Before the flood - a must see documentary

in #thoughts8 years ago (edited)

Last night I watched the new Leonardo Dicaprio release, Before the Flood. This was about climate change and thought I'm an environmental scientist, I wasn't that aware of how serious these climatic extreme events and forest destruction was. You can watch the trailer, or if you have time, the full movie.

I don't want to believe in global warming, climate change or ocean acidification either, but I see that humans are abusing on planet Earth and of course that will cause major impacts! Is it so difficult to see?!

Guess we all can make some changes in our lives to contribute to this main purpose. This is some of my past and present contributions to the planet Earth:

  • Recycle (for 20 years and counting)
  • Never (ever) trough garbage to the floor (unfortunately in Portugal they're a couple of people that don't care)
  • Environmental sensibilization on natural vegetation vs invasive plants. This is also my area of expertise :)
  • Plant native plants (not much as needed)
  • Buy less red meats
  • Always preferred local products
  • Sometimes I buy organic, not much as I wanted (it is expensive for me)
  • I'm getting in a minimal process, so I don't buy clothes or other stuff that I don't really need. (I don't change phone, pc or other gadgets just because there's a new hot extra feature or something like that).

I thought the Steemit community could also embrace this project and start sharing ideas of how to make this planet better.

What you think?!


What do I think?
I think it's bogus.
Leonardo Dicaprio is an Actor.
Like Lawyers and Politicians Actors are liars.
He's also a hypocrite.
He does NOT practice what he preaches.

Agreed, anyone that seriously researches global warming (oh, the earth didn't warm after we called it that so let's call it climate change instead) knows that it is simply more Gov't, scientific and mainstream media propaganda.

Thanks for your opinion.
I understand that's easier to think all this is something invented for some "lunatic persons" and judging Leonardo style of life are "very good" excuses to keep doing the same.

I've read Leo on Twitter and he is constantly campaigning for the planet. I've always been a big fan of his movies - I will check this one out ;) Thank you.

I don't know much about Leo, but a friend told me once he was as an environmentalist for a long time, and one day I've heard about a Foundation. He's doing much more for the planet than other actors (at least that I'm aware). I also appreciate his movies and I totally recommend this documentary. ​

I know he's been doing it for years after reading a book on his life. His mother instilled the Mother Earth sense within him. ....and my favourite movie of his: Inception :))

Glad for him for having such a woman as mum!

When I think in Leo's movies, I always think on Inception, not in Titanic. Guess it's my favorite too. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is one of the other actors present in Inception and I also love some of his movies ((500) Dias com Summer and 50/50). This is giving me another idea for a post on steemit :p

500 Days of Summer is a GREAT movie :) Inception nearly blew my mind, but not quite ;)

See the first three comments on this?? That's why we'll never fix it. People love to deny their wrongs and put the responsibility elsewhere. The trend any more is that people who try to change our horrible habits of society are the bad guys. Scientists present their data and people just accuse them of pushing their agenda... even though the only scientific data the accusers themselves have are fucking internet memes and politician quotes. It's a sad state of affairs.

Yes, it's definitely easier to put responsibilities elsewhere and to judge Leonardo style of life and keep doing the same. But what really matters on this movie is the message and the images around the world. Is it so difficult to see that human people are abusing on planet Earth?!
For me, it's kind of obvious and I feel so much better with my conscience when I do things right, and that means, minimizing my impacts on planet Earth.

If, and its a big if, "climate change" is anthropogenic, man-made, human induced, than there is absolutely no turning back at all. I'm as in-tune with nature as anyone can be living in western society, and I've seen that there is no convincing people to reduce their lifestyles to anywhere near the levels of CO2 emissions that scientists say are needed to reverse the effects. The choice is one of these

  1. everyone, I men everyone alive on earth goes back to the 1800's lifestyle
  2. we find a way to eliminate 5 billion + people off the planet.

I might be a cynic, but neither of those things are going to happen. If they do happen, it will be because of a TEOTWAWKI event, or some other cataclysmic event that we can't foresee.

Leo is just trying to make enough money for his next yacht. I don't think you should follow such a man. He lives like a king while asking you to reduce your lifestyle to that of a peasant.

Thanks for your comment.

I don't follow Leo in particularity, but I think he gave a very good contribute just doing this movie because the message is what matters. I really don't care if he lives like a king. I'm not responsible for anyone acts, only for my owns, and I will do everything that I can to reduce my impact on Earth (and if possible take others to do the same).

And that is commendable action. Live how you want to live, and do unto others. Cheers

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