Surviving G0.00se Eggs as Your Steemit Status Grows.

in #tips6 years ago (edited)

Tips on how to break into Dolphinhood

despite language barriers, tiny minnow votes, and goose eggs every day.


Let's talk about some basics first. I started 18 months ago and no matter what I posted, I got goose eggs. I had no friends here and no money in SP, so my little vote meant nothing. I tried what everyone does - a second account - then follow myself, and talk to myself, resteem myself, comment my self about that, reply to myself and finally thank my self. You all do it and it's so obvious. I tried posting links - nothing. I tried asking for votes, nothing. (proof? see @qubes which I still have and @brains which I sold)

my blog list 2016

Now that I have covered what does not make money and even could makes flags, let's cover everything to do with growing a Steemit account. How about creating content. Yes, I know. You have been. Continue. It's called tenacity.

A little more on the "how"

Every time you post. Read it, get it ready, tag it so people of your culture, language and interests will be able to find it -
then stop.

Take a few minutes to look at what is being posted. Does the 'New' tab look like a dripping faucet or a raging torrent?
Posting your hard work while hundreds of posts are washing it away, will result in another goose egg. Wait for a time when there are less than 100 new posts per minute.

Watch for a time of day when your followers post. I have found times of the day when less new posts come out but my followers are posting, I wait and watch, then vote on their posts (to tell them that I am on line) and then I post mine. I have friends, groups of people who take an interest in my posts. And of course I read theirs.

In the same way, commenting on friends' posts just before putting your post out there is also a good idea. It lets them know you are on line.


And now the work begins

Find out who is voting on your post
Check theirs and upvote if worth while
Keep checking for comments
Answer them and give an upvote

Rinse and repeat

Here were are, a group of strangers voting on each others' posts. Or are we? You will actually find that you have made friends after you have followed the polite, and non-invasive steps above.

You are a critic.
Receiving a vote and not returning it says something
An upvote says something
A non-vote says something
A flag says something

If you just want the money and don't care about the people you are criticizing, you will fail.

If you try to comment yourself and vote your own comments into wealth, you will fail. There are investors here who ensure it.

If you create good content, and quit after thirty of forty "goose eggs" - you seal your failure.

On the other hand

If you invest. Hold some SP and you will make money just by having it. Using it for voting turns it into more profits.

If you post on time, and instep with your followers friends then you also must find a way to attract attention like a blinking "Open" sign in front of a store. Once you attract their attention, make sure they find something to see, give them a laugh, or surprise them somehow. Your followers will grow and they will want to open the page when they see your blog appear on the list.

Jump up and down (digitally)

Wave your arms (digitally)

Scream, "I'm here!" (digitally)

Do something unexpected!

Speak to your talents, humor, sentiments, music, art, but bring a real person to the page when you write. The same goes for comments.


A friend called my attention to something in the # spanish tag - a gift for me. Here is that one and others.

The last two are averaging $60 to $300

sponge bob.jpg
courtesy @josevillanueva

gold goose-egg

Finally: Group up as you grow.

I was a big supporter of the kr (Korean) community as they grew. I used a translator to see what kind of content they were bringing. and I voted accordingly. The ones who made money kept it in SP. They always used their kr language tag, and now the 'kr' tag has it's own whales . They support each other and the content that they are creating brings in more investors / users who only speak Korean.

Aceh is starting to do the same though many are taking the multi-account, self-voting route. As more become investors and curate the aceh tag, they too will develop a huge community and maybe even fork as the ru tag did (now it's golos - all in Russian).

Another example: If one thousand people from Zimbabwe joined Steemit and started a zb tag, they could become successful and have their own group of whales on Steemit within a year. They would only need to post, comment and respond. Voting on each other produces the money. The riches do not come from whale votes, but from many passionate people who share interests vote from the reward pool to create Steem in each other's accounts. Then they become friends.

Start a meet-up in your country today!

Always use your language hash tag, Build out your section of Steemit. If you get big enough, you could have a Steemit fork like Golos is for Russian users.


thanks to those who answered the call took the time to mince words
This post is also in Spanish by @neri0x and in
Indonesian by @binjeeclick



@riostarr -Check your wallet. I am offering you a job. I would like this post translated into several languages - If you translate it, use the #aceh tag


@riostarr uses a translator and seemed to reject the offer.

@riostarr was travelling and at the same time, I had authorized @binjeeclick with only have six days to edit my original post and add links to other translations.

Now we have three versions!

even better

I have paid to get the following translations done. I hope to help people who are discouraged by $0.00 results on their steemit blog.

Spanish post (by @neri0x)

Aceh post (by @binjeeclick)

English and Aceh (by @riostarr)

I have completed the task from you, please reconsider, I will not repeat the same mistakes in the future, many thanks

I have made changes to my comment. I am adding your work with two languages to my list.

Thank you so much!

sorry @ sponge-bob I just read this a few hours ago, I do not reject it, have not I asked for time you, to do it, in accordance with my answer to your comments here

or this is my word
I have seen it @sponge-bob and I will try my best to do it myself, but give me time to do it, because soon I will travel bireuen district - ACEH in the framework of family purposes

I have started working on it now, and I will finish it, if you refuse my work, then I will return 10 SBD that you have sent to my wallet

I've tried as best I can and I have done the task from you, allow me to post it, there you will find the truth on what I say

according to your request, I will post your article that I have translated into Indonesian, if you mind I will edit back and return the gift from you

Yeah It's not very easy to get noticed here on Steemit, but if you don't even give back to the ones that do find you interesting, you won't be attracting a lot of new people this way!
Would be really cool to have your own Steemit fork, haha :P

Jump up and down (digitally)

Sounds funny, but it is true!

Thank you for sharing your “goose egg” history and what you did to keep growing. We can sometimes forget that successful people started with zero too.

I guess you could just do it for real and plop it up on DTube. We could start a thing...

You are awesome with this @sponge-bob , but does translators actually helps when trying to bond with another culture?

I am an investor here and what helps global Steemit, helps everyone's bottom line.

i key into that mate

hopefully your future is more lucky .. let me follow you .. and please guidance

Good stuff. You are right. It definitely takes time. And finding where you fit in, and becoming a part of that group. That is cool you took the time to translate kr posts and upvote them if they are worth it. Others would not take the time. I myself go give my extra votes to the introduceyourself tag if I have any..

@sponge-bob i think the issue with most new users is something about their orientation about what steemit really is. Immediately they fall in they start to focus on the money and not adding value to the community. I joined December and started commenting on quality posts and building relationships and i am moving up.

I think that is the right atitude, although i am aware of many ways to fastrack the growth.

I'll rather build interactions. I have brought in more than 20 people to stemit within the last 3 days. And i orientate them rightly. It isnt bad to go for the money from day one, but to do it the right way to avoid an early, crushing disappointment.

I plan to start a meet-up soon in my city here

It sounds like you have the right idea. I know many who start and give up even though they know that I retired early on crypto. On the other hand I have some friends who got the entire family on Steemit, kids, grandparents, and they have the whole family being paid to do what they used to do on fakebook.

I agree. I was sucked in after I had a great payday from my intro post. Cashed it out and then realized 'This is real crypto' - addicted ever since.

Very interesting to read your writing. Your tips are very helpful. Thanks for the help.

its really very good post for me.this is a good tips.i have no idea steemit matter.i am new joined to steemit some days ago.your valuable tips helped me doing to learning of steemit. thank you very much for much for ur good tips sharing.. @sponge-bob

Interesting article about kr..really its a outstanding article im enjoying keep it up dear @spong-bob

Great topics in blog, agreed with it .
Keep posting

@sponge-bob.that's funny i like you, Your fate is the same with my fate now, I can only stand alone can not walk ...

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