More Atlanta views, CNN HQ, Hard Rock Cafe, and general area

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

As we end my recent posting of Atlanta spots, this should be my 3rd of 4 posts to try to keep things organized. I've got one more set of photos that deserve their own posting because it is all about the Coca-Cola Museum, which is very cool.
So as the night went on, yes, she got more drunk and it shows in her eyes compared to previous posts....
Hard Rock has the usual memorabilia everywhere. This is a Chris Isaak guitar. Not a fan myself, except for the video of the song "Wicked Game" featuring Helena Christensen running and rolling around on the beach in the sand and water.
There is so much to take in, with just one view.
I am a big Led Zeppelin fan, so these were cool to see.
I'm OK with R.E.M. too. They are big down there because they come from Alpharetta, GA.
I love Tom Petty and think it is a real shame that he ended up dying because of drugs. I actually thought he had himself together pretty well. I saw him in concert many times and think he had a lot of music left in him.
I don't really care that much about Mariah Carey, but I have to admit, she is beautiful and has some OK songs.
Just down the road is the College Football Hall of Fame. Never got to go in there. Wanted to. Girlfriend didn't. She won.
Olympic Park (unfortunately where the bombing took place many years ago when the Olympics were in Georgia)
Another view from Olympic park as you look around. I forget what building this shiny one is.
Went on the "CNN Studio Tour". This was actually pretty cool because it is really where they broadcast from in the USA primarily. The famous people from there like Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer walk the halls, but I didn't see them, nor did I expect to.
They don't let you take pictures on the tour after stop #2 of 7, so there is a lot of cool things that I couldn't capture.
Of course, they have a CNN gift shop. Honestly, I could've taken photos of everything in that store and made a post about it in hindsight. I have no idea who would need to buy some of the stuff they were selling. It all looked so boring. I guess you'd really have to be a CNN big fan. I don't need a CNN T-shirt, coffee mug, keychain or anything of the sort.
This was an example of a video control room. The 2 larger monitors on the left side are what is currently being broadcast on the air, even if it is commercials on CNN on top, and CNN International on the bottom left. The interesting thing to see here is the multi-screen array on the right side. The one larger screen on the top right side is what is currently on the air from the studio output. The one to the left of it that is also large, is what is about to be switched onto the air. The smaller screens are all various remote reporters or other stationary cameras at various locations that they could switch to. They let us listen in on the live broadcast, with the director actually telling the control room what cameras to switch to. It was very interesting, and actually sounded like a job I would be good at.
They show a whole movie that is a whole "feel good" movie about CNN personalities and a lot of their footage in far away lands or war zones. This is one stop where you can still take pictures.
They show you how "green screens" work for showing weather maps and such. That was cool, even though I know how that worked too.

This is a follow on to my other two Atlanta posts from last week: or

Feel free to comment or ask questions. I write back! I have one more Atlanta post in me that I will put up tomorrow. Thanks for looking!


I liked the wonderful smile wonderful pictures Thank you for sharing with us. Have a nice day.

Thanks for having a look and for your comment and feedback. I try to show people some things that they might never see with some of my postings with a short narrative.

Fabulous! Amazing amazing and wonderful photos, very good on these wonderful photos and real places I see these pictures as if I were here. I hope to be in these high places, it is not easy to take such pictures, it is not easy to choose the place and time to take such pictures thank you for this noble effort and wonderful. I enjoyed looking at it. We encourage you to continue You are truly a professional and artist,

I like the Mariah Carey Jacket

Of course that would be the thing you like...:) Pretty cool stuff, huh?

Ha ha. Are you still mining crypto??

And yes I am mining Ethereum 24x7x365 still. I convert most of it to STEEM. Considering the price of ETH and STEEM have both dropped so much, it only gives me a little supplement to help buy votes and such. Lately, its been producing 0.05 ETH about every 5 days. Pretty sad actually. If STEEM made a recovery bull run, all of this converted ETH, (which I lose some of it in transfer fees) could potentially really turn things up for this account and also help me pay some bills.

All I can say is something is better than nothing. Im getting nothing on my hashflare contracts when the price goes below $8,000 bitcoin they suspend payouts because the maintenance fee is greater than the payout.

Current price:
steem: .74
etherium: $224
Bitcoin: $6555

When I started investing with steem the price was $3.00, ehterium $800 - $1000 and bitcoin was $15,000 - $18,000. These are all approximate numbers not exact.

Generating more coins definitely puts us in a position to compound our investment. I have a little fantasy in my head where I have 10,000 coins and steem goes to 10 dollars. If that happens I will sell 5,000 coins when steem hits $5.00. then sell the other 5,000 when steem hits $10

I would like to have a spare 2000 coins to keep on the platform.

I wonder how the power down would affect your 13 week (3 month) payout? Do you get a locked in price for your steem when you start your power down. if not your expected profit can change depending on what happens to the price of steem within that 13 week time span.

I would like to visit the cnn studio, that looked very cool.

The stuff that you could see that you weren't allowed to photograph were broadcasters in live studios that were recording stories or newscasts. They were no one I recognized though. Also, they gave us an employee view of one of their bullpen areas. It was easily 100+ people in short walled cubicles. All of them had 2 or 3 PC monitors and most of them had a TV as well. That floor is open 24x7x365 with almost a full staff. They share their desks for the shifts. There are few dedicated desks for each employee. At the very end, they show you another quick movie featuring just about every CNN on-air personality. As a fan of Anthony Bourdain, I thought it was a nice touch that they ended it with an image of him and the year of birth and death. I watched his "Parts Unknown" shows that he was doing on CNN. He just died in June, and I was glad to see a few pictures of him on the walls as well with other CNN celebrities still.

What a Beautiful post I like your post

Thank you very much for your interest.

Waooo very nice photography , good shots

Great work at this post,,, thanks for share

Lovely photography,,,

Good pictures, I would like to know the name of the building.

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