Tree Tuesday Contest. Let's See Your Best Tree Hugging Photos! (the love for yvyra)

in #treehuggers7 years ago (edited)

Fuente: álbum familiar

This is my contribution to the slogan of today. Tree Tuesday Contest. Today's work is titled. The love for the yvyra (Tree in Guaraní).

The hug of this tree has a very particular and funny story, one afternoon after a big storm, we saw that branches of our neighbor tree had fallen, jokingly I asked my wife and granddaughter to hug the tree doing some pampering, I never thought they would, but the love they have for nature led me to make them.

It turns out that on stormy days the ants climb the trees, my lady did not see and when they hugged the tree they got the ants to bite them leaving big welts on the arms and legs, I could not help laughing.

My lady was very angry, she thought that I had thought for the ants to bite her, for several days they were angry about the situation, I could not convince them that it had nothing to do with what happened.

See my wife's face when she felt that the tree was full of ants, the images speak for themselves.

Thank you very much Dear friend @ kus-kneepor this excellent initiative

The photographs correspond to the family album

Este es mi aporte a la consigna del día de hoy. Tree Tuesday Contest. El trabajo de hoy esta titulado.  El amor por el yvyra( Árbol en guaraní). 

El abrazo de este árbol tiene una historia muy particular y divertida, una tarde después de una gran tormenta, vimos que ramas de nuestro árbol vecino habían caído, en tono de broma pedí a mi señora y mi nieta que abrazaran al árbol haciendo algunos mimos, la verdad nunca pensé que lo harían, sin embargo el amor que tienen por la naturaleza lo llevo hacerlos.

Resulta que en los días de tormenta las hormigas suben a los árboles, mi señora no vio y cuando abrazaron al árbol consiguieron que las hormigas las picaran dejando grandes ronchas en el brazo y las piernas, yo no pude contener la risa.

Mi señora se enojó mucho, pensó que yo había ideado para que las hormigas hicieran de las suyas, por varios días estuvieron enojadas por la situación, no pude convencerlas que no tenía nada que ver con lo que paso.

Vean la cara de mi señora al percibir que el árbol estaba llenos de hormigas, las imágenes hablan por sí sola.

Muchas gracias Querido amigo @kus-kneepor esta excelente iniciativa

Las fotografías corresponden al álbum familiar 

Source: family album

Dear friends, I leave a reminder of other challenges that you can participate in, thank you very much and congratulations to all the creators of the following initiatives

Day Challenge name Initiated by
Monday MonochromeMonday @old-guy-photos
Monday FruitsAndVeggiesMonday @lenasveganliving
Monday NeedleworkMonday @crosheille
Monday MondayRed (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Tuesday TreeTuesday @old-guy-photos
Tuesday TuesdayOrange (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Wednesday BeachWednesday @lizanomadsoul
Wednesday WednesdayYellow (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Thursday SunThursday @uwelang -@lizanomadsoul
Thursday BlueFlowersDay @aditzu
Thursday ThursdayGreen (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Friday LoveFriday @liliana.duarte
Friday MarketFriday @dswigle
Friday FridaySkyBlue (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Saturday SaturdayView @luxurylifestyle
Saturday BeerSaturday @detlev
Saturday SaturdayIndigo (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra
Sunday BeautifulSunday @ace108
Sunday SundayScentExperience @dutchess
Sunday AnimalSunday @homeartpictures
Sunday SundayPurple (ColorChallenge) @kalemandra

It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.

If you have any doubts or questions about how to work on the platform you can access the link that I leave below to dissipate your doubts.

In the platform there are many users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will just name some of them that I recommend you to visit:
@sirwinchester, @knozaki2015, @kingscrown, @doitvoluntarily, @englishtchrivy, @ericvancewalton, @good-karma, @htooms, @jrcornel, @kevinwong, @opheliafu, @pfunk, @stellabelle, @papa-pepper, @sweetsssj, @thecryptofiend.
I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

You can also find many contests that you can participate in, I'll give you some of the labels so you can access them and so learn better
Colorchallenge, beachwednesday, bwphotocontest, memechallenge, retovenezuela, steemitphotochallenge, treetuesday, MonochromeMonday, SunThursday, LoveFriday, BeautifulSunday,
These are some of the challenges that you can participate, you will slowly get to know others

For the Spanish-speaking community I can recommend three competitions that are in force, the competition @cervantes, stories chained and the one of spanishchallenge. I leave the links so that they can access them.

Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, reesteemit. This action can be the big difference and make my work known more


Ha ha very funny @jlufer ,the trees was full of ants but your intension was not that but sometimes many things just happened and you can do nothing at that time.Yes your wife looks angry.thanks to share your life moment with us @jlufer,upvoted your post

you are very kind dear friend @ danishali22786 I appreciate your kind words and the good comment I wish you a great day

its cool to see your entry in tree huging and you all look so cute and happines and also some sad to hear story of ants bit your wife be carefull about her self always @jlufer

thank you very much dear friend @shencoin for your kind words and support for my work
I wish you a wonderful day

Ouch Lol your poor wife... sounds very itchy :)

Thank you very much for the nice company dear friend @ karenb54, I wish you a wonderful afternoon

Trees 🎄 are essential for life.. But people keep cutting them down. Fucking cunts.. I hope they will learn before its late

thank you very much dear friend @easytyga for this contribution to my work
I wish you a great day

thank you very much dear friend @ antony99

I love it this challenge! I seen amazing pictures. Have a good night

thank you very much dear friend @denissemata

Great Post & participation in the challenge.
Thanks for sharing and steem on!

I appreciate this pleasant visit and support that you give to my work dear friend @jcsteem
I wish you a wonderful evening

jajajajja eso es jugar con el peligro hermano te dejaron durmiendo en la sala @jlufer

Muchas gracias querido amigo @etnique por esta agradable visita y apoyo que brindas a mi trabajo
te deseo un maravilloso dia

Thanks so much for the love pics and story under the treehuggers tag!

Thank you very much dear friend @ kus-knee for the invitation to participate in this challenge, I greatly appreciate this pleasant visit

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