugal,


Thanks Vincent, I'm loving the videos that you are making, I am real happy to include such great creativity in the curation xx have a great weekend my friend xx

Thank you!
Awesome to hear that :>)

Great original featured blogs
Greetings from @blockbrothers

they are indeed, cheers @blockbrothers x

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