Chicago/ New York trip part 3: Meeting a Steemian exchanging SBD and a whole lot of chilling

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


I woke up on day 3 slightly less jet lagged but twice as hungover. It's a hard job being on holiday and partying but somebody has to do it. I had sanctioned today as the day of rest . After travelling on all forms of transportation to get here and consuming copious amounts of booze and crappy food . Today was the day of rest. I had just signed up to Netflix and decided to steamroll through the second season of Stranger Things. The only break I took was to get some hot dogs and onion rings from a place called “Devil Dawgs”. I went out fetched my bounty and devoured it in my hotel room like a gannet (or to reference stranger things like a demodog).


It is great to be on holiday but you also need some hard chill time on holiday. I made my mission to downtown the day before and I have already been to the other attractions so just wanted to enjoy every inch of the hotel room’s comfy bed and large tv screen .

At around 2pm I got a message from my friend Alex White, she is a musician from Chicago who has been on the scene for a years and now tours in her two piece band “White Mystery” with her brother on drums. She wanted to know if I wanted to hang out later as she was in the area . I of course agreed and had a warm fuzzy moment when you realise how nice some of the people you know are and are willing to hang out cause your in town. The couple who I have been partying with have also been so nice and really helpful in terms of food recommendations and copuis shots of alcohol. Anyway at around 6pm I met up with Alex and we went to a mexican place to hang out ….. and then my old friend turned up .


I turned coughing quite a bit my chest began to go tight and everything got pretty claustrophobic I had thoughts of running out of the place or locking myself in the bathroom and punching myself in the face but thankfully dear reader I have been here before. Alex asked if I was ok and I said I was feeling a bit on edge and she was cool about it (as most people are when you tell them) . We kept talking and I tried to keep my mind off my tight chest and occasional dizziness and nauseousness. Then Alex asked me what brought me to Chicago and I explained one of the reasons why was to do with Steemit and writing about my travels and meeting people. I then attempted to explain the blockchain and all the boring essential stuff. Chatting about steemit coupled with a lone star beer managed to bring me back down and the panic attack passed whew!!!!!! It is now my mission to try get Alex on Steemit she has the perfect tools for this blockchain she is a touring musician who organises everything herself as well as a prolific writer getting articles published in High Times and other publications to name a few.

Here is a Link to her current band "White Mystery" .

Alex then dropped me back at my hotel and I got a Corona tall boy from the liquor store . I then made plans to meet up with fellow steemian @web-gnar. This was one of the reasons for coming to Chicago to meet up with this dude and talk about Steemskate which is our endeavour to populate the Steemit blockchain with more quality skateboarding content. I also asked @web-gnar if it was cool if he could exchange some SBD for me , he had recently done a post about how to exchange your SBD into USD so I thought why not take this opportunity to use the blockchain for my benefit . I have been drawing money out of my current account and he banks have take around £3 in charges the cheeky bastards. The only thing I think web-gnar would charge me would some quality conversation revolving around Steemskate.

While I waited for @web-gnar I posted up a video thanking all the people that had contributed to the buy me a beer post , LINK HERE, where I asked people to upvote so I could exchange the payout for some beer.

The video also shows the hand off of money from @web-gnar to myself. @web-gnar. After that we had a sweet chat about steemit, skateboarding , music and all things weird and blockchainy. Our main focus was to talk about the SteemSkate hashtag and how we could boost the profile of skateboarding in Steemit. It was a great evening and always so nice to meet people in person and have a good ole chinwag . It is nice to meet our fellow steemit weirdo’s who laugh at societys fiat and dive head first into the risky world of crypto. Here is the @web-gnar version of events LINK

We then parted and on that note my trip to Chicago was complete and having completed Round 1 of my mission I now head to New York for round 2 where I hope to meet some more Steemians.

If you enjoyed this and want to read more of my Steemit travel wafffle here are the links to the other parts of this journey

Part 1
Part 2


Looks like fun. Love Chicago. Interesting travels homie.

No shots?! What a cheeky fella :) glad to hear your having fun.

Well I am out tonight I might have a show if I do its dedicated to you !!!! . Shots require more than a vote that would be cold hard SBD homie. Was supposed to meet a steemian last night but weather dumped on us. Currently have hotel hair dryer in my boots to dry them out .

Make sure the performance doesn’t suck:) also, have fun! Chicks dig bed hair

What performance ? How do I get bed hair if I have been awake for a while ?

Didn’t you mention your friend that is in a band wants you to play/perform at a gig or something? Maybe I missed read your post. Also, I have no idea how you can create bed hair. Maybe you shouldn’t. Most importantly have fun!!

It is almost impossible to find Old Style here in Az. It is cool to see the exchange of SBD into USD. Cool shit, hope you have a great time on your holiday. respect

Thanks brosir , yea I really dig old style I am not into the fancy craft beers as my sinusis hate me for it so was glad to find another shitty beer to drink.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63131.59
ETH 2586.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78