A couple in Spain - Segovia and its charm - Part 2

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

After we walked through the forest, we found some churches, monasteries, and cloisters. And we also found some old ladies . . .
They walked one after another, crossing the street under a blazing sun, with their walking sticks, slowly, but decidedly. And nothing could stop them!
We followed them with curiosity: what four old ladies were doing in such a hot day in that isolated area? Strange . . .. In a park we saw another old ladies groups, coming from all directions!
Coup d’etat?!
They simply stopped around the park’s concrete tables and opened their purses. What would come out of there?
Pamphlets promoting anarchy?
From one purse was taken a simple green towel. From another one, it was taken playing cards and some snacks. Then they sat down and started playing cards and chatting happily!
We just love lively and party animal old ladies!!
Relieved, we kept walking hahaha!!


The Vera Cruz Church and the castle



This Christ image was sculpid on XIII century

After that, we finally visited the castle.



The Vera Cruz Church seen from the castle


Inside the castle

Me and my fellas!


The highest tower

We kept the tradition started in Toledo and enjoyed a beer at every medieval gate and now also in every medieval passage (we had to expand the concept of the idea otherwise we would not drink as much as we would like . . .).


An interesting visit is the Gastronomic Museum! We went there and asked: Do you have anything to eat here? And they had! A tasting menu! Among cheeses and sausages, the highlight of the tasting was an unusual delicacy: a pork crackling covered of bitter chocolate!


In the last night, at the hostel, I heard a language that I knew: the portuguese. But spoken with a strong and germanic accent. And then we met a German who learned Portuguese by himself because, to him, it was the most beautiful language in the world (the brazilian portuguese, as he himself emphasized).
He told us that Brazilian Portuguese sounded to him as the language of the elves!
I went to sleep that night feeling like I was Legolas himself. My wife complained that during the night, I almost hit her while I slept. It was not my fault. I was probably manipulating my bow to kill some orc.

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Hey @juniordionesio, this looks like a pretty cool castle you visited. As one of the editors for @steemitworldmap’s daily #traveldigest, I would love to see this post pop up on http://steemitworldmap.com. If you're interested, simply go to the website, click on code (down the bottom) and add a short description. It will then generate the code you need to copy and paste into your post (not the comments) to have it show up on steemit worldmap. There’s also a FAQ section if you get a bit lost.
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ADOREI seu post! Um museu gastronômico? Que serve iguarias? Nunca imaginei isso! Mas o português brasileiro, ser comparado a linguagem dos Duendes... Foi DIMAIS!!! Uma alegria saber. rs PARABÉNS

Muito bom. A espanha, ou melhor, a catalunya e o país basco que são os dois lugares mais emblemáticos desse país estão na minha lista de viagens talvez ano que vem :)

Realmente é um país muito mais fantástico do que eu imaginava @jsantana! A influência árabe na arquitetura, a comida (tudo muito fresco e barato), a presença do Império Romano em vários lugares, os visigodos, que eram cristãos que não se sujeitavam ao poder de Roma, tudo para encher os olhos e a pança hahaha!!

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