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RE: Before the flood - a must see documentary

in #thoughts8 years ago

See the first three comments on this?? That's why we'll never fix it. People love to deny their wrongs and put the responsibility elsewhere. The trend any more is that people who try to change our horrible habits of society are the bad guys. Scientists present their data and people just accuse them of pushing their agenda... even though the only scientific data the accusers themselves have are fucking internet memes and politician quotes. It's a sad state of affairs.


Yes, it's definitely easier to put responsibilities elsewhere and to judge Leonardo style of life and keep doing the same. But what really matters on this movie is the message and the images around the world. Is it so difficult to see that human people are abusing on planet Earth?!
For me, it's kind of obvious and I feel so much better with my conscience when I do things right, and that means, minimizing my impacts on planet Earth.

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