A Fish Monger and his Dog in Playa Del Carmen

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Several weeks ago, Brian and I were out for a walk and stopped for a drink on 5th avenue, the main tourist drag in Playa Del Carmen. I saw this guy 'pull up' on his bike across the street from where we were sitting...

and the ladies in the store came running out, smiling, happy to see him. I quickly realized he was selling something, so I wandered over to have a look.

Look at the fresh fish speared that morning! Grouper, it's called. Such a good fish, even the manager at the restaurant we were at went and purchased some, but he told us it was to feed the staff because it's cheaper than the fish they have to buy from the restaurant supplier.

I was talking with the fisherman who said that he normally sells out by early afternoon. What a great way for us to buy fish; you can't get much fresher than that! We didn't buy any that day however, because it was so hot and we weren't planning on heading home too soon.

Then I noticed something else on the bicycle cart with him!

Look at the size of that dog! :) (the orange 'Restaurant' sign in the background was where we were enjoying a drink)

So cute! and not once did he attempt to grab a fish either. If it had been my old dog , Mr. Misbehaved, I would have had to muzzle him :) Actually, his name was Max and he was bad, but really cute!

The outdoor seating along this street is awesome for people watching too; one of my all time favorite pastimes! And this was my favorite couple of the day. Do you think she packed for the holiday? :) Wouldn't it be awesome if either of them saw this and commented to me too?!

Hope you enjoyed this little find with me; have an awesome weekend everyone!


I love el hombre de el pescado… (did I say that right). What an awesome neighbor to have: the fish guy! The dog is an added bonus. Such a good dog, protecting the goods. Looks like your guys’ weekend is in full swing and good times are being had. Have fun and cheers!

I had to hit up google translate lol, and you apparently said, *the man of the fish" :) But I love him too!!

Thanks @puravidaville! Happy weekend to you two as well ... check out the comment I left @dandays too here :)

Wait, let me see it first!

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant to say. Only because I didn’t know how to say “the fish guy”… guy was the problem word, so man of the fish it was. Haha

Shiny track suits, really? A little cliche don’t you think… we are more of the matching colors like white tops and black bottoms type of couple. Don’t worry we stop and take plenty of selfie stick pictures. (Not really, I wish @dandays would take a damn picture with me).

P.s. this is us in a few more years… matching outfits…


hahahaha Just look how shiny and happy they are!

Yes!!! Love this song. Mrs. @lynncoyle1 you nailed it. Thanks for the random song of delight pumping shiny happiness into our afternoon :). Who doesn’t love R.E.M.?

You're most welcome!! And only weirdos, that's who! 😂


I was just on your Garden of Eden post (Day 8) where I promised to visit a more recent post and upvote a comment to ensure you got your just rewards (it's only $0.01, but it's the thought that counts).

And so, I arrived at this post looking for a good comment to upvote. I came across this one. And, Lynn ... am I ever glad that I did.

Given my penchant for politics, people have often asked, "So, what would be the first thing you'd do if elected President?"

My answer has always been the same: "Assemble the Pacific Fleet and call in a MASSIVE airstrike on wherever Yoko Ono happened to be at the moment."

After having watched this video, for the first time in my life, I am revising my answer: "I will have the CIA organize a reunion for Happy Shiny People, ensuring that Yoko Ono is a guest performer ... and call in a MASSIVE airstrike."

A MASSIVE Airstrike.

For those of you inclined to say, "Quill, aren't you being a bit draconian," I advise you to actually watch the aforementioned Happy Shiny People video, and then invest a few more moments of your life, understanding you will never get them back, in the following:

It has been suggested to me, rather sarcastically, that this is what "real poets" sound like. That Yoko was dramatizing a woman in the throes of orgasmic pleasure.

I have counter-suggested that if one is ever with a woman who sounds like that in the midst of carnal delight, to call the local priest and have him conduct an exorcism.

QUILL For President
"I'm taking them out"

First things first: If I ever sounded like Yoko, when I was in the throes of passion, I'd shoot myself. Plain and simple. Agreed!

Second, Shiny Happy People is a great song, but I have to admit, that I've never watched the video :) I have an aversion to all music videos ...there! I said it publicly :) I enjoy listening to a song and letting my brain create its own video, which is normally better anyhow, so many years ago, I gave them up for Lent; well, that and guilt. Makes being a Catholic so much easier :)

Thank you, as always, for the awesome quote :)

You're most welcome!! And only weirdos, that's who! 😂

You're most welcome!! And only weirdos, that's who! 😂

I am jumping in!!! Awesome song !!! What a band, I am dancing now ! Bye...

hahaha @edprivat! Always happy to have you dancing over here :)

Love the dog :) he looks so content. Like this is my place in the world. As for the couple, I think all the women are like "cute couple" and all the men are like what is she talking about? I had to look at it a few times then realized they were wearing matching outfits. ha ha I'm lucky if my outfit doesn't clash with itself much less look good with my wife lol

That dog was soooo chill! I loved it :)

I'm with you! I didn't see cute when I saw them, but instead thought, he better be gettin' a little something for doing that for her haha

Thanks for stopping by @steven-patrick :) Have an awesome weekend!

It is a shame when business has to buy from a supplier. Kind of mafia style. Buy from our suppliers or we will burn you down, you would think we were back in the 1920's and 1930's with the protection rackets going on, but then again I guess in some parts of the world it is still alive and well.

A nice looking dog, and no drool. Just a happy yeah, ya like my ride? it is so cool you walking fools attitude look.

I missed commenting on the post the other day from you, but it sure looked like wolfie and buddy are doing great together sharing the food now. Next it will be cuddle up together time.

It is a shame, isn't it. I guess it guarantees quality control, but in the end, it's the suppliers who are making the money. I used to own a franchise, burger place, and we had to purchase from a major supplier, even though we outsourced local ingredients. Silly really.

That dog is pretty awesome, so chill and enjoying his ride. It was so hot that I was jealous of him tucked under that umbrella by the ice chest :)

No worries about my other post, but look at this!

Have a great weekend @bashadow! THanks for stopping by :)

They are getting along great. I knew they would. I mean buddy even looks like he is slimming down a tad bit, must be all the play time or something, or just making sure the little one gets enough to eat first.

He's slimming down a bit from chasing here I think :) And like toddlers, when they start fighting at night, we just separate them, put her in her 'kennel' to sleep and they both settle down. In the morning, when she cries to get out, he's the first one there! :)

You were right!

That's so great that now you have a fish supplier. It's funny that the restaurant buys their fish for employees from him because it's cheaper. I was surprised about the dog too. Every time I've gone fishing with a dog, they've been all over the fish. This one looks pretty chill though!

I guess they're too cheap to feed the staff the same food that they feed their clientele. Doesn't seem right, does it? Although, I bet the staff like it better; it's definitely fresher and probably tastes better too.

That dog was so chill; it was really cool to see :)

I was actually thinking "that's cool that they feed the staff." Most businesses don't. I think it's cool that the fish is local too. Who knows where the other fish comes from?

People get paid so little (the equivalent of about $10 US/day), so yes, it's nice they get a meal during their shift. I'm not sure if all restaurants are like that though.

Good question about where the other fish comes from too. That's why I dont' eat out much LOL

You killed it with that last picture! Hey, when I Upvoted this, your balance went to $1.43! 👏 “Hi, mom!”

Happy Saturday @lynncoyle1. Hey maybe they’re part of an excursion team and that’s just their uniform.

edit Oh ya! Subway!! Haha. Even down in Costa Rica where the only English you’ll find that has to do with consumption is the wOrd ‘Coca Cola,’ it’s frikkin everywhere! BUT.. there’s one Subway down there too! Ha. Pssh... Subway.

Hey @dandays! I hate to rain on your happy and generous parade, but if you leave a tab open, and then in a few minutes hit upvote, it can sometimes jump because others have voted in between.

What am I saying??! You totally broke the bank on that one! Thank you :)

If you and your iheart girl ever show up here, I'm insisting that it's in matching shiny track suits; the ones old couples wear on cruises hahaha

Subway. Gross. Mystery meat.

You totally broke the bank on that one!

Cha-Ching! Whoever says they’d rather be good than lucky doesn’t know what they’re talking about. =}

If you and your iheart girl ever show up here, I’m insisting that it’s in matching shiny track suits...

The coolest part is we don’t just toss ideas around unless they have substance. Ya’all are good people, from the internet realm, ideal allies and long distance friends. One game night together and we’d forever extend our hands to each other so don’t be surprised when I make it happen.

Eh at least you said track suits instead of birthday suits! I could picture us now in the middle of Playa Del Carmen like, one hand on a suitcase and the other hand covering our ‘suitcase’ thinking “I think she mighta been joking!”

Haha… you’re an idiot and the funniest guy I know. Haha

Haha... you’re an idiot...

“Your honor, If I may. I’d like to admit into evidence Defense Exibit 3:
...The evidence will prove, without a shadow of a doubt, @puravidaville is guilty of watching a little too much of you know who.”

Judy, Judy, Judy :)!!!

hahaha just what I was thinking @puravidaville ... but I gotta say @dandays, I 've got the funniest video playing in my head!! :)

What a lovely, colourful, local story @lynncoyle1.

I enjoyed it very much.

Hope you're having a nice weekend. 😊

I'm so glad you enjoyed it @gillianpearce! I love seeing the "local" stuff too around here :)

Hope you're having a nice weekend too; Ours is quiet and relaxing :)

Yeah. We had the youngest grandson yesterday. It was lovely to just be able to focus on the one. 😁

Congrats on doing so well in the engagement league. I'm impressed since you are only doing what you want to these days. Very well done to you! 💙

Oh that sounds nice @gillianpearce! and a gentle reminder of why we have kids when we're young haha

Thanks regarding the engagement league too; kind of surprised me :)

I love your little adventures. I think it's great that they allow people to sell their goods like that. It's how things should be, an honest day's work and honest pay, not wasting away for someone else.

I love reading about the things you observe ! :) That matching outfit though ..... LOL! Oh .... too cute.

I was killing myself with the matching outfit! It's something I wouldn't dream of doing haha Reminds me of the couples in the 80's, going on cruises in their matching shiny track suits LOL

I know right! I know someone who matches her whole family's outfit when attending a wedding or dinner reception. They always look so we'll put together. At least it's a nice colour coordination rather than a full blown matching outfit. Still makes me smile that she puts so much effort into their look.

My effort is to get a saree on, and that's my accomplishment for dressing up for the occasion . Lol!

I don't know if you have seen pics of Indian weddings, you will know what I mean hahaha!

hahaha I know exactly what you mean! You must be a terrible disappointment lol There'd be plenty of talk about her too :)

Oh the comments I get, "Where is your jewelry?" (even if it is costume jewelry, it is important to get decked out)

"Such light make-up" etc etc


That doggie is looking so cute on that cart, guarding the fish. Great photos, Lynn!

Thank you @trincowski! Being cat lovers ... wouldn't it have been funny to see a cat on that cart instead?! :)

A cat or two... Or three. 😂

That would be hilarious!!

I love how you always spot the little, unexpected thing, @lynncoyle1. The dog was no surprise, I would have been very surprised if you would have missed the dog ;0)
But the picture of the couple... hilarious. There is no doubt that she did the packing, lol

Thank you @simplymike! I've always said, life is in the details :)

I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a matching outfit LOL There's something weirdly controlling about it all if you ask me!

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