@Tribestemeup bi-weekly Question: Do you believe that there is inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

in #tribesteemup5 years ago (edited)

Do you believe that there is inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance? It's an interesting topic brought up by @tribesteemup.

Do we believe that nature is Chaotic and everything happens by Chance?

Well if that would be the case, we would not have systematic flow of Day & Night, A systematic round of Seasons, Or the Planetary Orbit moving with precision. Everything will be happening just in a very vague manner, but that's not the case. So we do believe that there is a perfect order in the nature. Then the questions arise, that if there is perfect order in the nature why are we facing so many troubles like earthquakes, floods, storms and other natural calamities or even in terms of violence, hatred, wars. Why does nature behave so chaotic if everything is in perfect order?


Mind and Matter:

We have individual Consciousness and Collective Consciousness. Science has proved that we are all connected in the umbrella of Collective Consciousness. The matter consist of natural elements which is the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether and then there is the Mind which is the Individual Human Consciousness. The difference between the Two is that Human Consciousness can Think and create Thoughts but the Matter cannot do the same. The matter only has Physical energy, like the Fire has Heat energy or the Air which has Kinetic energy. The Collective consciousness energy is far more superior then the Matter energy. The Human Consciousness spreads out energy through various means like through thoughts, through Words and through actions.

The Vibrations that the Humans Consciousness spreads out in the Universe the same is reflecting back to us. The Universe is listening through our ears and it is just responding back to us in what we are sending out. we have heard this many times that the whole of the universe is within us. Everything around us Living and Non Living including inanimate objects vibrates, it's just the different level of frequencies, and through this vibration, everything correlates. Hence we cannot separate ourselves from the Nature and Universe and not be accountable for what happens around us.

Humans have an added advantage of the power of emotions to think and feel. Hence if we humans can spread out good energy through our thoughts, actions and words then the same will reflect back to us but if we spread out the energies of hatred, violence, jealousy, fear it is the same that will also come back to us in all different forms.


The Cause and Effect

Stephen Hawking in one of his show mentioned about this, If we start digging a Pit, there will be a hole on one side and on the other side there will be a heap of the digged out material. The material that is digged out will not disappear in the air it will be in another shape somewhere. There will be some form to that material. The same is the cause and the effect. If we throw out something, it is shaping up in some other form somewhere, it just does not disappear. So is the case with the energy, we humans release negative energy which does not disappear, it is shaping up somewhere in some form and coming back to us. It is in the universe and when there is an imbalance in the positive and negative forces we are seeing all the chaos around us.

Nature by itself is in perfect order, the chaos that we witness in the nature is because of all the impurity that the human consciousness has spread out cumulatively through impure actions, thoughts and words.

If we human collectively can spread out good energy and intentions in the universe the same will be received by us from the nature.

The Change starts with ME and not US, because if we start relying on others to change, the change will never come true. We are the Universe and we need to be aware about how we want to shape it up. In nature everything is in perfect harmony, we humans just need to tune ourselves to this harmony

It was truly joyful to write on this topic. Hope you all enjoyed reading it too.

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I simply loved reading the whole post. A very meaningful one....simply, we can say rather don't wait for changes to happen....just bring in the change.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @steemflow. Glad you liked it

Absolutely. Each action has a consequence - when we think, and that turns into action, we fuck up - hence, we have a huge effect on the natural order so much so that we create MORE chaos!

It's becoming a vicious circle. We are getting entangled into it further and further. The energies are getting so heavy that it is becoming difficult even for the universe to hold it within.

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I think it is a combination of the two because there is a perfect order in the universe and then it all falls apart and after that putting things in order again @nainaztengra
We can see that in the creation of stars and blackholes in the universe and they go in cycles.

Universe is helping us the best it can, I wish we humans realize, it is high time.

You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Thanks for enlightening us to the resultants of what we, as humans, put out into the universe - the cause and the effect.
Yes, starting with ourselves we can make the world a better place!
A very good message indeed!

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Thank you @naturalmedicine. Glad you appreciate my content.

Yes, exactly.

Although entropy poses an interesting factor in all of this... some of the energy of digging that pit will have been lost somewhere. What I'm curious about, is where did that 'lost' energy go to?

I've been deeply contemplating this question as I've been writing my post on this all week, and it seems that your point about the appearance of chaos being a product of human consciousness is on the money: that what we perceive as chaos is in fact order.

Great post!! One of my favourites I've read today actually.

That's a good point @metametheus, surely a lot of energy is getting lost in the activities we do and we do not know where it goes and what shapes it forms up, but at the end it's coming back to us that is for sure.I feel chaos is surely about money and power too.
Glad you liked my post and have appreciated it.

I love that you also can see the patterns, rhythms & cycles.

"If we human collectively can spread out good energy and intentions in the universe the same will be received by us from the nature." And so it is. 🌱💜

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanx @artemislives. I basically feel that Universe supports us to it's best but we keep messing with it all the time.

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