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RE: Perks of Traveling Solo

in #travel6 years ago


That's a new one. What a brilliant term for an awkward conversation in another language.

That's really brave, to travel alone. I went on holiday with just my youngest kid in October (we couldn't make the summer one). It was the first time I was the only adult on a holiday. You're right – it is easier to talk to other people. When I'm with the family or mates, we tend to just stick to ourselves. This time, I got gabbing with everyone. Had a laugh. There were a few 'creepy guy' moments but that was just part of the experience.



Majority of my interaction, which is at work (you need to speak in English) and then Steemit (Still tons of English), I've had nosebled moments that I can't even count. ^^

It's been years that I've done traveling alone! Would love to do it one more time. ^^ You should give it a try as well. ^^

hahah you poor thing. I'm sure all your English practice is reducing the incidence of nosebleeds :D

Yes, solo travel sounds like fun.

I still do but well, you just got to say it even if it's all jumbled up.

Absolutely. I've never been confident speaking in other languages. Feels so alien. I always feel stupid. You're doing great in English btw.

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