Quote of the day: If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet.

in #travel6 years ago

Dear Steemit friends and followers,

With the weekend being over soon and the new week ahead of us, let me take this moment to share one of my favorite travel quotes with you.

Source: Backpacker Advice, author: Rachel Wolchin

"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet."

What is your opinion on this interesting quote, my fellow Steemians? Do you prefer staying at one place or do you start having itchy feet after some time? How often do you need to hit the road to satisfy your inner travel bug? Let me know in the comments below! :)

Have a great start to the new week and Steem on!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Travel Tip: Petrin Lookout Tower, the Prague brother of the Eiffel Tower

7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #20 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!

Prague/Czech Republic - Friday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

30 SBD giveaway: Share your most romantic travel photo to celebrate the St. Valentine’s Day!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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This is really awesome quotes ..i love travelling too but i have not enough money but after few years .. i will travel the world and definitely going to visit prague.

this is true, let's not let our roots plant us in one spot... allow our feet to take us all over this wonderful earth that mother nature and God have created for us. Let us continue to gallivant the globe and see new sights, onward and upward


That's the way! Let's explore the world... there are so many amazing places to visit. Tomas

Yes, indeed! I hope one day, when I graduate from my masters program to obtain to job where 'traveling' is a key component.

In may, when I graduate with my Bachelor's my father is taking me to Greece as a graduation gift.. excited to explore the island of Greece and see the beautiful blue waters and eat some wonderful, fresh seafood



well and wonderfull an great quotes ,,,i always find your blog with world best and beautifull photos and travells and if i say true to see the beauty in your contests its really force me to have tours and visits worlds beautifull places like you there for i will not preffetr to staying at one place

That's great! I feel honored to have inspired you to keep on moving and exploring new places! Have a good one. Tomas

Wow what an amazing post with amazing quotation..Yes i am person whose feet are very itchy an my heart very unsatisfied to stay one place. I am a person who like visit new places to see their beautyness. Loved to travel as traveling only makes me a knowledgeable person and click photography of new places as i am perso who like click the amazing moments..Thanks for sharing this quotation and i really loved it..@czechglobalhosts

Great to hear that you are one of those people that feel uneasy at one place and have a need to discover new places. Tomas

Thank you..

nice to see read your exellent quotes every weekend and also this is really good
i think we should not change our living place because we love this place and everyone who lives near with us from a long time
but must change for journey and travels to enjoy our life and travelling is the world best way to enjoy and give relax our souls @czechglobalhosts

Happy to see you do enjoy my weekend quotes and even happier that you do enjoy the travels!

Awesome Quote Sir:

If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet.

We have two eyes to see, two ears to hear and two hands to feel. And we are given two feet to move – not just from home to the supermarket, but to walk, to explore and to feel alive. Likewise, we all have a brain with a huge capacity for learning – one of the biggest in all of the animal kingdom – that we should not just use a fraction of. One of the ways we can utilize this brainpower is while travelling; when education is constant. Without much effort, we are constantly educated about other people’s cultures and ways of life, maximising the brain’s learning capacity. If we desire travel, wasting an opportunity to explore and learn about the world around us would be an awful shame.

Hello! I have really enjoyed reading through your comment. Some very valuable point you have made there... if only people lived by half of it they would be in a great shape:)... enjoy the rest of your Sunday. .. tomas

Thanks for your reply sir. Your greets are precious to me. And it's actually monday here now🙂. I wish you also have a good day filled with happiness and love ahead sir🙂

We as human being's are getting more disconnected from nature due to rise of technology and the urbanization associated with it.
This disconnect is not letting us value it as we should.
Hence, This Results in Deforestation, Urbanization and the miseries associated it.
I think these Beautiful places are there for us to experience and by traveling and doing so , We tend to Value Nature more

Yep, your are absolutely right about that. However, it also give us many resources to support our travels.... Access to information being just one of them. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a good one. Tomas

Haha, that's a good quote ;)
I try to go to countries I haven't seen so far at least 2-3 times a year. I think I am abroad 5-7 weeks a year. But like most people I always have too much work and too few free time and money ;)
When I am old I don't want to regret that I have seen not enough of the world...

I think you are doing amazing with your travels and your fabulous images are a proof of it! Keep going at it. You ROCK!

Well, it really depends upon the mood that i have to stay at home or i have to travel. This thing also depends upon the situation of my life as i am a teacher by profession so i love to travel in holidays as compare to working days. Like in winter vacations i visited Historic places of my city and in summer vacations we went to river side for three days.

I do agree with the above stated golden words of Rachel Wolchin. Indeed man was created to travel; to explore the nature in his/he own way. Travelling is always a thing that gives me positive energy to forget about the miseries of life and boosts my level of knowledge as well

Thanks lot for asking this very important aspect of human life Great Tomas :)

HI! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your valuable insight on my post. I am glad to hear that yourself as well as many other fellow Steemians do have itchy feed and do have to keep on moving and finding new places of our beautiful planet. Tomas

I think we all should take more time to travel and going to new places. We can learn a lot of different places, cultures and people, we grow while finding new attitudes and dreams. And sometimes it happens that people find a new place where they are absolutely happy - and stay :) Just follow your heart and go where your heart is showing you. I think there is one thing missing in your post: How do you think about that quote? :)

Haha.... I like your curiosity:).... Me? I love it, I try to travel as much as I can and always try to explore the new places.... Traveling opens up your mind and gives you so many opportunities in many aspects of life.... I would be able to achieve even half of what I have done if it was not for my frequent travels! Have a great night and enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Tomas

Great! I think a few words about your thoughts are a good way to show your personality, I was interested in your opinion when I red your post :) thanks, have a nice evenig too! Annika

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