Switzerland Travel Series - Part 8 - Schilthorn

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

Another weekend means another trip to the Alps. And it was the last trip this year as we're going to Slovakia in a few days and we will be staying there for two weeks. We decided to go to Schilthorn as it offers one of the best views in Switzerland.

When we woke up on Sunday we were disappointed with the weather and thought that we would have to stay at home. We kept checking the live stream and decided to give it a go when the clouds began to disperse.

It took us almost 3 hours to get to Lauterbrunnen and guess what? It was raining. We checked the live stream and it looked 'so, so' (this is how the guy selling tickets described the weather conditions). We were skeptical because the return ticket price is CHF 105 per person which is not cheap.

At the end we purchased our tickets as going back without seeing anything would be just a waste of our time. We agreed that if there will be no views we will just skip a few meals this week to compensate for the tickets. Just kidding 😊

Would you like to join us?

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We got on the cable car at Stechelberg. There are three stops on the way before you reach Schilthorn: Gimmelwald, Mürren and Birg. We had to change the cable car at each stop. It's very smooth and we just had to walk from one cable car to another that was already waiting there.

It takes about 30 minutes to get to Schilthorn. We were in the clouds until we reached Birg. Everything was good again as soon as we saw sunshine.

Schilthorn station is in the back of the photo..

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You can make a break at each stop (there is a cable car every 30 minutes going up and down) but we wanted to go to Schilthorn first as the weather was changing quickly. We would stop at the other stations on our way back.

Here we are on the way to Schilthorn leaving Birg behind..

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We enjoyed the promising views from the cable car..

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There is a bar, a restaurant and a shop at the Schilthorn station but we didn't want to waste time and went directly outside to enjoy the views before it gets cloudy again. It was -9 degrees Celsius and very windy so it wasn't that enjoyable after all 😊


Schilthorn is a summit in the Bernese Alps. At 2970 meters, it overlooks the valley of Lauterbrunnen and it offers breathtaking panoramic views of more than 200 peaks. It makes you feel like you were on the top of the world!

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Schilthorn was also featured in the 1969 James Bond movie 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. You can get a glimpse behind the scenes of the movie starring George Lazenby as James Bond. There is an exhibition called the Bond World where you can learn some interesting details about the movie. You can also watch some scenes from the movie in the Bond Cinema or go on a 007 Walk of fame (this one was closed because of the weather)

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But back to the views 😊

We admired spectacular views of main summits of the Bernese Alps such as Eiger (3967 meters), Mönch (4107 meters) and Jungfrau (4158 meters) - from left to right.

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You are used to seeing blue skies on my photos but I must say I enjoyed that it was partly cloudy. It was mysterious and magical.

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It was like I was taking photos from the plane above the clouds..

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After half an hour we went inside to warm up a little bit and get some gluehwein. We could see the weather changing and decided to go back outside and take last photos before the views disappear behind the heavy clouds.

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At this point we decided to go back to Birg and see if the weather conditions there are better. And it was good that we did 😊

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Birg skyline walk platform is at 2677 meters above the sea level. The platform extends from the terrace and it's constructed from steel and glass. You feel the vibrations when you walk on the platform and it makes your stomach squeeze a bit. The platform is attached to a cliff and there is a big nothing under the glass that you're standing on except of the clouds.

There was a big group of Chinese tourists (around 50 people) with us jumping up and down on the platform and trying to take best selfies while I was holding on to the railing and hoping that the platform is strong enough to carry so many people. Not that holding on to the railing would help me if anything happened there 😊

I hope that you will enjoy these photos as I was risking my dear life while taking them 😊

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Another adrenaline attraction is the Thrill walk. It is a 200 meters long steel construction attached to the rock. You will again be hanging above the clouds. For the brave ones there is a 9 meters long rope bridge, 8 meters long crawl-through tunnel, 20 meters long glass-bottomed floor and many more things to do. It's important to follow the instructions of the guide to avoid any injuries especially when it's a lot of snow there..

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Can you see the moon?

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We wanted to stay a little longer but the last cable car was coming from Mürren so that we had to hurry back to make sure we don't have to stay there overnight.

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On the way back we were squeezed in the cable car with that group of Chinese tourists. I'm not that good with crowded places (especially when it's a vehicle hanging on cables), so I was trying to focus my attention on breathing when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and there was an older Chinese lady pointing to the screen of her smartphone. I thought that she wanted me to take a photo of her but she wouldn't give me her phone. I didn't get what she wanted but she kept pointing to her phone and smiling. Then my husband told me that she probably wants to take a photo WITH ME 😊

And he was right! I let her friend take a photo of me and her when other people started to point to their phones. I ended up smiling into many phones not knowing why (blame it on my inability to say no). When we were back in the car my husband explained to me that it's probably because I have fair skin, dark blonde hair and blue eyes 😊 This explains why they were not interested in him as he looks a little bit like them 😊

We came back home totally exhausted but happy. It was a great day and I hope you have enjoyed it too!

(that could be anyone but I promise that it's me )

Thank you for reading!


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brrr... lol ... but it makes you realize how small we are compared to the total earth when we see beautiful natural life like this! :)

I agree! Standing there make you feel small. Especially when you see that big cable car coming out of the clouds looking so tiny :D

Wow! Photos make it look amazing. Skied here a few years ago your post reminded me how breathtaking it is. Must go back soon!

You should definitely come back :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Mysterious and magical indeed @delishtreats! What a breathtaking experience. I keep going back to re-view your photos. I'm sorry you risked life and limb for these, but I'm sure they are worth it?! I would love to do this. Until I do....thank you for sharing. WOW

Hahaha, as long as you liked the photos it's fine :) I survived it :)

It was an amazing experience and I'll go there in summer too. I've seen photos of the wild flowers meadows and it's so beautiful.

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words! :)

Hahaha - funny story! I heard some travelers earn money while traveling through China because Chinese companies love to market their products/company by having 'white' 'blond' people in them - can you believe it? So you sell your face for a few hours and then you can travel for another week or month or so :') You should've asked money! Hahaha.

I gather you had no time to stress about being in a very full cable car then?

Schilthorn is high on my list of places I want to visit by the way! And these photos haven't made that wish disappear - gorgeous <3

Oh, damn!! If I would have known that before, lol!! I could have made some money to pay for that crazy expensive ticket :D I had no idea that they find 'white' 'blonde' people so attractive. Now I know what I'll do when I'll go to China one day :D

Exactly! I completely forgot where I was and it took me a while to understand what was happening :D They are so confusing :D

Really? You should definitely come! There are some hiking trails but you don't need to do anything. The views are there and you don't have to do any effort ;)

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Brrrr! But that sure is stunning, so thanks for braving a little frostbite to share with us! 😉 That really does look like you are at the top of the world! I enjoy the blue skies very much, but definitely agree it is neat to see a different look with the more mysterious clouds all about. I think I would have trouble with all those tourists in one spot, too. Especially crowded in the cable car! Though perhaps all those pictures distracted you a little bit? Good for you to be such a good sport. 😃

I was so tired from the cold in the evening. When you're there you somehow survive it but once you're back in a warm place, you start becoming tired.. or at least I do :)

Yes, I think so too! It's nice to see something different. But I'll be going back there again in summer.. would love to see all the wild flowers meadows :)

Hahaha, they did! The ride went so fast :D I was so confused that I completely forgot where I was. It was bizarre. It took me long until it really clicked what was happening, lol.

Thank you for stopping by, Katie :) I'm glad that you liked my post :)

That partly cloudy sky does make it look mysterious, like you are walking in a fog. Very pretty.

I've had that experience with an asian wanting to take my daughter's picture at a tourist attraction. She is white blond and blue eyed. The lady actually picked her up. That is completely creepy and inappropriate in my culture, but I let it go since the lady was such a smiley harmless member of another culture.

It's inappropriate here as well but I was so shocked as it never happened to me that I actually let them do so. I just wonder what they say when they're showing the photos back home.. something like ME and the random woman? :D No idea..

I agree with you. They simply like that people here look different... as long as they are harmless, I don't mind either :)

Thank you for stopping by! I'm glad that you liked the photos :)

Lol, I wondered the same thing about the photos. I found it humorous to think that my daughter was a permanent part of a family photo album somewhere with the label "actual white girl!"

I feel so cold reading your post Martina, but its a nice type of cold which I like!

And I can understand why those tourist wanted to take photos of you. You are so sweet ^_^

But lucky you that you can feel cold from the comfort of your chair ;)

Awwwww, Pauline! Thank you so much! :)

So I see you were as a big attraction Martina as the Alps, lol. Nevertheless, I must agree, the clouds added quite dramatic effect, so the weather wasn't to bad after all. But I can totally imagine how cold it must of been there, yet still beautiful. Stunning shots my Dear and wonderful story to read 🌸💖🌸

You are right! It was awkward and funny at the same time :) Lucky me that it all went so fast.. I run to the car as soon as we got out of the cable car ;)

There were moments when we were in the clouds so there were no views at all. That was a bit disappointing but the weather was changing very quickly..

Yes, it was not warm ;)

Thank you for your kind words, dear Lena! :)

Great photoes. The clouds add great atmosphere to the images.! Looks cold! Nice storry :) I had to smile. I have experience the same when I travel - locals wanting to take photoes with me on it!! Especially in China. In India husbands wanted me on the photo with their wives!!

Hahaha, I've never been to China or India so now I know what I should expect one day when I'll go there. I wonder what these wives thought about that :D I guess that no woman would like it :D

Thank you for stopping by! I'm glad that you liked it!

Ha! You're famous!

Lovely photos. Did you ski? I can't imagine going way up into the snow just to see the snow....I'll stick with admiring it from your pictures. Thanks for taking one for the team. :-)

Oh, and I love being above the clouds. It's epic.

Hahaha, I prefer to live in anonymity :D

No, no, we don't ski - too afraid of breaking limbs :D There were just a couple of people on slopes so I guess now it's the ideal time to got. I think most of people would go after Christmas..

I love it too! It's like being in a plane :)

Thank you for stopping by, Jen!

I almost broke my limbs learning to ski this month. I can't wait to go again though. :-)

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your pics. :-D

Hahaha, it's like with me and the gym. I suffer so much there but as soon as I get home I want to go back ;)

There will be some from Czech Republic coming soon :)

Great, I'm looking forward to it!

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