Part 3(final)-Atlanta Coca-Cola Museum "New Coke" FAIL, tasting room and exit from Atlanta pics

in #travel6 years ago

I wanted to get this final posting up days ago but couldn't get online due to the steemit accessibility issues and then I got too sick to even want to look at my PC for a day or two, so I am back to finish this off, once and for all. :)
There are various human sized bottles painted by famous people who may or may not be arists. This one was pained by a Versace family member. Not the famed Johnny though.
Huge displays of bottles from around the world and through the many years of productions, perhaps you recognize some, old and new.
I know I see some in the case that they used to sell when I was younger or ones that I see now.
Some other older promo items featuring "Sprite Boy" before Sprite was a soda.
The story of Sprite Boy for those who lost track of him from my original post.
I guess he was rather popular since they decided to use the name for soda that already had some familiarity in the advertising world.
And then there was the failure....NEW COKE. I personally remember when this came out and how much of a scandal and mess this was for our culture and the company. If you don't know about it, read the text in the image. The high level overview is that they decided to change the taste of Coke because some extensive testing proved that people liked it better.
Old original documents of what was secretly called "Project Kansas" detailing the new taste and marketing campaigns.
Even the use of the animated stuttering computerized graphic character "Max Headroom" in their commercials couldn't help "New Coke". You can see the can as the 2nd one from the top in the image above along with their reversion can beneath it when they switched back to Coca-Cola classic. They sold both in parallel for awhile, which is why it had to be called Coca-Cola Classic. Only recently, in the 4th can shown, you can see that they finally got rid of the word "classic".
You can see a bottle of "New Coke" in this image, along with newspaper articles documenting the failure along with some promotional items for it.
Some more old Coke bottles from around the world. There were plenty of these. I thought one image was enough.
The final stop is the "tasting room" where you can sample things that simply can't be had in the USA. There are different flavor sodas for every continent to please the local palette. I had watermelon soda, jalapeno, along with many other unusual flavors that the people in Africa, Asia and every other continent enjoys regularly. These sodas are in current production. Each round kiosk in the image represents about 20 fountains around for your tasting pleasure. We spent a good half hour in there trying different things that were either disgusting or average, or made you ask, "Why don't they sell this in the USA"?
Back to the hotel to get our baggage to head to ATL airport to PHL airport.
The Willy Wonka Style elevators that took us to the Polaris restaurant as detailed in my other posting for which I will provide a link for below, if interested.
In closing, this is the longest escalator I have ever been on. It is at the MARTA train station, Peachtree Station. This escalator has to be double or triple or more than any normal size escalator. There is a large one at the ATL airport as well, and this one is even bigger than that one.

Other related posts: or: or: - this one actually is in the trending page right now (my first time ever making it there) woo hoo! or

Thanks for looking! Please feel free to comment or ask questions, I write back!


Watermelon soda!! How does it taste.. Once i had watermelon cola candy..the taste was not goood

I like watermelon soda. They had it in the Asia area as I recall, and I think it would sell around in the USA. Perhaps Coke doesn't think it is worth it, but Canada Dry sells pineapple soda which they also had at the museum. Someone like Canada Dry could add it to their portfolio. It tasted kind of like a candy but with no Coke flavoring. It was simply watermelon flavor with bubbles. It was good.

wow amazing pictures coca cola.gif

Nice, its cool to see the old designs they had and old signs as well.

There were so many more signs and things I could've taken pictures of. It was ridiculous. If nothing else, Coke has spent a ton of time and money on promotional items, signage, brand recognition and maintaining customer loyalty.

is it USA? entrance fee how much?

Yes this is in the USA. Atlanta, Georgia. I think the price of admission was around US$25.00 - maybe it was less. It was maybe less than US$20. It was worth the price of admission and it consumed almost an entire afternoon, which I completely did not expect.

thanks for your info :) i will try arrange my schedule, wish to be there too :)

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