The Old Dog Presents: The Unique Among Us!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Who is That Strange Looking Man With The Long Red Beard? 

This eccentric looking and acting free spirit has been grinding out life on his terms for over 30 years! Photo 

Some Just Decide to be Different. Meet Jörg Wolters!

I saw him again today. The middle aged organ grinder with the long red hair and beard who wears a top hat, tails and a permanent smile!  If you travel to Lugano you'll likely see and hear him too! He's a fixture, a local icon and part of the area's more recent history! He's "that strange man" whose little hand cranked organ can pump out over a thousand melodies while locals and tourists alike drop coins in his cup. That's it! That's what he loves to do and that's how he makes a living! I say good for him!

A Free Man in Every Way!

Jörg used to be a machinist and worked in a foundry but when he first saw someone playing a little organ in the mid 1980's it was love at first site! After his divorce in 1988 he abandoned his previous life and took to the streets, squares and parks of the Lugano area cranking out tunes on his organ. 

This is how he describes his life: 

"I move around by car but in the evening I always go back to the campgrounds I live in. I have no particular debts or demands. In my caravan I have everything I need, I do not ask for more." 

The History of Organ Grinders

People have made a living on the streets playing hand cranked organs for over 300 years! Up until the phonograph and the radio were invented the organ grinder may have been producing the only music that the majority of people would ever hear! Often people, especially children, would dance for joy at hearing what was at the time high fidelity sound! 

In time many organ grinders began to use monkeys to attract attention and to go around with a cup for people to drop coins into. Although the training and use of these monkeys might seem cruel by today's standards a man with a monkey could support an entire family if he spent enough hours on the street!

The organ grinder was also often feared by those in power back in the 17th and 18th century because as he traveled from place to place he might bring news and information that could stir up trouble! Keep the masses ignorant! Hmmm sounds familiar!

An organ grinder with his monkey in the late 1800's photo credit

What do You think of Jörg The Organ Grinder?

  • Do you think that he's weird or simply unique?
  • Do you admire him for living life on his own terms?
  • Is it wise to live a simple life as in: "In my caravan I have everything I need, I do not ask for more."?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "The Unique Among Us!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


That is Freedom summed up in a blog and a Picture- Lucky Jörg.

In Nigeria, no one can earn a living like that in Lagos the city i live in, everything is struggle!

"Welcome to Lagos" One of my favorite documentary films!


You saw that, still have it sir.

@kus-knee - he's both - weird and unique
not much of an opinion from here about admiring his choice of living his life that way
is it wise? maybe .. I love luxury so if it's a chic and luxurious caravan okay perhaps
but one you have to collect your .. in the morning .. uhmmm
am not sure about that
but sounds very very free isn't it
are you going to the fest Old Dawg?

Simply luxurious! That sounds good. No Steemfest for me this time. Too much going on in my no virtual world.

I see .. was just curious though :)
best regards to you and the bird with whatever is going on I hope you're both fine!

I do admire his simple way of life, and his music it's also great to listen! I'm always happy to see him around, it's not that common to see an organ grinder now!

You're right, he lived very simply and he is keeping an old tradition alive!

My ancestors built percussion istruments and little organs for buskers.
I could only stay in the road drawing with this faceIMG_3294.JPG

That looks about right! If fits your unique mind. Did you enter @steemitri's contest. It's like what you did there in your picture but with post it notes. You will win!

I missed that contest! I'll check it for sure!
thx old dawg! :)

Wow. 300 years :-) Resteemed :-)

Thanks so much!

As far as freedom is concerned its not that just..the way we talk about....first of all with a compassionate view we must start accepting a human being the way he or she is with out being prejudice, then only we can reach to his/her heart and will be able to know the real issue.

Very nice blog @kus-knee
Thank you

Thanks for your lovely comment. I enjoy and share your sentiments!

I say God Bless him!!! The world needs more people like him! I'll bet he's never once considered starting a war. The people that march to their own drummer are what make life worth living and the world a more interesting place- I should know, I'm one.

I had a friend- dropped out of school in the 7th grade and started tinkering... making robots (he was a big sci-fi nut). By the 70's he had these incredible remote control robots that had clear plastic tubes with different color liquids circulating (they didn't do anything but look cool). He took them to trade shows and put them through their paces and that's how he made his living.

What a great story about your friend. I'd love to see some pictures of those robots!

Lawd... that was back in the late 70's!

I like Jorg's contentment and satisfaction from his way of living. What else I need in life any way other than contentment and satisfaction; without them a king can be living like a beggar!!

"without them a king can be living like a beggar!!" You are so right!

  • I'd say Jörg (or at least his choice of lifestyle) is unique but not at all weird. I haven't been to Lugano yet but it sounds like a pleasant place and living as he does with "no particular debts or demands" sounds like a lifestyle of freedom.

  • He does indeed have my admiration for choosing his unconventional lifestyle. I typically enjoy reading stories of out-of-the-ordinary life paths and while many aren't lifestyles I would choose one thing I like about the stories is that they often give one an extra bit of confidence. As in: "If what I'm attempting with my life doesn't go as expected I can always try something like Jörg."

  • It certainly doesn't seem unwise to choose a simple caravan home and organ grinding lifestyle particularly if one doesn't have a family to consider. It could be perfectly fine even then. Certainly there are more influential ways to live both for better or worse but regardless I admire people who make a path for themselves.

Great comment my friend! It seems that some will be able to "organ grind" so to speak, right here on Steemit! Lively simply and earn Steem by mining your mind!

Jörg is part of my life... lo conosco da quando sono bambino e fa sempre piacere incontrarlo e chiacchierare insieme ;-)
La storia di Jörg è pazzesca... c'è una sua intervista da qualche parte... se la trovo te la giro ;-)
Big hug
Lucas and Steemitri
P.S. sorry it's friday, I can't "connect" in english

Nessun problema! Per scrivere questo stavo cercando un articolo che ho visto diversi anni fa nel Illusatrato Ticinese ma non lo trovo!

Here is the story of Jörg... article appeared on "Ticinosette":
(right click - open in a new tab, to have a better view)

Molto interessante! Ci sono alcuni dettagli che non conoscevo! Grazie di cuore @steemitri!

I really admire ppl who do something that makes them truly happy and provides a living but does so in a low stress manner. I'm thankful for my job, the good pay it provides and the benefits that are better than most US government workers get nowadays.

BUT it takes a lot away from my physical and mental wellbeing. I'll have worked 55 hours this week by the end of today and I have another month or so of this kind of week ahead of me. It makes me really wonder if the pay and benefits are worth the negative effects on my health and happiness.

I love your comment friend! I hear many that express similar feelings.

Ask yourself." what hobbies do I have that make me happy? How can I turn a small yet sustainable life from these hobbies? Then slowly transition towards that goal and minimize your hours at work as you are able to substitute your pay.
You will feel much better about yourself and even other people after a while!

That's very good advice. I have a lot of hobbies and some of them could be profitable. I'm actually working on a couple of my own very small business ventures right now but with how much I work at my regular job it's going to take a long time to get them off the ground.

Is there a way you could request 1 extra day off a week and still be able to support yourself?

Financially it would be feasible to work 4 days per week and earn 80% of what I do now from my regular job as I live well within my means. My car is paid off and the only debt that I don't have paid off is my mortgage on my house.

From the employer side of it...I'd have to find a different job as my company expects people to be there 5 days per week unless we're taking vacation time.

But yes that's sort of what I plan on doing eventually is working less hours per week at a corporate job while I transition to making more money from side businesses. It's not going as quickly as I want it to though lol.

Sounds like us writing our blogs on Steemit!

Exactly like that!

I know many people who are in the same situation as me too--unhappy and stressed out a lot of the time and they let their jobs run their lives. I once calculated that people living in the United States who make above about $16 / hour have a higher wage than 99% of the world. But are we 1%ers (as a percentage of the global population) truly happy?

Many are not. It's really weird to think about. Maybe it's a matter of perspective. Some day I hope to have a simpler life with less responsibility and live on less income.

You are a deep thinker and that is a good thing!

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