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RE: Before the flood - a must see documentary

in #thoughts8 years ago

If, and its a big if, "climate change" is anthropogenic, man-made, human induced, than there is absolutely no turning back at all. I'm as in-tune with nature as anyone can be living in western society, and I've seen that there is no convincing people to reduce their lifestyles to anywhere near the levels of CO2 emissions that scientists say are needed to reverse the effects. The choice is one of these

  1. everyone, I men everyone alive on earth goes back to the 1800's lifestyle
  2. we find a way to eliminate 5 billion + people off the planet.

I might be a cynic, but neither of those things are going to happen. If they do happen, it will be because of a TEOTWAWKI event, or some other cataclysmic event that we can't foresee.

Leo is just trying to make enough money for his next yacht. I don't think you should follow such a man. He lives like a king while asking you to reduce your lifestyle to that of a peasant.


Thanks for your comment.

I don't follow Leo in particularity, but I think he gave a very good contribute just doing this movie because the message is what matters. I really don't care if he lives like a king. I'm not responsible for anyone acts, only for my owns, and I will do everything that I can to reduce my impact on Earth (and if possible take others to do the same).

And that is commendable action. Live how you want to live, and do unto others. Cheers

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