panorama at daytime - Jiufen photo series 004

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Jiufen [九份] is a small once-splendid-gold-mining-but-later-occupied-by-artists-after-deserted town on the mountain near Keelung ... blah blah blah .... Just see the previous post(s) here ... 

Cat - Jiufen photo series 001

local delicacies 1 - Jiufen photo series 002

local delicacies 2 - Jiufen photo series 003

The following photos look similar because they are all panoramic views from our lodge window, with differences in timing (early morning, afternoon or even close to sunset... but all at daytime, night shots are saved for next one), in camera settings like focus, modes...  I just love this view so I don't get tired of staring at it. This is why we love this lodge and we almost stay here every time we come visiting Jiufen.

By the way, right click the photo to open in a new window and you can see many details... 

Keelung, the nearby harbor city, is actually hidden between the peninsulas so you cannot directly see it.  In the bottom right corner, there is a lookout to see similar views but our room is higher and you can lie on the bed to see such a splendid view! :)  You can see many tourists gathering around the lookout - it's the best spot for the first timers.


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Wonderful scenery of the green mountain views and beautiful sea!

Looks like not a lot of sun in the afternoon that day.

no, it was a cloudy afternoon.

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