Final day of the summit - The former Social Media Manager of Steemit - TIS Marrakech [Day 8]

in #travel6 years ago

I can't believe it's already the last day! Tomorrow is the day I fly home. I'm not ready yet. This has been way too much fun. I've been treated so well I will never leave! I got spoiled. Spoiled by this awesome venue, hotel and people. Everything was perfect and amazingly fun! We all get along wo well. We're all content creators and we share the same passions. We explored, laughed and shared stories with each other. It's time to attend the last day of this event.


Summit day 2

The morning starts off slow. The summit starts at 9 am today. And the talks off today are very interesting. A few of them really stick with me. It's the talk by Raya Encheva from rayawashere. She talks about being yourself and staying truth to yourself. And no matter how you feel that day, you're still perfect as who you are today. Raya is someone who had struggled with her body and felt that she didn't deserve love when she didn't have the perfect body. It took a long time for her to open up about this. But when she did open up about it with her audience the responses were phenomenal.

The second talk that sticks with is the one from Rares & Irina (@me_and_mango, @irinahp). They talk about how they got started and how they create content. But this one really spiked my creativity. It reminded me a lot of my Venice trip. When I went to create content with my friend. I had prepared in advance what kind of pictures I wanted to take and was really creative those 2 days. The rewarding feeling I felt those days all came back! I really wanted to go explore and shoot pictures after that talk.



Now there's something in common between all the talks from yesterday and today. Almost every speaker talks about this. It's something that will stick with me forever and I truly believe that this is the key! You need to tell your story and believe that your story is worth telling. And it truly is! No matter how you think about yourself. Your story is worth telling. There are millions of people who are going through or have been through the same struggles or who have the same desires. We all want to belong and connect. It's what makes us human. So being able to speak without fear is the key to being a content creator. Human loves stories. We are all story tellers. We all have a unique story to tell and no matter how you think about yourself it is worth telling!


The day isn't over yet! There are still masterclasses to attend to. There are a total of 9 masterclasses, but we can only attend 3 as the hours overlap. The first one I went to was about how to get the brand deals you deserve. The biggest takeaway for me was how to pitch for brand deals and that you have to see yourself as a service provider. You're providing the brands a service. You need to get paid for this and have the confidents in your skills.

The second masterclass is by far the best one I attended. This class is called "How to inspire through video" by Dakota Adan. In this class Adan goes over why it's so important to invest into videograhpy and how the whole industry is shifting towards video. Blogposts with video are doing better than those without video. Video brings back memories, while pictures are being scrolled through too fast and how the consumer is consuming more and more video these days. There are so many important details in this class I cannot really tell you the main takeaway. The main takeaway was this whole class! But if I really have to share one with you all it's breath. When you create a video and watch a video. Did it change your breath? Breath is a natural expression of emotion and if you change your breath, you are carried away by the video. Adan is an amazing teacher and he inspired me to mess around with video!


The last masterclass is a regret for me. I shouldn't have attended this one. The class is about photography. But I thought it was going to have the same effect on me as the video class. But it didn't. It was very technical and too detailed on specs and not so much on creativity. The main takeway for me was that it's okay to "copy" images you saw on instagram. It's nearly impossible to always come up with something new the whole time. Many shots we see today have already been done centuries ago with paintings. In the end, we're not so unique as we all love to believe we are.

The art gallery

After the summit we receive an invitation into the art gallery of the hotel. This was very unexpected. Neither we nor did the organisation know that this was going on. We gladly accept the invitation. Not everyone is attending, a couple of us need to take a flight home or have a lot of work to do. The gallery includes food and drinks. And anywhere where they will stuff me with food I'll gladly accept.

The gallery is on the top floor above the reception. It's made by a really famous African artist. Who I happen to meet a little later. There are 5 types of Tajines to eat from. Meanwhile they are going around with appetizers. There's also a bar which serves soda, water, wine and beer. This truly is a one of a kind experience. The art itself is very colourful. I like it a lot. I haven't seen art like this before and it's very different from what I am used to.


There's also a dj playing at the gallery. The music is really great. We're all very happy and excited from the events. It doesn't take long for all of us to hit the dance floor and make a big party out of this. Like who has ever been clubbing in an art gallery before? This whole experience seems so unreal. It's here that I realise that it is my final night in this paradise. Tomorrow I'll be on my flight home. I have to say goodbye to all the friends I made.

I also happen to meet the former social media manager of Steemit! Like what the hell! This is so awesome. This is so super exciting. Specially because Steemfest just happened, which I sadly didn't attend to. But just wow! Here's a link to her website:

After a while, most of us left. I think I'm last one from Trablin in the art gallery. I'm still talking with the hotel staff who made all of this possible. They are very kind people and they surely know how to host an awesome conference! A big shoutout to Mövenpick Marrakech for this one of a kind experience! After this I promptly receive a tour by one of the hotel staff. She shows me the 3 pools, spa and yoga-room.



After this it's time to say goodbye. This has been such an amazing experience and I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of this. I have been treated like a millionaire for the past few days. Tomorrow I will have to go back to being broke! Haha. I'm definetely going to the next trablin event 6 months from now. If anyone of you is going to be there, I'll be happy to meet you!

Big thanks to Trablin for creating this even and Mövenpick Marrakech for this awesome venue!

Thank you for reading! Feel free to follow me and stay up to date with my journey :)

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The Summit Begins! TIS Marrakech [Day 7]

Opening Night Gala - TIS Marrakech [Day 6]

Ouzoud Falls - TIS Marrakech [Day 5]

The secret gardens and street food tour - TIS Marrakech [Day 4]

The house of photography - TIS summit Marrakech [Day 3]

Welcome to Marrakech - TIS Summit Marrakech [Day 2]

I'm officially a travel content creator - TIS summit Marrakech [Day 1]


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