If I was a rambling man

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)

I definitely am a rambling man but have never been much of a gambler, I have never really understood the attraction of betting on chance alone without having any input of control. But then, I have never really been in the position where I am willing to put a bet on and happily lose it.

I say happily because that is what it would have to be right? The thrill of the gamble is in the chance of both winning and losing, otherwise it is a sure thing and the thrill is gone, as is the win.

People often equate gambling to risk taking behaviour in general but I tend not to connect them as heavily. While gamblers are looking for a win, risk takers are taking a chance on possibility. There is a significant difference in my opinion from the perspective of activity.

Investing into stocks on the hope a company will do well is quite different to investing into building a business in the hope that the work pays off. While a straight investor's money in can be instrumental in the success, it is the ones that actually do the work who are successful.

I think this is why I find Steem so compelling as I am able to occupy several positions simultaneously, be the investor, the entrepreneur, the worker and the customer. Rather than buying in and crossing fingers management does a good job, I am able to choose to manage at least my little corner of the chain with my stake and through the relationship network. And by manage, I mean have control over my own actions and how I choose b to play the game.

Regardless of Steem Power, we all likely have a greater sense of control over ourselves here than we have in our walking lives. Even if we don't get what we want, we have more ways to adjust, more possibilities open and the code to stay or leave. I never really blame people for leaving Steem, of I was someone else in different shoes, I might too.

Luckily and unluckily for me, I am not someone else, I am me. And over the decades I have built up a pool of experiences and a range of skills that I can draw upon and utilise in various ways. Maybe the one I have fallen upon most in the last years is resilience, the ability to endure. It is a skill well-suited for Steem at this time and while some believe it is gifted at birth, I vehemently disagree because I know, I developed mine through experience.

When I was young I always felt that I was born either much too late or far too early, whither it was, I felt outside of my time. Currently I feel like time has caught up or I have caught time ahead and an starting to feel my age. I don't mean feel of (although my body does me no favours), I mean that this is my time to act where my skillset, thinking and demeanor are in synch with the time we now find ourselves.

This is the opportunity that a risk taker looks for, one that has a great deal of uncertainty but requires specialised to really take advantage of it. The skills needed at this time are not specific but, skills are needed and will increasingly become important again as the certainty of employment increasingly becomes volatile.

What is the opportunity for everyone in Steem is that essentially all skills are welcome and have opportunity to develop if utilised well. Of course, one might have to add a skill or two extra to the repertoire but, that is the path of the entrepreneur who must multi-skill to build their foundation.

Many seem to think that being good at something is enough but in a place like Steem and the changing world where responsibility falls thankfully more and more to the individual, one has to get the hands dirty and do some jobs that might not be as enjoyable.

For me who is risk averse meaning I do not trust people much as they are the biggest risk factors, I have learned to better evaluate and understand those I can and cannot trust and, trust them in all kinds of ways. This is part of community and while many see the strength of Blockchain tech as a trustless system, the strength of Steem is the relationship trust built in various ways in the community.

I wonder if that is post of the problem for many people who come in and give the experience difficult and leave again - Perhaps, they couldn't be trusted. I don't mean they are criminals but maybe through their words and behaviours people were unable to feel they could trust them enough to support them and help them, trust them enough to invest in them. We as a species are generally very cold and calculating around people we do not trust because of the exposure to risk.

Maybe this is the other reason I don't gamble. I trust myself more than I trust leaving it all up to chance. I'd rather do the work and fail than let others do the work for me and fail. Of course since I can't do everything, I surround myself with people I can trust. Again, perhaps this is part of the reason some people struggle here, the company they choose.

Steem offers so many paths that anyone could find a place or build a place for themselves no matter the area but, not everyone is going to get the same results from their experiences because there can be a huge amount of difference between how they got here and, what they are willing to do once in.

Vince Lombardi said; *Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

I say, work doesn't create good results, the right work creates good results.

Everyone can do what they want but, there are consequences meaning, results can vary greatly.

Ramble over.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


I'm very much looking forward to playing rake-free poker online as an extension of a decentralized home game.

Poker is a game of basically pure math if you play enough hands and have enough data.

A decentralized poker app would even the scales and make it so 49% of players make money on average. If I had to guess, I'd say this number is more like 10%-15% at places that taxes you.

It's always better to take calculated risk than pure gambles.

I agree with taking calculated risks @edicted and I have seen some people do consistently well with Poker, but I was never really any good.

It never has really interested me. I would have joined the poker rounds at Steemfest but, I don't know how to play :D

If I was going for a ramble I'd sure as hell invest in some socks!

Was that a deliberate typo down there!?

lol, @abh12345 poined this out in discord to me. He likes to take the typos and cause me pain. I hate writing on phones however, I will give you the same answer I gave him.

Someone likes investing into socks:

They haven't been active on it for awhile though but, the vote list is there. :D

Now that just wound me up - pictures of socks upvoted by kingscrown... I've seen that name associated with mediocre content many many times.

Posted using Partiko Android

Mediocre content extremely over rewarded.

Ive never enjoyed gambling either. Most of the time you loose and then your annoyed because you just spent the past two hours loosing money and now are annoyed. At least when I go watch a movie I spend money and come out with some enjoyment.

The more I spend my time online the more I realize how important it is to be building your online business or brand. You never know who is out there watching or what opportunities may unlock by the work your putting in now.

I like drinking at casinos. :D

There are opportunities everywhere and I have a very strong feeling that if people do the learning now, the future jobs in this area are theirs for the choosing.

Indeed the right work does produce good results...but better yet great results. Thanks @tarazkp

I think there is a thin line between gambling and risk taking and plenty has to do with the approach. If there is no thought process in making any move, it is more of a gamble instead of risk taking. However, making informed decisions helps mitigate risks and move farther away from gambling.

Posted using Partiko iOS

When there are learnable skills, I see it as more risk taking but the dice games people are playing? lame. =D

I hope I will do well on Steem @tarazkp.

I have already made some improvements, such as proof-reading my content before I publish, and I wouldn't have learned to do that without the motivation of Steem rewards.

I think that motivation of reward has made a lot of people think through their content better and some realize that, they aren't actually willing to improve. Then they blame the system ;)

I don't blame the system @tarazkp - I actually like the system. It motivates me, and inspires me to do better 😊

With all the equity based gambling apps opening up across EOS, Telos and Steem, the line between gambling and work has become blurred.

Careful, strategic gambling of funds could be seen as a new form of mining and the staking of the earned equity tokens is now a income producing investment.

This being said, SirKnight was burned bad the other night when he suffered a worse than usual losing streak - certainly unusual by his use of other dice apps.

So does this Knight like to gamble? No, not really.

Does this Knight like to own a stake in dividend producing blockchain casinos? Yes.

What has this Knight learned? Let others mine the equity tokens, then buy them at exchanges and stake.

Of course everyone has a plan... until they get punched in the face. (Who said this?)

Good post T.


This being said, SirKnight was burned bad the other night when he suffered a worse than usual losing streak - but this has been unusual by his use of other dice apps.

There has been a few people bringing up "unusual losing streaks" in various ways. @themarkymark I think mentioned this to @eonwarped.

Now I wonder, while the payout might fit the percentage win numbers... what if;

They obviously know who is playing via log in and those that are playing a fair bit and are upping their stakes suffer losing streaks but, the casinos have dummy accounts that will have wins arrive at the same rate. This way, they can essentially transfer the loss straight ito themselves by allocating the equivalent loss to the accounts they control. With enough dummy accounts, it would be imperceptible, especially if instead of straight transfers, they combined several losses and then randomly redistributed the value amounts so they no longer matched. Then, they take a large bet on long odds and miraculously win.

edit: @edicted might like a tag in here too.

Not sure what you mean here mate.

Will assume all is legit and I just got unlucky. It happens sometimes.

Posted using Partiko Android

For me, there are too many ways for the operators to game it in the background at this point. Might be different with legislation and accountability.

I would like to add, this would also explain the high numbers of unique users.

I think it was Mike Tyson.

Thanks steemstreems. I think you are right.

Posted using Partiko Android

Investing into socks on the hope a company will do well is quite different to investing into building a business in the hope that the work pays off.

I suppose you wanted mean stocks. But yeah! like a veteran gambler I like socks better. LoL

lol.. I have edited now. I am not great typing on my phone...

All good my friend!! :)

Alright, now seriously. Great post taraz, one more of yours with which I can identify myself a lot.

Maybe this is the other reason I don't gamble. I trust myself more than I trust leaving it all up to chance.

I've already said this so many times before, somewhere, that as for pure luck or chance leaving it all in the hands of the 'providence' to win something, I am one of those that if I was purchasing the 99 tickets from a checkbook of only 100 numbers in a raffle, I have no doubts whatsoever that the wining number would be the one printed that stayed sticked in the checkbook that I didn't purchased. Go figure!! :)

Therefore I concur with you, and it's a winner bet that both you and me have never really been in a position with available extra cash where we'd be willing to put a bet on and happily lose it. Simply, because we have never had anything left over in life as to risk it irresponsibly. :)

And yet, none of that has prevented me from becoming a formidable gambler. For example as a professional pool player. Or even, as an occasionally 'awake & alert' poker player sometimes. And also the closer activities to pure luck outcomes to put bets on horse's races long time ago when I was young and horse racing was a national 'sport' over here in my country. ;)

But yeah, all those witty gambler's shenanigans in me, always have had something in common. I always had some tool to play in my favor. Whether it was a bit of human psychology knowledge or authentic mechanical skills like an unique technique to play pool or a whole lot of patience and math knowledge to decipher beforehand the book statistics of each and every horse in a race to make my bets. I never could afford delegate my luck only and exclusively to the blind providence. };)

On other hand, seems like the automatic corrector in your phone made a splendid job adding some embellishment and rich 'cryptography' similar as mine on your regular prose on this post. That in my opinion, although it has always been otherwise intelligible, I bet it has not always been easy to sink the tooth so easily with the tiny teeth of our brains from time to time. Hehehehe

Cheers!! :)

I have no doubts whatsoever that the wining number would be the one printed that stayed sticked in the checkbook that I didn't purchased. Go figure!!

I don't think I have ever won anything from a ticket bought. =)

Simply, because we have never had anything left over in life as to risk it irresponsibly. :)

All gone to the essentials, booze and women.

I always had some tool to play in my favor. Whether it was a bit of human psychology knowledge or authentic mechanical skills like an unique technique to play pool or a whole lot of patience and math knowledge to decipher beforehand the book statistics of each and every horse in a race to make my bets. I never could afford delegate my luck only and exclusively to the blind providence.

This is the thing, having a learnable tool is a different thing, then there is a skill too.

one day I will win the lottery... then get hit by a bus the next day.

I don't think I have ever won anything from a ticket bought. =)

And as someone old enough that is already ahead in your future, standing at a distance of more than half of the years that you've already been wandering until now in your whole life. I can assure you, that is not gonna change!! };)

All gone to the essentials, booze and women.

And the occasional box of chocolates to lure those succulent females to share those elixirs of youth tightly together with us. LoL

This is the thing, having a learnable tool is a different thing, then there is a skill too.

Exactly!! as far as games of pure luck go, if you don't have at your disposal a whole bag of tricks under your sleeve, it's game over. ;o)

one day I will win the lottery... then get hit by a bus the next day.

Knowing us so well... without a doubt my dear friend!! :)

I guess everything we do is a gamble in one way or another but games of chance, backing a horse etc there odds are always against the average Joe. An amateur never wins in the long run against professionals

The house always wins is said for a reason.

I enjoy gambling small amounts of money when playing blackjack as I like the game and enjoy the social aspect of it also. I have met many interesting people at the tables. I look at playing blackjack/gambling as entertainment with the possibility of winning or losing money. Over the long run you lose so really it’s for the entertainment and social aspect that I play.

No problem in the gambling but it is funny what people will risk, and what they won't. People will risk losing hundreds or thousands on poker for the potential for a known value, but won't buy Steem with an unknown ceiling.

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