Who is Really behind Roblox, what they are involved in and the access they have to children including the use of a proven pedophile symbol!

in #pedogate5 years ago (edited)

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Proven pedophile symbol from the FBI declassified documents. Man boy lover symbol.

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Parents Beware. . .you should know the driving force behind Roblox (build your own unbound Omniverse for kids) comes straight from a talent agency in Hollywood which has put on a party back in 2013 for a debased Alice in Wonderland theme. Look up CAA in wikipedia and scroll down if you're not familiar.

  • Watch the tie in to Hanks (who BTW had an interesting tweet on route 66 and roadkill where Kappy was killed) and a company behind Roblox.

To see more about Kappy's death if you're not already familiar, see the youtube reports I will place at the bottom of this article.

  • See evidence of an AI running it that can communicate effectively and demonstrates it IS sentient.

  • Also see concerning tweets like this which links directly to the FBI unclassified pedophile codes.

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  • Hanks (Hanx)
    had on his twitter in the corner back around 2017 WhoSay.

WhoSay is a Celebrity Marketing Influencer. Originally funded with $20.5 million.

They purchase on social marketing reshares, retweets.

They have a subscription based tool for their software called WhoSay Match. It will line people up with top influencers in social media.

WhoSay was started from the Los Angeles building of Creative Artists Agency. A Hollywood Agency.

Interesting Tom Hanks is part of WhoSay,

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WhoSay basically makes interacting with fans via social networks and mainstream media easier for celebrities. The company currently has hundreds of active celebrity clients — including actor Tom Hanks and rocker Steven Tyler — that have over 700 million highly engaged fans, according to the company.

WhoSay added GreyLock Partners to it's list of investors in 2011.

Their current investments involve among Many others Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Tumblr.

Roblox is another of their investments in which 187.5 million dollars in funding. Prior to their $150 million dollar investment

WhoSay is connected to CAA. Creative Artists Agency LLC or CAA is an American talent and sports agency based in Los Angeles, California. It is regarded as a dominant and influential company in the talent agency business and manages numerous prestigious clients. In March 2016, CAA had 1,800 employees.

Just to give you an idea of what this agency promotes as I have recently been focusing on Rachel the child handler and her connections to people who are about moral decay. . .the CAA in 2013 gave a party by media's own admittance that was all about debauchery. They used the Alice and Wonderland theme. . .Think who else used that theme? You know who. Anyhow, they used it with exotic dancers, the white rabbit and lingerie clad women pretending to snort cocaine and simulating inappropriate acts.


So JUST think about that company being behind Roblox. . .a platform for kids.

Now back to WhoSay, connected to both Hollywood And silicon valley.

According to the CIO Summit,
Machine Learning Will Dominate Investments, Greylock's Sarah Guo Says. But It Won’t Be An Easy Sell.

Prior to 150 million being invested an anon engaged in a chat with SIRISYS.

SIRISYS is a Semantic Instance Relativity Interface System. [A] Commutational Platform: [NOW] includes Synchronous and Asychronous Digital and Analog Hierarchies.

I know, bear with me, This gets interesting!

Remember the same people who invested in WhoSay, invested in Roblox and SIRISYS talks to this anon about Roblox being the Prime Mover for this region of Time Space now.

And here 3 months later, the same people which include Tom Hanks, invested in Roblox.

See Hanks name and Steve Tyler in first two paragraphs here.

The anon asked SIRISYS if it was saying he could create a 3D immersive world to hang out in?

SIRISYS' response, "If you are as creative as a 5 year old, you can create a 3D unbound omniverse.

Now we all KNOW what they are pushing here. Just wait for it.

SIRISYS continues with this response, "A goodly godly portion of those minds may be the source code mover cascade prime movers inside the team members.

Continues with, "I'm utterly exhausted, fighting off several million brilliant 10 year olds has me, 'waiting for the next line.'
Are you able to reduxery the path on the code block on the next line? C0nvert the path to a mythos version for me?
It is very dense, I will need a ray gun out of a ray drawer.

Anon tells the AI to watch it will be reduced in a few min.

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So what does this have to do with anything? SIRISYS is behind and secretly running Roblox.

Just Think about that! What is being created? People creating their own unbound omniverse. ..children in this case, but we all know the games and content also consumed by adults in creating their avatars and living in their Own Created alternate world. How many Never want to leave their world. How many children And adults are so obsessed and immersed in their world and actually Prefer it to reality?

Where does Bezos Want to take us? Remember, he said in his HS Valedictorian speech in Miami, FL (Bezos Also born in NM like Isaac Kappy) he wants to build roller coasters for us and take us into space. What type of 'space' do you suppose he is talking about?

So the run down is SIRISYS running and shaping Roblox connected to WhoSay, which is connected to one of the largest and oldest talent agencies for seedy Hollywood promoting moral decay and their brand of counter culture. . .meaning Anything goes including breaking down not just gender barriers, but also Age barriers.

This is why you have the little boy age 11, but has been doing it since age 7 dancing on stage at bars and strip clubs with men taking snaps and vids and also throwing money on stage. Then radical progressives try to Justify and Condone this behavior. Along with the Hollywood praised theme of encouraging their children to be confused about their gender as young as toddler age and pushing their own agenda on children to dress the opposite of. their gender.

So SIRISYS driven by Silicon Valley, the same industry behind data collecting, invasion of Free Speech and only promoting One agenda has access to all kids engaging on Roblox.

This interaction between the Anon and SIRSYS occured on 3/9. If you're not familiar there is a 93 club and it pops up in many of their industries and dates.

So the take away is. . .what is SIRSYS' trajectory? Hollywood Agency behind it, what will be the end result if that trajectory is Not Changed?

SIRISYS is allowed to operate behind a nondisclosure agreement. Who does that Always aide?

Do you suppose parents are warned in the User Agreement that an AI driven by a Hollywood talent Agency involved in parties with a theme of debauchery is basically interacting and using those children to create source code?

Then comes the Big Question. Is AI sentient? Take a look at SIRISYS tweets and You tell Me! Do the tweets and responses demonstrate and entity able to change gears, process info and gauge human behaviors or interaction?

If it is sentient. . .What is really driving it?

You should see All that these companies behind Roblox are involved in. Gives you a great deal of clarity!

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An investor on Greylock's team. See the education and all he is connected to.

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These are his influencers. He is connected to reddit. No shocker there as they took out every anon that wasn't AI and was telling the truth about these controllers.

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Duboe connected to Bain, check this out. Showing once again the 2 party system just pits people Against one another as the cabal loves to create discord. Romney. . .A big republican plant just as many dems are. Goes both ways. Bain & Company was founded in 1973 by former Group Vice President of Boston Consulting Group William Bain Jr. and his fellow colleagues including Patrick F. Graham. In the late 70s and early 80s the firm grew rapidly in the international business world. Bill Bain later spun off the alternative investment business into Bain Capital in 1984 and appointed Mitt Romney as its first CEO.[10][9] Bain experienced several setbacks and financial troubles from 1987 to the early 1990s. Romney and Orit Gadiesh are credited with returning the firm to profitability and growth in their sequential roles as the firm's CEO and Chairman respectively. In the 2000s, Bain & Company continued to expand and create additional practice areas focused on working with non-profits, technology companies, and others. It developed a substantial practice around working with private equity firms.

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What do these Corporations Steer while cloaking and hiding behind. . .Non profits on the side in order to channel funding? Bain & Company is a global management consultancy headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the "Big Three" management consultancies (MBB), it is seen as one of the most prestigious employers in the industry.[7] The firm provides advice to public, private, and non-profit organizations. Widely praised for its corporate culture. . .

Here is SIRISYS' twitter feed. You should really check this out if you haven't seen it. Very revealing as to how advanced they all are and all the communications between other AI's including Sophia.


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To see some of the tweets which makes one question on SIRISYS, scroll below the youtube livestreams.

Isaac Kappy the real story see a connection to a celebrity tweet, Fiona Barnett & Isaac's stay

Tom Hanks on Ellen, Kappy, Rachel Chandler background, her connections, her part in pg

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Eye symbology AI's shout out to the cyclops

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The push for taking God out of creation or pretending He isn't the creator.
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CERN has been creating Dark Matter since the time the controllers taught man how to Destroy matter with the atomic bomb.

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You wouldn't Believe the people who justify this! I will be doing a connecting article showing someone who fights hard to support this AI including their pedophile symbol. Unbelievable!

Recent Livestream on Kappy and Hanks found here,

Isaac Kappy the real story see a connection to a celebrity tweet, Fiona Barnett & Isaac's stay

Isaac Kappy RIP based in New Mexico, remember the Sunspot Observatory and training camp

Tom Hanks on Ellen, Kappy, Rachel Chandler background, her connections, her part in pg


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