Travel Pro Adventure #9: Fire Fire Everywhere! Celebrating New Year's Eve in Guayaquil Ecuador! Part Two (video)

in #travel6 years ago

As promised my steemit friends today I bring you the second video that I took of the insane New Year's Eve celebration in Guayaquil Ecuador. This video has a little more variety, like people burning tires, a drunk man either dead or totally passed out on the side walk, groups of teenagers cheering in the street, a little music, and a little traffic trying not to hit anyone nor get hit by bottle rockets and flaming debris!

This is by far the craziest way I've seen the New Year brought in. Most dangerous too! With out a doubt this would all be highly illegal in my home country of the United States. But here in Ecuador the people and their traditions rule, and that is not going to change any time soon. I just hope nobody got hurt.

In the first videoI started filming just after the action began. I really didn't know what I was in for. In that video you can see me run for cover, walk past children including a mother ducking behind her baby's carriage as explosions and fire only 10 meters away were going off!

I also explain the concept behind this "fiesta" It's all about burning these paper mache dolls that represent the old year and bringing in the new year. But things have been brought to new levels, where they now stuff these dolls with mini sticks of dynamite, firecrackers, and throw lighter fluid on top of the already burning piles of "Manigotes".

And that's not all, they run around with bags of M-80s (mini dynamite sticks) and throw them into the fires; hey, have some old furniture? Let's burn that too! Here are a couple old tires that let out a nice plume of black smoke! Why not? All this in the middle of the streets block after block for kilometers around! Talk about a party! Now let's have another look!

Not To be Missed!

World Travel Pro Hits 750 Followers and Turns Full Time Steemit Travel Blogger! A Special Thank You to My Steemit Friends!

Travel Pro Health #8: Wheatgrass, a New Year's Resolution!

Real Life Captured #34: Krabi Town Thailand! Part four (16 photos)

Travel Pro Art #6: New Year's Manigotes in Guayaquil Ecuador! Part Three (13 photos)

Real Life Captured #33: Quito Ecuador Part Five (16 photos)

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

steemitworldmap -2.199911 lat -79.887471 long d3scr


I have never seen such thing... :-(

Me neither! Thanks for watching and love your art!

@world-travel-pro I am like less than 200km south from you in Guayaquil in Peru. Yeah the locals all become children when it comes to fireworks here. Everyone tries to out do each other with their fireworks regardless of safety. Though I do enjoy this freedom of common sense and if you hurt yourself.... well it is your own fault.

Totally agree. They certainly get carried away. Grown men playing with fire like there 13 year old boys! But it's the spirit of the night. Everyone was having a good time. Well, most everyone! Thanks for stopping by hope to you again soon. Hey by the way where in Peru are you? I'll be heading to your country in a week or two.

Spirit of the night but come the morning it is a ghost town. All the boys nursing some mega hangovers. I am based in Lobitos, which is like 2 hours south of Mancora. Or two hours north of Piura. How long is this trip or are you going to steemit around the world?

I've been living out of a backpack for 11 years. I just go and do what I feel like. Don't plan on changing that any time soon. So I'm not really sure on my exact plans. I need to spend some time figuring that out over the next week or two from here in Guayaquil.

Wow love the photo. Sorry for the late reply. So busy these days! Hope you are well. -Dan

Maybe have an interesting question for your answering questions by other Steemers.
one of my followers asked me to post about Nicaragua.

bitdollar (58) · 6 minutes ago
This are great destinations! Love this posts. Can you do a Guatemala post before January 28th?? I am going there then :D

His account is @bitdollar

maybe it can turn into a fun post

I'll keep it in mind Haas. I've been so overwhelmed with my steemit account blog blowing up. I basically don't have time to Travel and have been parked in this hotel in Ecuador working for over 20 days. Now I'm sick with a fever. I'll see what I can do. This is a good problem. One I never imagined having. I'll be in touch. Dan.

hahaha hope you feel better soon! I know love to see were Steemit is giong, even for me thing are looking up! hopefully one day it gives me the chance to travel and earn some money on the side.
Be safe, keep in touch

Will do. Thanks Haas. I think you have a good future here too. I'm going to take a peak a bitdollars account now.

Wow Dan @world-travel-pro haha , I will say it has variety ! lol! its quite the crazy New Years eve over there , what a time it must have been for you , thanks for sharing with us all ,i was waiting for this post to come out and now that i finally have internet at home I got to see it! Haha A good time was had all by all it seems ! good night my friend ! 💕✌👍😂😂😂

Thanks Karen. Really appreciate your support and so glad you are enjoying my blog. Have a great day!

where is there?

The location is in the title bro. lol It's Guayaquil Ecuador.

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