Perks of Traveling Solo

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit Fretz!

No doubt, being with your fretz and family while traveling is a totally fun and exciting experience. You’ll be able to create a closer bond with each other and something that you can bring with you for a lifetime.

Way before my fretz became travel buddies, I’ve been wanting to go on a vacation alone and have a relaxing time. I did go on a few trips that I went on my own and it’s such an exciting and wonderful experience. Although I haven’t done that for a few years now, this came to mind when I was reminiscing and thinking on what to do at the moment.

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Traveling solo is quite a different thing. It creates a different experience for the traveler. It is like an eye-opener of greater things and greater opportunities. You’ll notice and see things that you might not have seen when traveling in groups.

Why You Should Try Traveling Solo?

For some, traveling alone could be quite daunting, going on a journey on your own is something they don’t even consider not even once.

Traveling alone is a leap of faith, it’s like going into the abyss and you’ll never really know what to expect. Why go solo? This is one of the questions some people have when it comes to solo travelers.

Here are my top four reasons why you should try traveling alone:

1. Meet New Friends

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Majority of the time, traveling in groups lets you focus on your travel buddies instead of the other people. I’ve come to observe that people are more approachable when they see you alone than in groups. This way you can strike up a conversation anywhere.

I remember having a dry cough on my airplane ride. There was this sweet couple who gave me mint candy because they see that I was struggling not to cough too loudly and disturb other people. They were Koreans and we had a nice chit-chat on why they visited the Philippines and life in Korea.

Another one was a guy from Canada with his girlfriend, I was waiting for my order for Dinner when I was left behind in Palawan since my fretz’ flight were earlier than mine. I had to stay for a day and a half.

Even though I had a “nosebleed” when conversing with them but it’s quite a refreshing experience.

Nosebleed - This is a Filipino slang, which means having a hard time conversing in with someone speaking in Enlish, may it be a foreigner or local.

2. Financial Control

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You don’t have to depend on your spending on anyone. Do you want to get a high-end room? No one’s going to stop you. Do you want to spend cheaper on food? Not a problem.

Whatever you want to do, if you want to go to the free tourist sites or enjoy and pay for an exciting adventure or attraction, it’s really all up to you. You can easily budget your money the way you want.

I used to have this habit of staying alone after going on with my fretz on vacation. I was in Boracay when I looked for a beachfront accommodation since the one that we stayed at was a walking distance to the beach.

3. You can Manage your Own Time

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The most remarkable thing when traveling is having a flexible schedule. I’m not saying that having strict schedules is not fun. But at times you just want to refrain from checking out your to-dos during a trip. No scheduled tours! No waking up early! No staying up late if you don’t want it!

I love waking up with my coffee in hand and just wake up by the beach (now I’m longing for a nice vacation) and watch tourists pass me by.

4. Build Confidence

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I remember on my first plane ride and my first travel far away that I was afraid and I feel like backing out. I wanted to go back. I wanted to run away but if I do, how will I do this in the future? Even buckling my seatbelt was a challenge. 

Being sheltered and I’ve never been far away from home, I got to pat myself in the back I did a good job! I should do it this time again this year. ^^

Traveling alone is such a fulfilling thing. The things that you’ve been afraid of were not that scary after all!

I’m excited and this made me think of going somewhere. Maybe a few months from now, I’ll try this out again! How about you fretz, would you dare go traveling solo?


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From the age of 7 - 15, I was a young flier and had to get two planes from where I lived in the Outer Hebrides, to get to London, so I could visit my father, every school holiday. So although not strictly alone, I had airport people keeping an eye on me (barely at all as I got older). But I loved it, especially getting to drink wine on the airplane, as there were no laws on age up in the air at that time and I got to visit the pilots in the cockpit because I wanted to see what it was like to 'drive' an airplane.

Lucky Helen! I was like when I 20s when I had my first flight. But yours is truly exciting because you did it alone at a young age. You even enjoyed the perks of having the crew as guardians. ^^

Does it depend on the country you're traveling to whether it is easier to approach strangers or get approached? I feel like in some countries people would rather try to avoid people traveling alone instead of lets say... a family . Personally I'd rather help out a family that's in trouble than a single person, because it's more scary. Petty but maybe that's just me.

Yes it does, I'm sorry I've based mine here in my country. I was talking about the perks for traveling. I'd post one on the disadvantages as well.

It is scary but that's what makes any travel more challenging it's going out of your comfort zone. ^^

I was really contemplating traveling solo, just me and my camera. I think this post may have just pushed me over the line. Very good read!

Yes, you should give it a try. Take photos too. It's going to be a blast!

yeah this gives you space and room for new things. and you really can get into experiencing what see you in front of you! and then take your camera and shoot!

Last time I traveled solo was almost a decade ago and it was my first time in Europe and it was scary as hell haha.

Fears of missing flights, getting sick or in an accident or lost placed so much fear but in the end it had taught me self confidence in myself and taught me to be more sociable which is hard for an introvert like me haha.

Made me remember those times :)

Friend, if I get to travel solo and it was in Europe I'll never back out.

Yes, I can imagine how you'd feel when you're all alone with unfamiliar people, unfamiliar place. ^^

Thanks for dropping by!


That's a new one. What a brilliant term for an awkward conversation in another language.

That's really brave, to travel alone. I went on holiday with just my youngest kid in October (we couldn't make the summer one). It was the first time I was the only adult on a holiday. You're right – it is easier to talk to other people. When I'm with the family or mates, we tend to just stick to ourselves. This time, I got gabbing with everyone. Had a laugh. There were a few 'creepy guy' moments but that was just part of the experience.


Majority of my interaction, which is at work (you need to speak in English) and then Steemit (Still tons of English), I've had nosebled moments that I can't even count. ^^

It's been years that I've done traveling alone! Would love to do it one more time. ^^ You should give it a try as well. ^^

hahah you poor thing. I'm sure all your English practice is reducing the incidence of nosebleeds :D

Yes, solo travel sounds like fun.

I still do but well, you just got to say it even if it's all jumbled up.

Absolutely. I've never been confident speaking in other languages. Feels so alien. I always feel stupid. You're doing great in English btw.

i want travel solo
it's be good but when i travel with friend i enjoy more

Traveling with fretz are really enjoyable but not bad to go on your own once in a while.

But you usually travel with friends right Dawny?
Anyway, I never traveled solo so I don't know it is, I always travel with either family, friends or girlfriends.


I do usually travel with fretz Rukka. I haven't done going solo recently would love to go travel once.


Good job, Pushing yourself through the fear. I have done plenty of work related travelling alone. It is a nice change occasionally. If I can I explore the place as much as possible. Otherwise I think my solo travelling days are over now I have a family. We like our adventures together.

Thank you @jist. It must have been challenging and exciting to from one place to the next.

It's why when my wife and I travel, we don't make plans and just do what we feel like in the moment. Very refreshing. You really don't absolutely have to hit everything, especially if it's just going to cause stress.

But traveling alone? Hmmmm that sounds like a different kind of excitement.

Yes, I've read that when I first met you.

Traveling alone is another things but better not leave your wifey.

it builds confidence for sure and many other horizons to be discovered yet :D

It really does. Self-confidence is a hard one to do.

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