The Best View of Shanghai You'll Ever See! And, We're Back Home!! โœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ

in #travel โ€ข 6 years ago


Making the Most of Our Last Day

On our last day in Shanghai we really wanted to see as much of the city as possible. But we were a little low on time, seeing as our flight left at 8pm. We were also extremely low on energy. So we decided we needed to get high.. really high up!! And what better location to see Shanghai than the second tallest building in the world, am I right!?

Shanghai Tower

The Shanghai Tower is a 632-metre (2,073 ft), 128-story skyscraper which began construction in 2008 but wasn't completed until September 2015. It is said to have the world's highest observation deck within a building or structure at 561.25 meters, and the world's fastest elevators at a top speed of 20.5 metres per second (74 km/h; 46 mph). It also makes use of "green architecture" which cut down on construction costs and it's overall carbon footprint. The only competitor to the Shanghai Tower (as far as height goes) is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which comes in at a staggering 2,717 ft.


Now I'm not gonna lie; I was a little nervous about going up in this building. I'm not a huge fan of heights and I knew this would top any building I had ever been in. But I couldn't come all this way and not go up! So we purchased our tickets to go up to the observation deck and quickly boarded up on the fastest elevator in the world. The elevator's top speed while we were on it was 20 m/sec and it took less than a minute to reach the 118 floor where we got off.


Once we reached the top we were blown away by the view! I had been in the CN Tower of Toronto, The Trump Tower in Panama, The Empire State Building, The Vancouver Lookout, and The Bitexco Financial Tower of Saigon, but none of them compared to this.


We then went up one more floor (by stairs) to reach the 119th floor. I actually felt pretty good up here but I can't say the same for Kristen (@k10yoga) lol. Her knees were a little weak from the elevation.


After a while we got used to being up in the building and our nerves settled in. It's hard to be nervous or afraid when you've got this much scenery in front of you. We grabbed several more pictures and even a timelapse video before heading back down. Hope you enjoy them!

Pics and Video from the Top of Shanghai




Last year we visited New York and we thought that was a big city. But after traveling through Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Shanghai, we've decided that New York has some growing left to do. It's amazing how enormous some of these cities are, and the amount of skyscrapers you can pack into one location. And the Shanghai Tower gave us the perfect view of the most populated city in the world (Shanghai).

Heading Back to the States

After we left the Tower, we had enough time to grab some food and get to the airport for our 8pm flight. We stopped in at an underground food court and ordered up some food. Much of Shanghai's shops and restaurants are hidden away underground so you have to know where to look. I got a seafood noodle bowl that was bursting with flavors and spices that you probably can't find anywhere in the US. I'm gonna miss this food so much!


Next, we stopped by our hotel to pick up our bags which they had been holding while we explored the city. Can you believe we've been through 9 countries for 5 weeks with this little? Lol, and we didn't even use half the stuff we brought!


One last pictures from South East Asia before boarding our flight. What's funny is that this picture was taken some time around 7pm on July 18th and we landed in Los Angeles at 7:20pm on July 18th. We literally saw the sunset twice on July 18th!! Haha, that's some sort of time traveling if you ask me.


Back in the USA

We finally made it back to the US around 7:20pm and had just one more short flight to get to Phoenix. Luckily I was able to sleep for a few hours on the flight across the Pacific, so I wasn't too exhausted. And I even slept a little on the flight to Phoenix.


5 weeks, 9 countries, 20 flights, 2 ferries, 3 metro systems, and countless tuk tuk rides later, we were finally home! We unpacked our bags, checked everything around the house, and went on to bed. We knew that waking up today we would be in a totally different world than we had grown accustomed to. It's time to slow it down a bit and get back into the rhythm of our day-to-day activities here at home. And I look very much forward to getting back behind the camera to tell you guys all about our trip! Plus, there are some exciting changes coming to the Steem blockchain that I want to talk about. ๐Ÿ˜

Special thanks to everyone who followed our journey across South East Asia. It's been an amazing time and I've been so happy to share it with you all!


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Crazy that it's already been 5 weeks.

What an adventure it must have been, followed it here and the 'other social network that shall remain nameless' lol

Good to hear you are back safe man!

Congrats Jon, you won the random comment upvote on this post! It'll be coming your way shortly. :)

I know! It has really flown by for us. Haha, that other "network" where I store my photos LOL. Glad to be back and looking forward to getting back in my home studio for some videos! :)

@brandonfrye Great post man. Get some rest

Thanks, will do! ๐Ÿ˜ด

What an interesting culmination to your trip! Exhilarating view from the top of Shanghai Towers... strikingly similar to the view from Burj Khalifa (current world's tallest) here in Dubai.

Oh I had no idea you were in Dubai, very cool! I would love to go up in Burj Khalifa now so I could say I've been in both of the world's tallest buildings.

You better hurry while Burj Khalifa remains the world's tallest building 'coz after 2020, that distinction will go to Saudi Arabia's Jeddah Tower (currently under construction).
Feel free to check out my pics from Burj Khalifa's observation deck in this post.

@brandonfrye, Thanks for your visit to such countries and explain us the beautiful moments of your journey...

Look forward to your videos on everything that was your trip!

Its been amazing following you on your trip. 9 countries in 5weeks, that's quite a lot, and funfilled too!

The tower is really tall,, and the view from up there is breath-taking!
Welcome back home!!

Thank you @audreybits, it feels good to be back on home soil! :)

Welcome Back Home! It is amazing how tall building looks so small when you are up there! Truly amazing the feats that mankind has achieved. Just gets you thinking of our potential.

Thanks @newageinv!! We're glad to be back on home soil and resting up. :)


@brandonfrye Its really Amazing view of Shanghai and the speed of the elevator is also good , And also a new building is also start building and will beat the burz khalifa i forget the name of that building never mind i just enjoyed your article i enjoyed shanghai sitting at home through your post..Thanks

Yeah, at the entrance to the Shanghai Tower there was a list of future buildings that will be even taller. It's hard to imagine making buildings any taller than this, lol. It's crazy. Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed the view. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :)

Awesome Adventure! Great articles and photos! :)

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