Taking in some memories of my first time to New York : Chicago and New York trip part 5

in #travel7 years ago

Empire State Building , what a beauty

I awoke in New York refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead . I had alot of options. The best thing about travelling by yourself is to do the following. Wake up each morning point to yourself and say what do you want to do ? Call me a selfish old prick but travelling in large groups is a nightmare for me as everyone wants to do something different and the whole process is slow and laborious.
Classic New York ,subway and street scene

With that in mind I decided to see if an old friend of mine was around to go into Manhattan and visit my old haunts from the first time I came to New York. I knew my friend was an early riser as she normally took her dog for a walk so messaged her to see if she was free . We arranged to meet in a few hours and go into Manhattan. Prior to this I had to take in one of culinary delights of New York , a deli sandwich , more succinctly a pastrami deli sandwich. I messaged another friend who lived in the area for Deli recommendations and he suggested “Stay Fresh” deli which is on Broadway near Flushing Ave station of anyone in New York wants to check it out. I took a walk down there and was immediately reminded about the differences between ordering food in UK and USA . Namely the choices. I went for the option which was a classic deli meat , cheese , and salad . Seemed simply enough. I of course stated I wanted pastrami as my deli meat and then came what cheese ? ……..Ah …….my mind slowly trying to think of a cheese while negotiating a few days worth of beer …… what cheese do you have ? . Queue quickfire New York style rattling them off chedder,swiss , american , provalone …. Ah provalone yea that one. What bread do you want .. a normal roll or a hero a big one (he could see I was struggling). I was like a hero ...ummm yea …..and the salad just lettuce tomato ? YES !!!. Whew made it
Tip jar sign in the deli

I then stettled in and waitied for my sandwhich while taking in the awesome New York conversation around me. They were talking about Rocky and eating raw eggs and protein. It is too much to try express in words but anyone who has been to New York or lives there knows what I mean. I got back to the hotel and devoured this beast with a gulltonous smile on my face.


Then my friend Andy messaged to say she was outside. A little background on me and Andy. We have known each other since 2007. Andy has been on all the US tours I was involved in barring the last one where I organised my own tour with my own band . The times before was with another band and she was basically like tour manager/driver/merch person/motivator and all around legend. Turns out out we had not seen each other for 8 years so was absolutely bouncing when I left the hotel to meet her. It is so awesome to see someone I had not seen in a long time and we chatted all the way to Manhattan.

My plan was to go on a little journey back in time to when I first arrived in New York in 2003. Let me take you back a couple of years . I first came to New York in the summer of 2003 . The old band I was in “Police and Thieves” befriended a New York band called “The Star Spangles”. They invited us over to New York to play some gigs and hang out. Between us we chipped some money together. I had just got back from having a shoulder operation in South Africa so literally had no money but I was going . We stayed in their rehearsal room which for those of you who don't know is literally a room with equipment in it , we took turns sleeping on the floor, couch whatever we could find and lived there for 2 weeks, occasionally taking showers and walking everywhere its no wonder I didn't get with any girls I must have looked and smelt like a tramp. Oh to be young an reckless.

One of the first places we went to was the rehearsal room , I couldn't remember exactly where it was I knew it was near times square but couldn't remember the actual cross street . I thought I remembered the building and took a photo of the entrance.


I later found out the cross street was 38th and 8th Avenue so this is just a picture of a random door. After that we went to the the site of the Bellvue Bar . This particular bar is not there anymore but it has been replaced with another bar.


I still have one of the cards from that journey as you can see it is dated 27th of July 2003



The barman could hear we were not from New York invited us over and with a round of shots proclaiming "welcome to New York fellas!" . A very special memory for me and hence why I had to go to the site . After that we went to the site of the Mars Bar this place was notorious in 2003. It was an absolute dive and this is exemplified by the graffiti that used to adorn the bar “daycare for drunks”. It was an amazing place for us lads to check out the real beating heart of the underground New York scene. As an aside note the bass player met his future wife here. They kept in contact got married and started their own vintage shop called “another man’s treasure” in Jersey City Check out the website here .

Sadly the Mars Bar is now a bank


I'm not going to go into a gentrification rant cause that's really boring now so will just say I had a little moment and told Andy about what went down there .

After that we went to a pizza place nearby that Andy took me to. It was really rad and was filled with a lot of signed pictures from the famous clientele.

Barbara Striesand

Lionel Ritchie

These assholes

This asshole

After that we took a train back to my hotel . Throughout the whole trip me and Andy chatted a lot we caught up with what each other had been up to . Our struggles , our hard times , how we had both been through the rigour, got some help and we are now both doing great, It was really awesome to chat to an old friend and I cant begin to put into words how great this trip has been in meeting with old friends and making new ones . Andy you are a legend and I look forward to seeing you again ...lets not leave it 8 years this time.

I was going to include my attempt to meet up with a steemian but that will have to have its own post as I think I have waffled on enough stay tuned

If you want to read the other posts regarding this journey check out these links

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


looks like a good time man, dat roll looks a good size too haha

It was epic if you ever find your self in New York get a deli sandwich

I'd love to visit New York man.
All your articles about N.Y. motivate me more to visit.After Barcelona,N.Y is second on my list for a skate trip.

Sweet dude I am actually thinking of trying to get over to Barcelona in the summer, I have not been yet

I went to Barca at may 2017 and for sure im gonna visit again this year.Skate paradise!!!

I'd love to go back to NY. Was there this summer for only 5 days but it was an absolute blast. Hopefully can find the money somewhere and make a trip out of it again and indulge in the awesome culture.

Truly is a special little ( not so little ) place.

Damn straight thanks for the comment ! Keep writing cool stuff and maybe Steemit can help you get there

Would be a dream come true for sure! See what happens here in 2018!

Ok my friend I'mma let that great big non-vegan sandwich slide with no comment even though I got here through a vegan post <3 ;)

However, I have to say that I am really impressed with your bad ass self. I hope that hasn't escaped you through the years- anyone sleeping on a floor is a friend of mine ;) haha

So, funny story- I was always going to open a bar and name it Mars Bar (because Mars bars were my favorite and I am super lame!) How crazy is it that it already existed but now is gone- is it calling out to us to start a new one? Should we partner up now?

I'm happy to see you out, about and having a great time with some old friends! I wish I could join you but not so much a fan of the cold =D

Looks like the snow is gone though- early summer it appears? My poppa will be super happy. He's landing in NYC tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing your journey :)

Thank you for reading and apoligies on the vegan faux paus I hang my head in shame. Yup when you 24 sleepiing on the floor for 2 weeks is no problem , now I am a bit of snob and get hotels but I earned my stripes of roughing it touring . Mars Bar was an awesome place and glad I got to see New York in its prime before all the cool spots closed . Was going to suggest sending you a Mars Bar but obv its not vegan if you need anything from London let me know

Haha it's ok, I'll let it slide this time :)

I did the rough bit too. I am so happy to have a bed and place to unpack my bags! The rough part is fun though, makes the other side of life so much more enjoyable!

SO is that a yes to opening a new bar then? Sounds yes'y to me!

I think they actually sell Mars Bars here, I wouldn't be surprised. I made homemade snickers recently, Mars is on my top list of creations to come ;) Thank you though! Maybe I should send you some!

Please do !!! this sounds like a mission but we should organise a voice chat on Disch.ord Would be cool to chat about Steem stuff and how you got to where you are . Let me know if/when you free the we can cancel a bunch of times and finally sort it . Thanks for your ongoing correspondence you rule.

My voice chat was not working recently! I have to remember to sort that out so we can plan this epic new venue! What do you mean cancel times? Have I canceled before and forget that I did ;S Am I losing it @stickchumpion?

Your not losing it . That remark was based on experience of trying to voice chat with people in different time zones. It takes a few attempts make time and do it . Maybe you will be an anomoly

Hmmmm don't count on that. I am technologically unsound ;) We will figure it out though I am sure!

Ah, I missed the voting on this one, but I'm voting in spirit. I like the picture of the random door. I've probably been there. Lol

That cool Uni ! like we have discussed love the comments and interaction. At the moment post payout is low because I am more catering to the new skater peeps on Steemit. However it is all good hope you having a good weekend

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