London- Travel with me #5 倫敦-跟著Susan去旅行#5steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

Hi my Steemit friends!! I'm Susan! How are you? Last time I shared my travel experience in Little Venice and Hyde Park. You can see how amazing London is!! This time, I'd like to share my experience in the Green Park and Buckingham Palace. Thank you for your support❤️


The Green Park is one of the 8 Royal Parks in London. Though it only covers an area of 40 acres, it is an EXTREMELY beautiful and peaceful park that enables you to escape from city life.




INTERESTING FACT: Rumour has it that in the 17th Century, King Charles II's wife saw him picking flowers for another woman. She was so angry that she ordered ALL the flowers be removed from the Park. Up to date, there's still NO formal flowerbeds in the Park! This story tells you that you should never enrage your wife.


However, about one million daffodil bulbs bloom in spring. That's fabulous:):)



I saw these flowers on the floor. 'Where do they come from?' wondered I. But when I took a closer look, I discovered that...they were GROWING on the grassland!!! And yup, they had NO LEAVES!!!! How come? Can someone tell me what flowers are they? They're just cuteee!! >V<



There's a lake the park. As long as there's lake, you can see swans and other water birds!! Remember what I mentioned about the swans in the U.K.? You'd better leave them alone LOLLL!!!



Look at them!! They're enjoying their afternoon like there's nobody next to them!!



Hiii cutie, need some help?? :):)



Similar to Hyde Park, there were many squirrels in Green Park!! Although they were tiny, they could run fast!! Well, am I the only one who thinks they run like a dog? LOLL!!! They could still run fast even if there's a pinecone which is AS LARGE AS THEIR HEAD in the mouth haha!!!

與海德公園相似的是,格林公園也有許多松鼠!!即使很小,牠們跑得快著呢!好吧,只有我一個人認為牠們的跑姿像狗嗎?hahaha!! 即使牠們叼著與自己頭一樣大的松果,牠們的速度也絲毫不見放慢!!






Heyyyy look! It's a CHESTNUT!! It's the very first time I've ever seen such a fresh chestnut!!! I was totally impressed by the power of nature to create such a perfect little creature❤️



If you visit the Park on special royal occasions, you can see Royal Gun Salutes when ceremonial guns are fired. The same salutes can be found in Hyde Park too, depending on the occasion celebrated. Basically, the salute is 21 rounds. However, since Green Park is a Royal Park, an extra 20 rounds are added.



There're also many memorials, statues and fountains in Green Park. For example, the Canada Gate, Canada Memorial, Memorial Gates and Watering Holes Drinking Fountain. The fountain is an AMAZING one because it enables adults, children, wheelchair users and pets to drink fresh water from various heights!! It's SOOO user-friendly, isn't it? >v<

這裏有不少的紀念碑、雕像和噴泉。舉例說,Canada Gate, Canada Memorial, Memorial Gates水孔飲水噴泉。這個噴泉有何過人之處?原來,它從不同的高度出水,無論是大人、小孩、輪椅使用者還是寵物,都能方便使用哦!設計得也太人性化了吧? >V<

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Drinking water here will be a playful experience as your face will be famed for others to see, and you are able to see nice view while drinking as well!!! There are many Watering Holes Drinking Fountains in the Royal Parks in London:




I've found it's design graph. It's... ummm....well designed!!!! (sorry I know nothing about design ;pp)



Stepping out of Green Park, we went to Buckingham Palace which is right next to the Park. It is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the reigning monarch of the U.K.. It's originally a townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 called Buckingham House. Then, in 1761, it was acquired by King George III as a private residence for Queen Charlotte. It is then named as The Queen's House. Only until 1837, it became the residence of Queen Victoria. If you go there, will you expect to see this?

走出格林公園,我們朝著旁邊的白金漢宮前進。它是英國君主位於倫敦的主要寢宮及辦公處。其實,它原本是1703年為白金漢公爵起的聯排別墅,名為白金漢屋。在1837年,他被喬治三世獲得,用來給Charlotte皇后做私人住所,改名為The Queen's House。直到1837年,它才成為Victoria女王的住所。如果你拜訪白金漢宮的話,你會不會期望見到這樣的場面呢?


Well, I'd like to tell you that you have to plan ahead to see such a wonderful 'Changing the Guard' Ceremony💂. It's usually held from 11:00 to 11:45, depending on weather conditions. For example, it takes place daily throughout this summer. However, it usually takes place on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. You may refer to their website to see more:):)

如果你想親身體驗這隆重的衛兵交接儀式💂 , 記得一定要事先安排好哦!儀式通常是由上午11:00到11:45(當然要看天氣情況)。比如說,這個夏天每天都會舉行;但是,一般情況下它只會在星期一、三、五、六和日舉行。你可以看看他們的網站了解更多哦!:):)

INTERESTING FACT: Did you notice the flag flying at the Palace in the above picture? It's called the 'Royal Standard'. If it's flown at royal residences (Buckingham Palace), it means the sovereign (the Queen) is present. Otherwise, it'll be the national flag instead.


No wonder why I couldn't 'feel' the Queen the day we went there!! ;ppp



It suddenly became so windy and sunny!!



Then, we went to the Victoria Memorial next to Buckingham Palace. Sorry for my hair ;ppp



It's REALLY a nice day :):):) If you visit London, don't forget to go to these 2 places!!! I guess I'd stop here:) Thanks for reading!! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me! I'll share more about this amazing city in the future!! :):)

這真是美麗的一天:):):) 如果你來倫敦,一定不要忘記到這兩個地方來哦!哈哈今天就寫到這兒吧:) 謝謝你的耐心!如果有任何的意見、建議或問題,都請在留言中告訴我哦!我會分享更多關於這座美麗的城市的故事給大家的!:)

Please upvote, resteem and FOLLOW me @susanlo! Thanks a lot! ❤️

upvote, resteem追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️



謝謝誇獎!😆:):) 對呀!這些小松鼠可以報名做迪士尼動畫演員啦!XD 牠們很厲害的,給一塊巧克力,拿完一秒之後已經在樹上了!不過,因為遊客多的關係,許多已經不怕人了,有的還肯站在手心裏吃你用手指拿著的零食呢!>v<

hi @susanlo
i just love london. i was there 25 y ago and i stil remember it like yesterday. i hope that you have good time there and that you enjoy evry secend of that trip
thank you so much for sharing this post with us

Hii @ravivshachar! Thanks for commenting :) Yup me too, I love the city very much. It's such an amazing city that everyone who has been there will remember it for his whole life. And I did enjoy it VERY much! The people were so nice and the things were so beautiful.
I'll go back ! Feel free to follow me if you wanna see more of the city in the future ;p Cheers!

Very nice photos! Why your photos are always much better than mine!😂😂😂

Thanks soo much!!! Haha I think it's because I was with my photographer friend!! You know, you needa be pro to have beautiful pics TT But Greenpark is really beautiful :) I think if you were there, you would be able to take pictures like a pro!

Sad but true!😭😭😭

Great post.

Thanks soo much!! :):) I'll keep up and do better!

I like toast 🍞

;pp me too!


謝謝哦,博士巴打😆! 我會的!

add oil!

Thanks VERY much! I will!!! ;ppp

Wow...nice place. Thanks for the post and those nice pictures. I am planning to go there soon. wait for me London......following you @susanlo :)
Please have a look at my post and upvote, resteem, and follow me @honey-pot . Thank you :)

Thankss veryyy much!! @honey-pot! Followed you too! :):) haha if u need some advise on visiting London, please feel free to check my previous posts from Travel With Me series :) hope they help! Enjoy your time in London and you'll like it very much!!!

Hello @susanlo


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Did you at the chestnut? Don't waste it!

Nawww I didn't TVT can I eat it raw? Ohh I didn't know I could!! LOL!! But it's better to leave it to the squirrels;ppp (umm they eat chestnuts don't they? :p)

City girl, I used to be like you. Scared of raw chestnuts. Then I went to live with the squirrels. You should try it!

Long time no see! You never made it to the chatroom?

Haha! I'll definitely try it when I see one again!
Actually I have an account but seems that Steemit Chat never gives notification, and it takes ages to load the page... LOL!! So I give up! ;p

hi,friend. I like you. I like all pictures. you is a beautiful girl. Good luck to you.

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please comment me. davinger.

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