7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – European Thursday week #7 – winner announcement!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians!

It is my great pleasure to announce the winner of my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge -European Thursday. I would like to say huge thank you to all the participants for their great entries. There was a very high number of submissions with some amazing pictures so picking the winning image was not an easy task. It is great to see the challenge is gaining in popularity!

You can see all entries and participants in this post: 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - European Thursday week #7 - the absolute winner takes 150 SBD!

Please give a huge shout out to all top 10 images for taking part in the challenge and sharing their photos and experience with all of us here on steemit:

@theaustrianguy @justdentist @kouba01 @markangeltrueman @extremejogging @philfreetotravel @schmidthappens @shawkr13 @vinceboisgard @thesloopjohnb

It would be great if you can visit their blogs and give them some of your love:)....

However, the winner is only one and that is for me picture posted by @thesloopjohnb with the following entry:

I very much enjoyed my first trip to Rome, Italy but felt I should have stayed longer. The Forum was amazing, so much so that I returned at night to an overlook spot to take this long-exposure photo. If you look closely, you can even see the Colosseum in the background.


What a great entry by @thesloopjohnb. I have visited his blog and upvoted his recent post called: Vehicle Photography Entry - Budapest Bike. Kindly do the same if you can. @thesloopjohnb amazing picture from Rome is qualifying for a weekly challenge that will be competing against entries that will be coming over the period of next 2 days and the winners of previous 4 days:

7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Asian Sunday week #7 - winner announcement!

@nenio Asian Sunday entry:

This photo shows a night view of Hong Kong. The reflections of the light of the buildings can be seen on the water. The photo was taken at Hong Kong Harbour, one of the most iconic places of this city. Some of the most important skyscraper of the city are located in this area.


7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – Australian Monday week #7 – winner announcement!

@bluebottlefilms Australian Monday entry:

A beautiful sunrise one morning at my local beach, Curl Curl on Sydney's northern beaches. It still surprises me everyday as to how many people living in Sydney still have no idea where it is...


7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – Tuesday of Antarctica and the world’s oceans week #7 – winner announcement!

@travelgirl Tuesday of Antarctica and world's oceans entry:

I took this shot during our helicopter ride in Hawaii. The weather was perfect so we took heaps of photos. It seems like the water colour in Hawaii is a bit different to what we have in Australia. It’s was such a great trip!


7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – African Wednesday week #7 – winner announcement!

@extremejogging African Wednesday entry:

Inspired by all these epic landscape photos, here is a golden hour shot I took while running on a Stellenbosch Farm in South Africa. I am very privileged to basically have this beautiful route in my back yard.


The winner of the weekly challenge will be selected by you based on the dollar value of the individual daily winner announcement posts and then entered to a mothly and possibly yearly challenge on the way to win the price of 150 SBD in total. You can give @thesloopjohnb your support by upvoting this winner announcement post.

My next challenge is coming shortly: North American Friday. Get your pictures ready:)....

For more information about the 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge and conditions see my original post: 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – chance to win 150 SBD - 7大洲照片挑戰——贏取150 SBD的機會!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Outdoor lovers paradise – Krkonose National Park, Czech Republic/戶外活動愛好者的天堂-克爾科諾謝山國家公園, 捷克共和國
Make things happen since no one else will do that for you! 要靠自己讓想做的事情成真,因為沒有人會為你做!
The number of Bitcoin ATM's in the Czech Republic and around the world is growing!
Cesky Krumlov out of the window. Perfect postcard shot! - 窗外的契斯基庫倫洛夫,完美的明信片素材!

CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


Hello, I applied to the contest but they did not mention me. What was my mistake? My post https://steemit.com/spanish/@altdelay/7-world-s-continents-photo-challenge-european-thursday-week-7-embalse-puerto-pena

Hi! Great image. Unfortunately, I had no idea you applied. For any future entries, you need to go by simple rules:

  1. It has to be your personal image
  2. Image needs to have 30 to 50 word description
  3. It has to be entered by the required timeline in the comment section of the respective continent.

I hope that answers your concerns. Have a great day and hope to see your image/es in the upcoming challenges. Tomas

sorry, I thought you had to publish the photo in a new post. Thanks for the information, I will participate again.

Awesome contest , great pictures , an all around wonderful post . Thanls for sharing .

I'm honored. Thanks so much.

congratulations to the winner , Keep up the good work @czechglobalhosts

wonderful pictures all of them deserve to win. But....there has to be a winner

Well deserved winner, congratulations @thesloopjohnb :)

Your post is very interesting.
I've resteemed your post!
please up vote this comment.

what an amazing place this is!! just speechless
most welcome..

Congratulations For winner @czechglobalhosts

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