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RE: Self-Transformation Journey

in #transformationlast month

A self-transformation journey is never a quick job.

Agreed - in fact, I would say that it is more of a life long journey - especially if you are talking about emotional healing and transformation. A continuous work in progress is the way I like to view it, haha!

As for the more practical side of things - fitness and diet, they are also ongoing challenges. I tend to go through stages of being really good about things and then I completely fall off the wagon and go back to so many bad habits haha!

At this stage, I am trying to get back to a weight which I am comfortable with... which is proving a lot of hard work and dedication because I left myself "uncared for" for way too long - so, now I must suffer, lol - although it is not really suffering because you do feel good when you are active on a daily / weekly basis.

I don't have a very big sweet tooth, so I don't struggle too much with that side of things, although... who doesn't enjoy a good chocolate :D

My weakness is CARBS!!!! Oh man, that is my kryptonite, lol. Potatoes, pasta, bread - but ESPECIALLY potatoes!!!! For three years I cut ALL of those things out of my daily eating and I managed to get my weight down to a really good place, but once you break that habit... it is really difficult to get back there again.... which is what I am struggling with now.

It seems to me like you are pretty strict with yourself in terms of maintaining a positive lifestyle, which is really awesome!


As we age, the biggest challenge that we face is about losing weight. In my early years I could easily shed of 1 or 2 kilos within a few days, but now if it goes up, getting it down feels like forever.
This is what I practice, I never cut off anything completely, except for those really unhealthy stuff, else I have it in moderation like potatoes and bread too once in a while, so my body remains used to it. I have see this when people go on extreme diets and when they quit the weight comes back in full vengeance...hahaha.
My Son practices Functional Medicine and Nutrition and I get all my tips from him for a healthy body. He has advised me that when I start my meal I should not start directly with carbs. I should take proteins and fibre first and then following with carbs, this will help a lot in managing weight. May be you can try this out and it can help you

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