Touring Kos - Our Experiences.

in #travel6 years ago


For those who don’t know, the island of KOS is a Greek island, part of the Dodecanese island chain in the South-eastern Aegean Sea, off the Anatolian coast of Turkey.

It is also a very small island, around 5 miles long and 2 miles wide. Maybe this is why I have such fond memories of my visit several years ago. You can see most of the sights in a single day.


We visited for a relaxing beach holiday, but detailing every day basking in the sun wouldn’t be the basis for a very interesting read, would it?

Being so small there’s not much to see, or is there? We rented a car for 2 days as I felt this would be long enough for us to uncover just what there is.


In a single day we visited three places of interest, the first being Kos Town which is on the northern tip of the island. Neratzia Castle was a place that we needed to see and see we did.


From what I can read the castle was constructed on the island by the Knights Templar at the end of the 14th century A.D. and was partly destroyed in 1816 by a gunpowder explosion. The Germans also used it as a prison during the 2nd world war.

@bingbabe is rather sensitive to old buildings and history and she picked up some bad vibes from the castle. It’s mostly in ruins now and was full of tourists. There was an entrance cost for the castle, but it was quite nominal.


After getting some ice cream for my daughter who was getting very bored at this point, we moved to the second historical sight of interest in the form of ‘Asklepion’.

On reaching our destination we were greeted with a horde of very friendly and hungry cats who were very grateful for some bread. My daughter was a little wary of them though.


Asklepion was a ‘Temple of Healing’, in old times. A place were the Greek people would come and pray with a problem and make their confessions. This place really is ancient, dating back to times before BC and you can really feel it. Several columns are still intact and there are little or no restrictions on walking right up to these historic pillars and feeling all that history.


It’s also quite elevated and cooler, I guess the Greeks loved a little breeze at times. The views were quite lovely at Asklepion, you can see the sea in the distance far away.


On our way back to our hotel, we spotted a sign on the side of the road, ‘Fortress of Antimachia’. This is the best part of finding new places, spontaneous discoveries, and this one was intriguing to us!


So we ventured off the road on to a sandy dirt track with a ton of dust flying up behind us and drove for the best part of almost a mile to this spooky looking ruin. To make it more even ominous, the place was completely deserted, the gate guardians where you used to pay the entrance fee gone, the guest café deserted too. What was this place?


Heading through the gates and up into what was left of the castle, I felt a chill. Something had happened here once upon a time. It was located next to the ocean, and there were huge defensive walls guarding it from seafaring vessels.

From what I read, it is a medieval fortress built in the 14th century and served as a prison for condemned knights. It was also abandoned in 1840; was this what I was picking up? The feeling of isolation was quite oppressive and @bingbabe was feeling quite disturbed. We left shortly after, still without seeing a soul.


I don’t tend to go back to counties I have visited once, there’s simply too many places to visit in out short lives. However, Kos is probably going to be the exception to the rules. I do have a soft spot for this small island.

No story should be without some sunset scenes and there were plenty of those. I’m always amazed at how quickly the sun sets in the Mediterranean countries. You can literally watch it sink into the ocean within the space of a few minutes, a marvellous sight!!




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I love Kos and have had 3 great holidays there. I've always stayed in Tigaki which is a relatively small holiday village - beautiful beach those and still relatively lively. Kos down is lovely when in bloom and the Asklepion was interesting - well to me. I've not visited anything similar.

My mother is Greek but from the mainland - Kos is the only Greek place I've visited.

I would love to go back, we were not far from Tigaki, in fact we were here:

Ah yes, I remember Marmari - our transfer stopped there on route (on all 3 visits). My last time there was in 2006 I think. I think I've been 4 times in total - some incredibly happy memories ... I have lots of photos somewhere.

Aha, my auto-upvote worked!

I've never been to Greece or one of the surrounding islands, but this looks like a really nice place to visit. I'm definitely planning my next holiday to be in the vicinity of Greece! Maybe Kos, maybe Corfu...

Corfu is nice too, and a little closer. I haven't been there for decades though, 80's!

Doesn't matter too much where I go. It's so easy these day with cheap flights all round the continent ;-) For that reason alone I'm happy to be living in Europe. (same in the UK, I presume)

Wow, thank you for that vivid story. Never been to Kos or Greek, but i went to cypress, which has a lot of greek and osmanic influences. I think i should give greek a chance this year.

I wish I had taken more photographs, but I wasnt a blogger then. My newer travels will contain more details though!

Great recap of your trip! It turns out we had a long weekend of vacation in Kos in 2011 with my then girlfriend, now wife. We both laugh of it now, but it was our worst trip so far!

And yet, I cannot fault the island for it, far from it:

  • The hotel room we were in was inundated during our stay because of a sudden but heavy storm
  • We'd booked a boat tour of the small islands around Kos (the little towns on these islands are pretty and colorful) but we had rain and heavy winds at least for half of the trip
  • .... and I've fallen a bit sick because of this
  • Our departure was delayed by 5 hours because there were strikes at the airport (I think it was part of the anti-austerity movement at the time) and we were very lucky to catch the last flight of the night, everyone else was going to sleep at the airport...

So, ... not the best holidays ;-)
But after that, we had only incredibly good experiences, so all in all, I consider we're lucky.

Sounds like you had a terrible time. I cant say I have had an experience like yours... yet. Think it will be another Greek island for us this summer, possibly Santorini.

That sounds like a really interesting place to visit! Thanks for sharing all of the great pictures and how each place made you feel. So weird that the fortress was deserted and even the little cafe!!

Wow.... At such ruins with nobody else around. I'd definitely be spooked! At least you got company :)

I like the picture with the cats too, so many with a variety of colors...

I'd probably hang near the beach and space out all day too. Seems very nice!

We did quite a lot of beach too, the munchkin would complain if we toured all week :)

That's the Antimachia castle. I have heard that there were people in that place even in the 19th century. It was some sort refuge during times of war.
The place is in ruins - just kid of surprised me is all. I guess that's the fate of all structures that withstand the heat of wars and battles.

It was a really creepy place. I guess it was a tourist attraction once, but its as though everyone had fled. Love finding places like this.

Interesting location to visit! I really bet theres a lot for me to sketch there. Would love to visit someday! Thanks for sharing!

Beautiful pictures :)

Nice post. The pictures are great. Those places look like they would be wonderful to visit. I hope to make it across the ocean someday to visit some of the places where the real history is :) The fortresses look like someplace I could have spent the whole day at. Thanks for sharing!

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