2017 Europe Summer Trip Breakdown: Open to Meeting Steemit Members in Cities I Visit

in #travel7 years ago

As someone that lives in Hawaii, while paradise life is awesome, it makes traveling to far-flung locations much more difficult due to distance and cost. I did a round the world trip for 4 months in early 2016 going westward to over 15 locations on 23 flights from Hawaii. 

Once again, I'm off currently on another trip, but this time focusing on a region. My thought process is that it would be more of time-saver to simply explore as many European cities as I can within my allowance of the 3-months the Schengen visa would allow me. 

For the long-distance flights over the Atlantic Ocean, I used airline points I accumulated with credit cards I applied for. I flew with Finnair with 57,500 + $5.60 taxes on American Airline points from Chicago to Helsinki on their comfortable business class cabin. 

I had the choice of traveling around Europe using train, however with the amount of cities I wanted to cover, I chose flying for most part to get around all the locations as it would be much faster. As well, Europe has so many low-cost airlines that make it much more affordable to travel by air instead. Majority of my low-cost airline flights are with Easyjet followed by Norwegian Air Shuttle, Air France, and Vueling.

My return to the United States will be through Alaska via Icelandair when I visit Iceland for the first time. I used 55,000 points + $186 taxes on Alaska Airline points to redeem with Icelandair's Saga business class. 

Here's the breakdown of the total flight costs on this trip:

Total Flights (Europe ONLY – 13 low-cost flights): $714.27
Average Paid Per Flight: $54.94/flight  

Total Flights (Trans-Atlantic Flights - 2 business class flights): $191.60

Total: $905.87

The above breakdown just shows how affordable traveling Europe can be.

As for where I stay, I've decided to continue using Airbnb stays for each of the cities. I simply like living like a local in each location rather than staying at boring, expensive and over-priced hotels. I also am staying with friends in couple locations so that further saves on funds.

In total accommodation for Airbnb stays came out to be $3,052 (71 nights)
Average Paid Night Stay: $42.99/night  


I've started my 2017 Europe Summer Trip, and I thought I'd share the next several locations that I'll be traveling to in hopes of meeting up with any local Steemit members and/or travelers to those cities. 

Below is my travel itinerary with exact dates of when I'll be in each city. 

{June 2017} 

-> Helsinki (May 30 - June 4)
-> Stockholm (June 4 - 8)
-> Rome (June 8 - 14)
-> Paris (June 14 - 18)
-> Edinburgh (June 18 - 22)
-> London (June 22 - 27)
-> Seville (June 27 - July 1) 

{July 2017}

-> Malaga (July 1 - July 6)
-> Barcelona & Other Catalonia Towns (July 6 - July 19)
-> Berlin & Nearby Surrounding Towns (July 19 - July 30) 

{August 2017}

-> Vienna (July 30 - August 4)
-> Amsterdam (August 4 - 12)
-> Reykjavik (August 12 - 17) 

If you happen to be in any of the above cities on those dates, please comment below and let me know. I'd love to connect up and grab a drink or two.


Oh man, you will regret missing out Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and whole Balkan. Those are the nicest and cheapest countries. You should shorten your stay in each city and put more of them on the list. 2-3 days are more than enough time for most of the cities.

I know ... even with Europe, the region is huge so I've mostly stuck with Scandanavia and Western Europe. On another trip, I'll focus more on Eastern Europe. I've heard great things about Prague and Budapest. It's another trip another time :)

Too bad you skipped Valencia! Could have shown you around. There are always too many options. Take your time to slow down once in a while too. Smell the roses so to speak. Else it becomes a blur of

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... you get the point...

Actually ... in majority of locations I go to ... I avoid most tourist areas. As I'm working, I usually go to locations and simply meet local people, eat, drink, and talk about life. Of course, I always reserve one day. But yea, I'm not the backpacker person like I was 5 years ago where I'd go to places and get wasted and party. So far, my trip has been slow and relaxing (except the one day in each city where I am tourist). That just sucks haha.

Plus, having airport lounge and fast track makes going through the travel portion so comfortable. Never will I go back to being herded cattle-class wise HAHA.

Who knows ... I should do at least an overnight trip over to Valencia perhaps from Barcelona.

let me know if you do!
Do you do any couchsurfing? I used to do tons in South America but they truly fucked up couchsurfing.org by trying to become another facebook and make a buck

I did a lot of Couchsurfing back in 2010 and 2011 ... but like you said, around 2013, they changed to a for-profit organization, added those dumb Google ads all over the site, and just basically went away from their original purpose. Sadly, I actually met the founders and team members on Maui when I was living on that island. They mentioned that this had to be the way ... but as always I disagree ... I miss the original Couchsurfing website. The people that would be on Couchsurfing were truly the CS spirit ... unlike now .. you get SO many people who are free-loaders and just want a free place to stay.

This trip and last year's round the world, I've been staying at Airbnbs and hotels via points.

ever do housesitting? My wife and myself are starting another cycle of Nomad life in 2 months. We'd like to mix it up, stay for 3 -4 weeks at a time which gives time to do some work and travel a bit around Europe. This time I'd like to do it with a car so that gives more flexibility. Not exactly 30 liter/10kg backpack like last time when I was on my own, but one has to make concessions when travelling in a couple... will gradually progress towards ultralight again I hope!

I am the same way! We went to Greece but we went to a much less popular area and it really made the trip much more memorable! My favorite trips were trips that no one else really took! Got lots of weird looks for wanting to visit Finland! Have family there tho! Haha

That's quite a trip you have planned!

That is quite a lot travelling
Have a safe trip and keep posting some more pictures.

I wish you well in your travels. May I ask how you're funding this trip? Also, how would one go about accumulating airline points? I would love to travel, but just can't figure out a way to afford it.

US-based credit cards have great bonus point opportunities. There's a strategy to apply to these cards over time and accumulate these award points for redemption later. I plan to write a long guide that explains the overview of accumulating airline points!

Ok, I look forward to it.

Such an amazing adventure.

You have so much time yet you completely ignore Romania :(. That is soo sad!

I know I know. I plan to do other parts of Europe on my next trip. Saving Bucharest, Prague, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Talinn on another trip.

Wow @hustletoparadise - that sounds like quite a trip - you can't go wrong here in Europe - so many great cities and regions - you will just have to come back and fill in those gaps on another trip as you suggest. As per @vanderict there are truly wonderful cities in the east too - my personal favourite is Budapest - fabulous. However I can honestly say that you are leaving the best to last - Iceland blew me away when I visited for a week about 4 years ago - it is absolutely stunning particularly its waterfalls. Enjoy! Following you now as I really want to hear how you get on...

Thanks greenstar! I've only heard amazing things about Budapest, over and over again. When I do these planned trips, I know the downside is that then when people come across suggest other areas ... usually difficult to change my plans (unless the city/location is close by). But since I work remotely, it's important that I have my stays and known internet connection be planned. I've moved beyond the nomadic backpacking to needing proper work/stay locations. When you were in Iceland, did you explore the island by renting a car or did you use any tour services? I'm trying to figure out with my limited amount of time, if booking tours might be better since I'll just let someone with more expertise handle all of the sites that I should see.

We did a week fly drive and did a return trip from Reykjavik to Hofn along the whole of the southern side. It's a big island but driving is a pleasure as once you leave the capital there's hardly anyone on the roads. If you have time the highlights would be the golden circle (easily doable as a day trip from Reykjavik), Selandjafoss and Skogafoss waterfalls and Jokulsaron (really impressive but a long way to drive). I plan to do a post with my Iceland photos over the next couple of weeks - this should wet your appetite!

Yes please do post Iceland, and ping me. Just followed you :)

I hope u consider coming to Ireland xD

I REALLY REALLY wanted to do Dublin so badly. Unfortunately, with the airline points and routing and timing, Ireland just didn't work out. I plan to lump Ireland and Wales on the next visit when I get to that region in the future.

You're fitting a ton in! What a ride!

I lived in Germany for 4 years. I'm a big fan of southern Germany as they're a slower pace like we are in Oregon! Hah

How amazing! I loved using AirBnB, it really made the experiences totally unique! Too bad you're skipping out on Ireland this time around! Please let me know if you decide to go! We stayed in great AirBnBs around Ireland and I can suggest them to you! It had to have been THE BEST place I visited in Europe!

You're fitting way more in than I managed in four years! Just, wow!

Yes I definitely want to go to Ireland when I can. So little time in the world, so much to see :)

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