Canyonlands National Park: Green River canoeing in Utah: day 2 & 3- photo impressions USA part 7b

in #travel7 years ago

Here are some impressions from our three day canoe trip on the Green River, back in 2014. We actually took so many great photos I decided to split this one up into two parts.

Please make sure to see part 1 first!

Day 2 (part 2)

These are footprints of a Mountain Lion. A ranger explained to us that he had been working in Canyonlands NP for more than 10 years but never seen one. He was sure, that a lot of Mountain Lions had seen him, though.
I placed my watch for size-comparison. Its diatmeter is about 4 cm or 1.75 inches.

If you look closely you can barely see my parent's canoe on the left. These rock-formations were just enormous.

Day 3

We had a nice camp site on day three. Here you can see how the place looked like.
My parents noticed a scorpion was burried in the sand below their tent when they dismantled it the next day. The photo we took is too pixelated unfortunatelly.

The weather can change very quickly down in Green River's canyon...

... Huge streams of water were coming down everywhere.

And as quickly as the storm appeared it disappeard again about one-and-a-half hours later.

Sunset on our last camping site.

Thanks for reading, comments appreciated!

This is part of my USA Impressions series, if you haven't already please make sure to check out the other parts here:

Follow me if you are interested in more content like this. _ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ


beautiful Canyon. great shots. thanks for sharing.ELgeko-banana-verysmall.jpg

Thank you. And... thanks for the banana. xD

Very cool you saw a mountain lions tracks, I have seen what I think was one while taking photos at night. You can tell predator eyes because they are in front of the head compared to something like a dear with eyes on the sides. It was pretty scary realizing it was a predator and it was watching me. I shined a bright light at it to throw it off and slowly moved to the car while keeping the light on it. I learned about tactical flash lights later and now keep a few with me when I am out at night shooting photos.

Good point, will keep that in mind the next time we go hiking.

So the idea of tactical flash lights is that shining a bright light in the night at predators is likely to put them off?

And btw, we actually saw something pretty big crossing (swimming) the Green River about a mile or so ahead of us. We were not sure what it was, seemed to be too be a beaver.

Bigfoot maybe,lol

Beautiful photos! :)

Thanks. Best part was definitly climbing in the side canyon, hope you saw my previous post about it.

Amazing place!

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