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RE: Taking in some memories of my first time to New York : Chicago and New York trip part 5

in #travel7 years ago

Ok my friend I'mma let that great big non-vegan sandwich slide with no comment even though I got here through a vegan post <3 ;)

However, I have to say that I am really impressed with your bad ass self. I hope that hasn't escaped you through the years- anyone sleeping on a floor is a friend of mine ;) haha

So, funny story- I was always going to open a bar and name it Mars Bar (because Mars bars were my favorite and I am super lame!) How crazy is it that it already existed but now is gone- is it calling out to us to start a new one? Should we partner up now?

I'm happy to see you out, about and having a great time with some old friends! I wish I could join you but not so much a fan of the cold =D

Looks like the snow is gone though- early summer it appears? My poppa will be super happy. He's landing in NYC tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing your journey :)


Thank you for reading and apoligies on the vegan faux paus I hang my head in shame. Yup when you 24 sleepiing on the floor for 2 weeks is no problem , now I am a bit of snob and get hotels but I earned my stripes of roughing it touring . Mars Bar was an awesome place and glad I got to see New York in its prime before all the cool spots closed . Was going to suggest sending you a Mars Bar but obv its not vegan if you need anything from London let me know

Haha it's ok, I'll let it slide this time :)

I did the rough bit too. I am so happy to have a bed and place to unpack my bags! The rough part is fun though, makes the other side of life so much more enjoyable!

SO is that a yes to opening a new bar then? Sounds yes'y to me!

I think they actually sell Mars Bars here, I wouldn't be surprised. I made homemade snickers recently, Mars is on my top list of creations to come ;) Thank you though! Maybe I should send you some!

Please do !!! this sounds like a mission but we should organise a voice chat on Disch.ord Would be cool to chat about Steem stuff and how you got to where you are . Let me know if/when you free the we can cancel a bunch of times and finally sort it . Thanks for your ongoing correspondence you rule.

My voice chat was not working recently! I have to remember to sort that out so we can plan this epic new venue! What do you mean cancel times? Have I canceled before and forget that I did ;S Am I losing it @stickchumpion?

Your not losing it . That remark was based on experience of trying to voice chat with people in different time zones. It takes a few attempts make time and do it . Maybe you will be an anomoly

Hmmmm don't count on that. I am technologically unsound ;) We will figure it out though I am sure!

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