Self-Transformation Journey

A self-transformation journey is never a quick job. If you want to make yourself better, you need to take a holistic view and work around yourself. There is never a quick fix in this journey. There are different types of transformation journeys in life, one is a physical transformation and the other is spiritual. The physical one moves faster but the spiritual one takes like forever, because every time you take 2 steps ahead you will be pulled back one step and you will feel that the movement is very slow.

Anyways lets talk about physical transformation today. I am now 50 years old and I have maintained a standard weight since the last 20 years. My weight moves between 53 kgs and 55 kgs. As soon as it goes above 55, I pull all the strings to bring it down. This weight is not maintained so easily as people think. I have to give up on lot of foods that I would love eating. I have cut out on all processed and junk foods, which includes even all the aerated drinks and packed juices. I do not even remember when was the last time I ever had a coke, pepsi or any of such drinks or even the packed juices. The only food that I have not given up in this category is the chocolates. But I do have it in a very controlled manner. My meals are balanced and I make sure I have proteins in all my meals.


I exercise daily and as my age goes up, my exercise routines are also getting intense. I do cardio, weights, yoga, walks, it is a mix of all. The other important thing I do is regular medical check up to monitor all the vitamin levels and when there is anything in excess or deficient then work on it. I also try to take some sunlight during the day whenever possible.

This is a continuous process for me and just not a one time activity. As we age it becomes important to change our old habits and start with healthy practices. Our body has good ability to heal and be healthy but that only happens when you fuel it with the right foods.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


A self-transformation journey is never a quick job.

Agreed - in fact, I would say that it is more of a life long journey - especially if you are talking about emotional healing and transformation. A continuous work in progress is the way I like to view it, haha!

As for the more practical side of things - fitness and diet, they are also ongoing challenges. I tend to go through stages of being really good about things and then I completely fall off the wagon and go back to so many bad habits haha!

At this stage, I am trying to get back to a weight which I am comfortable with... which is proving a lot of hard work and dedication because I left myself "uncared for" for way too long - so, now I must suffer, lol - although it is not really suffering because you do feel good when you are active on a daily / weekly basis.

I don't have a very big sweet tooth, so I don't struggle too much with that side of things, although... who doesn't enjoy a good chocolate :D

My weakness is CARBS!!!! Oh man, that is my kryptonite, lol. Potatoes, pasta, bread - but ESPECIALLY potatoes!!!! For three years I cut ALL of those things out of my daily eating and I managed to get my weight down to a really good place, but once you break that habit... it is really difficult to get back there again.... which is what I am struggling with now.

It seems to me like you are pretty strict with yourself in terms of maintaining a positive lifestyle, which is really awesome!

As we age, the biggest challenge that we face is about losing weight. In my early years I could easily shed of 1 or 2 kilos within a few days, but now if it goes up, getting it down feels like forever.
This is what I practice, I never cut off anything completely, except for those really unhealthy stuff, else I have it in moderation like potatoes and bread too once in a while, so my body remains used to it. I have see this when people go on extreme diets and when they quit the weight comes back in full vengeance...hahaha.
My Son practices Functional Medicine and Nutrition and I get all my tips from him for a healthy body. He has advised me that when I start my meal I should not start directly with carbs. I should take proteins and fibre first and then following with carbs, this will help a lot in managing weight. May be you can try this out and it can help you

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