Travelmap - What about PORTUGAL!? (An inside vision from a Portuguese steemian)

in #travelmap7 years ago (edited)

I'm sure you all know next Steemfest2 will take place in Lisbon (Portugal)

But, what do you know about Portugal?!


I would like to know!!

Maybe you would like to answer to @lizanomadsoul challenge: Travelmap week 2 - PORTUGAL!! .

It's what I'm doing!!

In this post I want to explain our culture, and what you can expect when coming here next November!

Portugal in three words: Fatima, Football and Fado!!

Colagem sem título.jpg

This is a very popular statement. Even Portuguese people call it about ourselves, and it's true. Let me explain:

Not everyone loves these three things, but for sure (I'm totally​ sure about it) at least one likes it a bit (like me) or are "fanatics" of one of those!!



Fatima is today a religious city where Shrine of Fátima is placed to celebrate the "Our Lady of the Rosary apparition of October 13".
Basilica nova - Santuário de Fátima.JPG
The Shrine of Fátima is a place of pilgrimage nowadays. Last May the Pope came in and thousands of peregrine were there to receive him.


How many of you have heard about Eusébio, Figo, Rui Costa, Cristiano Ronaldo or José Mourinho??

They are all Portuguese football stars, players and one coach!
We are proud of them, for sure! But Portuguese people are so, but so proud that Portuguese Football​ team won last UEFA European Championship (2016)! Oh boy, even my mother who doesn't watch football watched the Portuguese​ games during Euro 2016! That's a huge thing, believe me!!


Fado is traditional folk music born in the popular contexts of the 1800s in Lisbon. The word Fado comes from the Latin word fatum, from which the English word fate also comes from. It's characterized by mournful tunes and poetic lyrics often about the sea or the life of the poor, and infused with a sentiment of resignation, fatefulness and melancholia. It may be related with the portuguese "SAUDADE" word and feeling.

Famous singers of fado include Amália Rodrigues, Carlos do Carmo, Mariza, among others. Here are some of my favorites:

Uma Casa Portuguesa by Amália Rodrigues

Gente Da Minha Terra (Lyrics by: Amália Rodrigues; Music by: Tiago Machado and interpretation by: Mariza)

Verdes Anos by Carlos Paredes, the master of the Portuguese​ guitar (plucked string instrument with twelve steel strings, strung in six courses of two strings most notably associated with the musical genre known as "fado")

Lisboa menina e moça by Carlos do Carmo

It's UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage since November 27, 2011.

If you are interested in knowing more about Fado, pay a visit to its Museum: Museu do Fado. But if you want to have a "Fado" experiment make sure to go to Alfama neighborhood in Lisbon!

Monument to the Discoveries (Padrão dos Descobrimentos)

Portugal made history about 500 years ago!

Portuguese were pioneers in intensive maritime exploration during the 15th and 16th centuries. It result in discovering and mapping the coasts of Africa, Canada, Asia and Brazil, in what became known as the Age of Discovery. Global exploration started with the Portuguese discoveries!!

Portugal is nowadays known for its hospitality, food, beautiful coast, and cheapness (at least for foreigners)!

Portuguese people use to:

  • Feel "Saudades" - This untranslatable Portuguese term refers to the melancholic longing or yearning. We usually say we miss someone or something, even if we’ll see that person or thing in the near future.

  • Be "desenrascados" - Another untranslatable, but that means "the act of disentangling yourself from a difficult situation using available means”. Do you remember Macgyver?! He's the king of "desenrascanço"!!

I hope you all have a great experience when getting here (I'm positive sure you will).
Please be aware of your wallet when walking in Lisbon, there are very skilled people and teams robing foreign wallets, some of them are very good, even tricking the policy!

If you want to ask anything about Portugal, you may! Just leave a comment.

Here's a satyrical video from Portugal, including some historical facts I haven't mentioned above!

I'm a proud Portuguese woman!!


Stay tuned!!


Boa tarde (Canadian time!) - just found your post while searching for something else. I'm a new Steemian and my first project is writing a blog series about our four long-stays in the Algarve, almost a year in total spent in your wonderful country. Please take a look at them, I'm up to 11 blogs now (never thought I'd have more than a few), and would appreciate someone from Portugal reviewing them. Remember it's my perspective as a Canadian visitor, but I obviously don't want to get anything wrong about your culture, history and so on, so if I've made any errors please let me know. Obrigado!

Well, 11 posts already!? I love to see what other folks think about my country, I'll check it for sure!

Thanks Liliana - I was hoping you could. I would love the feedback. I enjoyed your post!
@lizanamadsoul told me to use the #travelmap tag so I changed this for my two most recent Portugal posts, and I assume this helped us connect!

I am the Great Cornholio! I'm a gringo!

Thank you for these insights into Portuguese culture. I would love to visit one day, and perhaps even live in Portugal in the future.
Fatima is definitely on my list of places to see. The fado has a hauntingly beautiful sound. I especially enjoyed the words"saudades", as I've felt that way a lot but there really isn't an equivalent word in English to encompass the feelings and "desenrascados" sounds like a great skill to have!

Thanks for actually reading my post!! Fatima is a place where I go from time to time, not often. I grew in a village from Leiria which is close to Fatima. These two words​ aren't translated in english or any other language. I find that fabulous​!

It was my pleasure to read it! I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't---it was so interesting! Thanks for another excellent post!

Olá Liliana, descobri-te por acaso e estou a seguir-te :). Obrigada pelos teus desafios e por dares a descobrir o nosso país! Eu sou uma portuguesa a viver em Timor-Leste, mas sempre com saudades de Portugal. Voto neste post, voto em ti! Se achares que os meus valem a pena, segue-me de volta! Até breve!

Olá Isabel!! Já fui espreitar o teu blog aqui no Steemit e está fantastico. Acho que os teus posts vão fazer sucesso por estas bandas, é dificil poder votar em todos porque esgota o nosso "voting power". Certamente que é um dos blogs que irei acompanhar de perto!

Muito obrigada Liliana, pelas palavras inspiradoras e pela motivação! Fico imensamente contente, acredita. Porque ponho muito de mim e do meu tempo no meu blog e nas minhas fotos. O que é a minha paixão, de resto. Se puderes pf ajuda-me a "enturmar-me " no Steemit, já apercebi que és uma influencer :). Até já!

Sim, mais tarde irei fazer resteem do teu post que está espectacular! (Já tinha decidido) Tenho de dar algum tempo ao que acabei de fazer. Não sei se sou ainda grande influencer aqui, tive a sorte de ter começado a ser mais visivel quando lancei o LoveFriday, mas isto ainda não é certo. Tem dias! ;)

Pois, já percebi isso, apesar de ser novata :). Obrigada por tudo, desde já! E que bela iniciativa tiveste, chegou-me por portas travessas ;)... boa boa! Obrigada pelo resteem! Beijinhos

Resteemado! Oh, o palavreado que se inventa por causa disto! Sendo novata aproveito para deixar o link com algumas dicas em português.
Certamente existirão outros guias, mas este é do tuga cá de casa! :)

Ahahah, muito bom o resteemado ;). E muito bom teres resteemado, obrigadíssima!. Tão bom escrever na nossa língua! Vou ver o link sim, boa!

Sim, sabe bem para descansar o cérebro. Mas o que mais gosto no Steemit é que me desafia constantemente a treinar o meu inglês. Há um ano atrás não sei se escreveria duas frases seguidas! ;)

Great post!! :) Upvoted & Resteemed.

Cool!! Glad you appreciate it!! Thanks for resteeming, it helped to get more visibility!

Glad I could help you :) Anytime.

O Melhor jogador do mundo! o Cristiano! Parabens. Porque você nao tem publicações em Português? ainda nao há muitas pessoas em steem que managem esta lingua? porque você @liliana.duarte escreve muito bem em Inglês

Eheh, e hoje faz um ano em que Portugal ganhou o campeonato Europeu, não se fala de outra coisa nas noticias de hoje!!

Eu não escrevo em Português porque tenho ideia que ainda não somos muitos e na verdade gosto mesmo muito de treinar o inglês. Sinto que tenho evoluído e perdido o medo de escrever, e eu preciso disso! Já pensei fazer posts bilingues, em que fica o texto em PT e EN lado a lado, mas ainda não sei fazer a formatação.

Boa @liliana.duarte eu gosto mesmo do portugues e estou a treinar no Steem porque mesmo eu so falo bem bem em Español e tampoco e que sou uma eminência jajaja

Ah, que giro!! Há alguma razão especial para queres falar em Português? Eu entendo Espanhol, mas não me peças para escrever, isso já é dificil! :)

Provavelmente este de ferias en Portugal, e gosto muito do seu falar es muito giro! jajaja @liliana.duarte

Não, eu não estou de férias, sou mesmo de Portugal!! Falo e escrevo português de Portugal, que é um pouco diferente do português Brasileiro. Daí achares a minha forma de falar engraçada!! :))

Ohhh!! cha percebei, mas o falar dos portugueses de Brasil tambem e engraçado!!

É pois, eu adoro. Já dei por mim a ler posts de brasileiros aqui no Steemit e quando vou comentar tenho vontade de adaptar o meu português e usar o deles. Mas faço um esforço por não o fazer, acho que o engraçado é eu tentar escrever o melhor português que sei!

Even my mum watched the Football finals ;) :D

It is funny that whenever I go visit my family they ask me if I went to Fatima yet. And there is many beautiful places to see and go to... And no, I didn't. Because there is so many other beautiful places to see. But it must be one of the most popular tourist places besides Lisbon and Porto.

Or Algarve!! Yes, it is very touristic. I don't like it much, actually and don't go often. But at least once you should go!

Oh yea, Algarve too. I was there once. Cant remember if it was early spring or fall. It was out of season already and there was almost no people on the beach. Colder too and rainy, but I like it.

In my opinion the best time to go is probably June or September. It's still warm and the weather is good to go to the beach. But I also love to go in the winter. I used to go a lot, now much lesser!

I've all heard pretty about Portugal, and all this is familiar to me, but unfortunately only from literature or friends. Once I'll visit your beautiful country :)

And I'm sure you'll love our beaches! :)

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